Abbey, Lynn |
Cinnabar Shadows |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-25-1995 |
Abeel, Erica |
Women Like Us |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Alborough, Jez |
There's Something at the Mail Slot |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-03-1995 |
Alexander, Colin |
Lady of Ice and Fire |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Allan, Margaret |
The Last Mammoth |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Amidon, Stephen |
The Primitive |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Anderson, Kevin J. |
Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina |
Space Opera / SO |
Jul-01-1995 |
Ankrum, Barbara |
Almost Paradise |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Anthony, Laura |
Raleigh and the Rancher |
SR-1092 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Applegate, Katherine |
July's Promise |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Applegate, Katherine |
Forever |
Romance / R |
Jul-01-1995 |
Archer, Nathan |
Ragnarok |
Space Opera / SO |
Jul-01-1995 |
Armstrong, Campbell |
Jigsaw |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Armstrong, Lindsay |
Dangerous Deceiver |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
August, Elizabeth |
The Bridal Shower |
SR-1091 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Aymar, Brandt |
Men in the Air |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-26-1995 |
Baker, Philip |
Blood Posse |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Barbour, Anne |
My Cousin Jane |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jul-01-1995 |
Barker, Clive |
Sacrament |
Horror / HORR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Barnett, Jill |
A Knight in Tarnished Armor |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Baxter, Mary Lynn |
Boot Scootin' |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bean, Frederic |
Pancho and Black Jack |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Beaton, M.C. |
Death of a Nag |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jul-01-1995 |
Beaumont, Nina |
Tapestry of Dreams |
HH-278 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bedford, Deborah / Bedford, Debbi |
Chickadee |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Behr, Ira Steven |
The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition |
Space Opera / SO |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bennett, Cherie |
Sunset Fling |
Romance / R |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bentley, Pauline |
Penruthin's Wife |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Billias, Stephen |
Ravengers |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bingham, Lisa |
Sweet Defiance |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bird, Beverly |
A Man Without a Wife |
SIM-652 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bischoff, David |
The Deity-Father |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Black, Veronica |
A Vow of Devotion |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Blanchard, Arlene |
The Dump Truck |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-03-1995 |
Blanchard, Arlene |
The Tug Boat |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-03-1995 |
Block, Barbara |
Twister |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Dangerous to Know |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Brady, John |
The Good Life |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jul-01-1995 |
Brayfield, Celia |
Harvest |
Romance / R |
Jul-01-1995 |
Breeze, Paul A. |
In Harm's Way |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Breton, Marcela |
Rhythm and Revolt: Tales of the Antilles |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Brooks, Betty |
Warrior's Destiny |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Brooks, Caryl |
Empty Summer |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Brown, Nick |
Virtual Destruction |
Horror / HORR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Brown, Sandra |
The Witness |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jul-05-1995 |
Browne, Lydia |
Summer Lightning |
JH |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Brownley, Margaret |
Petticoats and Pistols |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bryant, Bonnie |
Flying Horse |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Buchan, James |
The Golden Plough |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bukiet, Melvin Jules |
While the Messiah Tarries |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Bunting, Eve |
Night Tree |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Burns, Rex |
Blood Line |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jul-01-1995 |
Byrne, Robert |
Thrill |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cail, Carol |
Unsafe Keeping |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-15-1995 |
Campbell, Eric |
The Place of Lions |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Carr, John Dickson |
The Emperor's Snuff-Box |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Carr, Sally |
A Captive Heart |
MB-4326 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Casanova, Nick |
The Machiavellian's Guide to Womanizing |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cash, Angela |
Rich in Romance |
SWD-229 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Chadwick, Elizabeth |
First Knight |
Historical / H |
Jul-01-1995 |
Chandler, Elizabeth |
Kissed by an Angel |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Churchill, Jill |
From Here to Paternity |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Clair, Daphne |
Edge of Deception |
HP-1749 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Claremont, Chris |
Wolverine |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jul-11-1995 |
Clark, Catherine |
The Day I Met Him |
BL-5 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Clayton, Alana |
A Gifted Lady |
ZR |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jul-01-1995 |
Clayton, Jo |
The Burning Ground |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cockrell, Amanda |
Daughter of the Sky |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cody, Denee |
The Conquered Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Coffin, M.T. |
Where Have All the Parents Gone? |
Horror / HORR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Coffman, Elaine |
A Ribbon of Moonlight |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Collington, Peter |
The Tooth Fairy |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-10-1995 |
Collins, Max Allan |
Waterworld |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Connolly, Ray |
Shadows on a Wall |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Corris, Peter |
Wet Graves |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cox, Greg |
The Armor Trap |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Coyle, Neva |
A Door of Hope |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cresswell, Jasmine |
Prince of the Night |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Criswell, Millie |
Wild Heather |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Crompton, Anne / Crompton, Anne Eliot |
Rainbow Pony |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cross, Caroline |
Operation Mommy |
SD-939 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cross, Charlene |
Everlasting |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cruise, Beth |
May the Best Team Win |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Cruise, Beth |
Picture Perfect |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dalmas, John |
The Lion of Farside |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dalton, Kit |
Morgan's Squaw |
Historical / H |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dancer, Rex |
Postcard from Hell |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Daniels, Rebecca |
Tears of the Shaman |
SIM-654 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dantz, William R. |
Nine Levels Down |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Davis, Bart |
The Midnight Partner |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
De Graaf, Anne |
Bread upon the Waters |
Christian / CH |
Jul-01-1995 |
DeFelice, Jim |
The Silver Bullet |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Deitz, Tom |
Ghostcountry's Wrath |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Devine, Angela |
Dark Pirate |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Devine, Thea |
Secret Pleasures |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Devon, Gary |
Wedding Night |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
DeWeese, Gene |
Into the Nebula |
Space Opera / SO |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dier, Debra |
The Sorcerer's Lady |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jul-1995 |
Dietz, William C. |
The Final Battle |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Disney, Walt |
Disney's Pocahontas |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee |
Arranged Marriage |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dixon, Franklin W. |
Peak of Danger |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dobyns, Stephen |
Saratoga Fleshpot |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dobyns, Stephen |
Saratoga Trifecta |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dokey, Cameron |
Blue Moon |
Horror / HORR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Donald, Robyn |
Prince of Lies |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-14-1995 |
Douglas, Charlotte |
It's About Time |
HAR-591 |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Doyle, Debra; MacDonald, James D. |
The Gathering Flame |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dreyer, Eileen |
Bad Medicine |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Duke, Elizabeth |
To Catch a Playboy |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-14-1995 |
Duncan, Judith |
The Return of Eden McCall |
SIM-651 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Dupre, Judith |
The Mouse Bride |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-02-1995 |
Dybek, Stuart |
Childhood and Other Neighborhoods |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Eberhardt, Michael C. |
Against the Law |
Legal Thriller / LT |
Jul-01-1995 |
Edwards, T.J. |
The Haunted Soccer Field |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Elliott, Elizabeth |
The Warlord |
BF |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Elliott, Robin |
Mother at Heart |
SSE-968 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Ephron, Delia |
Hanging Up |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Estleman, Loren D. |
Edsel |
Mystery / M |
Jul-01-1995 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and the John Bull Feud |
Historical / H |
Jul-01-1995 |
Fairchild, Elisabeth |
Lord Endicott's Appetite |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jul-01-1995 |
Fancher, Jane S. |
Ring of Lightning |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-10-1995 |
Felske, Coerte V.W. |
The Shallow Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Ferrars, E.X. / Ferrars, Elizabeth |
A Hobby of Murder |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Ferrigno, Robert |
Dead Man's Dance |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Feyrer, Gayle |
Prince of Cups |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Fielding, Joy |
Don't Cry Now |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Findley, Nigel |
House of the Sun |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Flanagan, Erin |
Amelia's Story |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Flanders, Rebecca |
Secret of the Wolf |
SS-54 |
Gothic / GO |
Jul-01-1995 |
Fletcher, Donna |
The Buccaneer |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Fontes, Justine Korman |
Babe: A Little Pig Goes a Long Way: The Movie Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-18-1995 |
Ford, Ford Madox |
Provence: From Minstrels to the Machine |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Foster, Alan Dean |
Life Form |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Fox, Natalie |
Promise of Passion |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Frankel, Valerie |
A Body to Die for |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jul-01-1995 |
Freiman, Kate |
Here to Stay |
SSE-971 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Frost, Mark |
The Six Messiahs |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Furie, Ruthe |
If Looks Could Kill |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gay, Anne |
To Bathe in Lightning |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gear, Kathleen O'Neal |
Thin Moon and Cold Mist |
Historical / H |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gentry, Jane |
No Kids or Dogs Allowed |
SSE-972 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
George, Catherine |
A Family Secret |
HR-3368 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Giff, Patricia Reilly |
Adios, Anna |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gilbert, Michael |
Ring of Terror |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gill, Anton |
An Honourable Defeat |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-17-1995 |
Gill, Judy / Gill, Judy Griffith |
Twice the Trouble |
LS-747 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gillgannon, Mary |
Leopard's Lady |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gilliam, Robert |
The Book of Kings |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gilmore, Monique |
Hearts Afire |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Girardi, Robert |
Madeleine's Ghost |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Golden, Christopher |
Angel Souls and Devil Hearts |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Golden, Christopher |
Beach Blanket Psycho |
Horror / HORR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gordon, Gaelyn |
Why Some Things Happen in Our Town |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gordon, Neil |
Sacrifice of Isaac |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gray, Gallagher |
Death of a Dream Maker |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gray, Muriel |
The Trickster |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Green, Sharon |
Wind Whispers, Shadow Shouts |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Greenberg, Martin H. |
Cat Crimes Take a Vacation |
Mystery / M |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gregory, Philippa |
A Respectable Trade |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Griffith, Nicola |
Slow River |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Gunnarsson, Thorarinn |
Dragonking of Mystara |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hagger, Nicholas |
Smell of Leaves and Summer: Collected Stories |
Literary / L |
Jul-01-1995 |
Haley, Wendy |
White Light |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hand, Elizabeth |
Waking the Moon |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hands, John |
Darkness at Dawn |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Harper, Brian |
Deadly Pursuit |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Harrington, Alexis |
Enchanted |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Harrington, William |
The Helter Skelter Murders |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Haynes, Betsy |
Too Many Guys |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-04-1995 |
Haynes, Betsy |
Deadly Deception |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Haywood, Gar Anthony |
Bad News Travels Fast |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Jul-01-1995 |
Heller, Jane |
The Club |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Heller, Ruth |
How to Hide a Parakeet and Other Birds |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-18-1995 |
Henrick, Richard P. |
The Phoenix Odyssey |
Suspense / S |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hightower, Lynn S. |
Alien Rites |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hillier, David |
Storm Within |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hoffmann, Kate |
Never Love a Cowboy |
HT-546 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hoh, Diane |
Captives |
Horror / HORR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Holdstock, Robert |
The Hollowing |
Fantasy / F |
Jul-01-1995 |
Holleman, Gary L. |
Demon Fire |
Horror / HORR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Holliday, Arlene |
Summer Wind |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Holton, Hugh |
Windy City |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jul-1995 |
Hongo, Garrett |
Under Western Eyes |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Horowitz, Jordan |
Free Willy 2 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Horsman, Jennifer |
A Kiss in the Night |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hotchkiss, Bill |
Yosemite |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hover, Margo |
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Howard, Elizabeth Jane |
The Light Years |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Howell, Hannah |
Only for You |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hughes, Francine |
The Amazing Panda Adventure |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hughes, Richard |
Wooden Shepherdess |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-20-1995 |
Hunter, Emily |
A Child's First Book of Virtues |
Christian / CH |
Jul-01-1995 |
Hurd, Jerrie |
Miss Ellie's Purple Sage Saloon |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Huston, Paula |
Daughters of Song |
General Fiction / GF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Ice, Kathy |
Tapestries |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Jul-01-1995 |
Jac, Cheryln |
Night's Immortal Touch |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Jackson, Elizabeth |
Rogue's Delight |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jul-01-1995 |
James, Ellen |
A Kiss Too Late |
HS-651 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jul-01-1995 |
Jaspersohn, William |
Native Angels |
Private Investigator / PI |
Jul-01-1995 |