In an attempt to win back his wayward wife, a distraught husband follows his spouse into the nihilistic Southern California underground, where he encounters a dreamlike cast of characters, including bodybuilders, paraphiliacs, and drug dealers. Re...
Quinn, a former investigative reporter who got burned by a source two years ago, teams up with sultry Jen Takamura to find a killer amidst the decadent streets of Hollywood. By the author of
Linked together by a crime some thirty years old, five men find themselves engaged in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse when one of them, in an effort to bury the past, decides to kill the others. Reprint....
There are two people in Nick's hot tub. One is Nick's wife. The other is his former best friend. They are very naked and very dead. Some of the cops think the killer is someone very close to Nick. The others are sure the killer is Nick. Where's...
After retaliating against a drug lord, savvy, street-tough Val Duran flees to Hollywood. Meanwhile, an L.A. playboy beds a gorgeous redhead and wakes up with a psychopath trying to kill him. Neither Val nor Kilo know it yet, but they are on a collisi...
Philip Marlow and Lew Archer would recognize a kindred spirit in Jimmy Gage, reporter for SLAP magazine, troublemaker by trade and inclination, and the hero of Robert Ferrigno’s sinuous new crime novel. While taking part in a Hollywood scavenger hu...
When Frank Thorpe, a deeply moral former undercover operative, sees a hard-charging art dealer knock down a Latino child at LAX airport, he decides to teach him a lesson. But Thorpe's plans get a little out of hand, and he becomes immersed in a crimi...
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO AMERICA IF THE EXTREMISTS WON? SEATTLE, 2040. The Space Needle lies crumpled. Veiled women hurry through the streets. Alcohol is outlawed, replaced by Jihad Cola, and mosques dot the skyline. New York and Washington, D.C., are n...
Colossal in concept, dazzlingly plotted, filled with vivid, jaw-dropping violence, Sins of the Assassin confirms Robert Ferrigno as the modern master of the futuristic thriller. In the second book of Ferrigno's spectacular Assassin Trilogy, Rakk...
Prepare for edge-of-your-seat suspense in this Thriller Short.Originally published in THRILLER 2 (2009),edited by #1 New York Times bestselling author Clive Cussler.In this Thriller Short, bestselling author Robert Ferrigno, offers a humorous look at...
The year is 2045 and a warrior battles to save America from an Islamic mastermind in this smart and violent futuristic thriller from New York Times bestselling author Robert Ferrigno. Time is running out for the Islamic Republic and the Bible Belt...
"The Girl Who Cried a swift thriller and a wickedly funny satire of the more fuzzyheaded wing of the environmental movement."-The Seattle TimesGetting kidnapped on a visit to Seattle wasn't in Remy Brandt's agenda. A tightly-wound L.A. ente...