Richard Hughes's celebrated short novel is a masterpiece of concentrated narrative. Its dreamlike action begins among the decayed plantation houses and overwhelming natural abundance of late nineteenth-century Jamaica, before moving out onto the high...
Augusten is a young man from an aristocratic family, struggling to make sense of a world devastated by the Great War. The enemy abroad may have been defeated, but when he finds himself implicated in the death of a young girl, he becomes targeted as t...
A story which opens in the 1920s, telling of the idyllic Jamaican childhood enjoyed by four children, but their parents decide to send them to England for their education. En route, however, their ship is intercepted by pirates, and the children lea...
The Wooden Shepherdess is the sequel to The Fox in the Attic, and the second volume of Richard Hughes’s monumental historical fiction, “The Human Predicament.” It opens with Hughes’s hero Augustine in prohibition era America, where he is a...
A tale of enormous suspense and growing horror, The Fox in the Attic is the widely acclaimed first part of Richard Hughes’s monumental historical fiction, “The Human Predicament.” Set in the early 1920s, the book centers on Augustine, a young...
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and...
Adventures in time and space! Twelve time travel stories from the golden age of American comic books. Boardman Books' "character" collections bring together the adventures of rather obscure golden ago comic book characters in single volumes. The poin...
Adventures Into the Unknown was an American comic-book magazines series best known as the medium's first ongoing horror-comics title.published by the American Comics Group, initially under the imprint B&I Publishing, it ran 174 issues (cover-dated Fa...
1975: Six-year old Jake lives near the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Buzzards Bay, a poor kid who wistfully watches the cadets. Will he put his thoughts into action? Written by an alumnus with a revisionist recollection of the Academy's last all-...
A small used car dealer tries to make ends meet from his dealership in tiny Truro, Massachusetts, population 2000. Truro is a beautiful beach community of sand dunes and ocean views.Cape Car Blues is the story of how 6-year old Mikey Mayflower acts o...
‘A delightful journey through gentler, happier times " Richard Hughes does for the cure of souls what James Herriot once did for the cure of sick animals’ Michael Poulton, Tony Award Nominee Richard’s ordination to the sacred ministry is life...