Adler, C.S. |
Footsteps on the Stairs |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Alcock, Vivien |
The Haunting of Cassie Palmer |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Aldyne, Nathan |
Cobalt |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-1982 |
Alexander, Lloyd |
The Kestrel |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-1982 |
Alexander, Megan |
Contract for Marriage |
HS-17 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Allen, Jeffrey |
The Secret Life of Mr. Weird |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Allyne, Kerry |
Valley of Lagoons |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-09-1982 |
Ammons, A.R. |
A Coast of Trees |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-14-1982 |
Anno, Mitsumasa |
Anno's Britain |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-23-1982 |
Ashfield, Helen |
Regency Rogue |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Ashley, Faye |
Adam's Daughter |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Auel, Jean M. |
The Valley of Horses |
Historical / H |
Apr-13-1982 |
Bach, Alice |
Waiting for Johnny Miracle |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Barnes, Margaret Campbell |
The King's Fool |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Barzman, Ben |
Rich Dreams |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Beckman, Patti |
Bitter Victory |
SSE-13 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Behn, Harry |
The Faraway Lurs |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Bernard, Dorothy Ann |
A Question of Trust |
CER-53 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Bess, Clayton |
Story for a Black Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Bishop, Michael |
Under Heaven's Bridge |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Blair, Cynthia |
Forever Rainbows |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Borgen, Johan |
Lillelord |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-17-1982 |
Bourne, Kenneth |
Palmerston: The Early Years 1784-1841 |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Bradley, Marion Zimmer |
Sword of Chaos |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-1982 |
Briggs, Victor |
Her Home |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Briskin, Jacqueline |
The Onyx |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Browning, Dixie |
Renegade Player |
SR-142 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Buck, Peter |
School for Slaughter |
Action Adventure / AA |
Apr-01-1982 |
Bulla, Clyde Robert |
Daniel's Duck |
ICR3 |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-07-1982 |
Burns, Marilyn |
Math for Smarty Pants Or Who Says Mathematicians Have Little Pig Eyes |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Buscaglia, Leo |
Personhood |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cameron, Claire |
Amethyst Summer |
AIL-21 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Campbell, Diana |
Lord Margrave's Deception |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Campbell, Drusilla |
Silent Dreams |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Carr, Eleni |
Mayan Moon |
SSE-16 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Carrick, Carol |
Sleep Out |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-19-1982 |
Carsley, Anne |
This Triumphant Fire |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Carson, Rosalind |
This Dark Enchantment |
HS-16 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Carter, Nick |
The Hunter |
Action Adventure / AA |
Apr-01-1982 |
Charteris, Leslie |
The Misfortunes of Mr. Teal |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Charteris, Leslie |
The Saint Goes on |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Chastain, Thomas |
Nightscape |
Science Fiction / Fantasy / SFF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Childress, Alice |
A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Christopher, Mary |
Royal Wedding |
COL-2 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-1982 |
Clymer, Ted; Miles, Miska |
Horse and the Bad Morning |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cohen, Stanley |
Angel Face |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Colt, Zandra |
Cactus Rose |
SC-40 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Combes, Sharon M. |
So Little Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cone, Molly |
Mishmash and the Big Fat Problem |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Conley, Ellen |
Soon to Be Immortal |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Connell, Evan S. |
St. Augustine's Pigeon: The Selected Stories of Evan S. Connell |
Literary / L |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cook, Glen |
The Swordbearer |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-1982 |
Coontz, Otto |
Mystery Madness |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cooper, Lynna |
The Stars Cry Love |
AIL-22 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Correy, Lee |
The Abode of Life |
Space Opera / SO |
Apr-01-1982 |
Corrie, Jane |
Ross's Girl |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cotterell, Arthur |
A Dictionary of World Mythology |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-05-1982 |
Coulson, Juanita |
Outward Bound |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Courtney, Caroline |
Love in Waiting |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cross, Amanda |
Death in a Tenured Position |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-1982 |
Cross, Amanda |
The James Joyce Murders |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-09-1982 |
Daniel, Elaine |
Cinderella Season |
COL-5 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Danton, Rebecca |
French Jade |
COV-177 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Davidson, Muriel |
The Thursday Woman |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Day, Lucinda |
Gates of the Sun |
COL-3 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
de Camp, L. Sprague |
The Queen of Zamba |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Deighton, Len |
Fighter |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Delton, Jina |
Two Blocks Down |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Delton, Judy |
Only Jody |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Doliner, Roy |
Thin Line |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Donald, Robyn |
An Old Passion |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Dorbes, Daniel |
The Rapist |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Doty, Jean Slaughter |
The Valley of the Ponies |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Doty, Roy |
Fun to Go: A Take-along Activity Book |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Douglas, Sheila |
The Uncertain Heart |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Doyle, Barbara |
My Lady's Deception |
CR-703 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Drury, Rebecca |
Ships Aflame |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Duncan, W.R. |
The Queen's Messenger |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Dunne, Dominick |
The Winners |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Eberhart, Mignon G. |
Next of Kin |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Eden, Dorothy |
An Important Family |
Gothic / GO |
Apr-01-1982 |
Emmett, Robert |
The Devil's Finger |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm in Yuma |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-1982 |
Fenton, Edward |
The Refugee Summer |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Ferguson, James B. |
Fortunes |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Fisher, David E. |
Katie's Terror |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Fisher, Lois I. |
Wretched Robert |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Foley, June |
It's No Crush, I'm in Love! |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Follett, Ken |
The Man from St. Petersburg |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Ford, Richard |
Quest for the Faradawn |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-1982 |
Fowler, Robert H. |
Jason Mcgee |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Francis, Dorothy Brenner / Francis, Dorothy |
Say Please |
SFL-20 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Francis, Sharon |
Garden of Silvery Delights |
SC-42 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Gallant, Jennie |
Friends and Lovers |
COV-179 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Garlock, Dorothy |
The Searching Hearts |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Gat, Dimitri |
Nevsky's Return |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Gelman, Rita Golden |
Benji Takes a Dive at Marineland |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Gilman, George G. |
The Prisoner |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-1982 |
Gilman, George G. |
Wagons East |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-1982 |
Ginsburg, Mirra |
The Sun's Asleep Behind the Hill |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Glenn, Mel |
Class Dismissed! |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-19-1982 |
Goforth, Ellen |
A New Dawn |
SR-144 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Goodall, John S. |
Edwardian Entertainments |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Gordon, Sheila |
A Modest Harmony |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Grayson, Richard |
The Montmartre Murders |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hall, Gimone |
The Jasmine Veil |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hambly, Barbara |
The Time of the Dark |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-12-1982 |
Hamilton, Lucy |
A Woman's Place |
SSE-18 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hammond, Gerald |
Fair Game |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hampson, Anne |
Stardust |
SR-147 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hansen, Peter |
Creek Rifles |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hardwick, Mollie |
Monday's Child |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Harris, June |
The Cursed Heiress |
Gothic / GO |
Apr-01-1982 |
Harris, Marilyn |
Eden Rising |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Apr-01-1982 |
Harris, Melinda |
Crescendo |
SC-44 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Harris, Richard |
Honor Bound |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Harte, Samantha |
Angel |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Heald, Tim |
Small Masterpiece |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hearne, John |
The Sure Salvation |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Helprin, Mark |
Ellis Island and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hill, Morgan |
The Midnight Hangman |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hoest, Bill |
Let's Go |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-06-1982 |
Hoffman, Alice |
White Horses |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Holden, Edith |
The Hedgehog Feast |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Holden, Ursula |
Fallen Angels |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Holmes, Marjorie |
Follow Your Dream |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Holmes, Marjorie |
Senior Trip |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Holmes, Nancy |
Big Girls |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hope, Jacqueline |
Love Captive |
SR-145 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Horowitz, Janet |
Gaggle of Gardens and How They Grew |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hortin, Marilee |
Dear Mamma Please Do |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hough, Richard Alexander |
Buller's Dreadnought |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Houston, David |
Paradise |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hoyle, Trevor |
Seeking the Mythical Future |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hughes, Monica |
The Guardian of Isis |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hughes, Zachary |
Tower of Treason |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hunter, Evan |
Love, Dad |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Hurmence, Belinda |
A Girl Called Boy |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-1982 |
Huxley, Elspeth |
The Mottled Lizard |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Ilyin, Olga |
The St. Petersburg Affair |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Innes, Jean |
Ashton's Folly |
COL-6 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
James, Stephanie |
Dangerous Magic |
SSE-15 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Jason, Paul |
Entangled |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
John, Nancy |
So Many Tomorrows |
SSE-17 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Joseph, Marie |
Maggie Craig |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Joseph, Robert |
The Aquarius Transfer |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Kadison, Ellis |
The Eighth Veil |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Karr, Phyllis Ann |
Perola |
COV-178 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Kata, Elizabeth |
The Death of Ruth |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Katzenbach, John |
In the Heat of the Summer |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Kavanagh, Maria |
We Were Once Beautiful Butterflies |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Keene, Sarah |
Eye of the Hurricane |
SSE-14 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Keller, Beverly |
My Awful Cousin Norbert |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Kinsella, W.P. |
Shoeless Joe |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Klein, Norma |
The Queen of the What Ifs |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-12-1982 |
Ladislas, Farago |
Last Days of Patton |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lancour, Jeanne |
The Storm and the Sword |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Larson, Bob |
Rock |
Christian / CH |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lawrence, Juliet |
The Reluctant Dawn |
COL-8 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lazarus, Arnold |
I Can if I Want To |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lee, Tanith |
The Silver Metal Lover |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lind, Jakov |
Travels of the Enu |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lindner, Vicki |
Outlaw Games |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Linz, Cathie |
Remembrance of Love |
CER-52 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lorin, Amii |
Snowbound Weekend |
CER-50 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Lowe, Stephen |
Tibetan Inroads |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Mabey, Martha |
The Anointing |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
MacAulay, David |
Pyramid (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-26-1982 |
MacBride, Kate |
Love's Tormented Flame |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Madden, Chris Casson |
Baby Hints Handbook |
Literary / L |
Apr-12-1982 |
Makepeace, Joanna |
Temptation's Triumph |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Mann, Ted |
The Adventures of Johnny Bob |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Mansfield, Elizabeth |
The Frost Fair |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Mantague, Jon |
A Question of Law |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-1982 |
Manushkin, Fran |
Moon Dragon |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Maracotta, Lindsay |
Hide and Seek |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Mark, Ted |
A Stroke of Genius |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Masters, Zeke |
Place Your Bets |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-1982 |
Mather, Anne |
Stormspell |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
May, Wynne |
Peacock in the Jungle |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-09-1982 |
McCurtin, Peter |
First Blood |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
McPhail, David |
Great Cat |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Melbourne, Alix |
Double Wedding |
COV-180 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Michaels, Fern |
Nightstar |
SR-146 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Michaels, Kasey |
The Tenacious Miss Tamerlane |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-1982 |
Morgan, Alice |
Masquerade of Love |
CER-48 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Morrison, Theodore |
Leave of Absence |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Moyes, Patricia |
Angel Death |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Apr-01-1982 |
Murray, Rachel |
Design for Enchantment |
COL-4 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Musashi, Miyamoto |
The Book of Five Rings |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Nash, Walter |
Kettle of Roses |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Noble, Trinka Hakes |
The King's Tea |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
O'Neal, Reagan |
The Fallon Legacy |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
O'Rourke, Frank |
The Bravados |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-1982 |
Olesker, Bradford J. |
The Young Dragons |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Olson, Toby |
Seaview |
Literary / L |
Apr-01-1982 |
Osborne, Mary Pope |
Run, Run, as Fast as You Can |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Parker, Laura |
Kit Carson: Trapper King |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-1982 |
Parsons, Tony |
Platinum Logic |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-1982 |
Pascal, Francine |
Save Johanna |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-1982 |