In an alternate universe, Germany, and not the United States, has developed the first atomic bomb - and now, a group of scientists on the planet Earth IVn are seeking a way to being that research back!While investigating their research, scientist and...
An acclaimed scientist is chosen to travel through alternate futures to find safe haven - and instead, finds a totalitarian world of dictators and concentration camps . . .Christian Queghan is a Myth Technologist, a highly respected scientist on Eart...
When an ancient religious text reveals that nuclear physics capable of creating a new species of man existed in Biblical times, the mystified scientists of Earth IVn realise that something - or somebody - has been tampering with history . . .It's up ...
A novel exploiting the mystique of motorway travel - "the realities, unrealities and fantasies that take over the mind of the long-distance driver as he follows the road at dawn midday, dusk and throughout the nigh...
Jacqueline Pearce and Paul Darrow read this thrilling novelisation of a classi"c Blake s 7 "adventure Alone against the might of the Federation, an army of androids and Project Avalon
From the arid wastes of Amersat, planet of the dead, to the o...
The Q Series includes Seeking the Mythical Future, Through the Eye of Time and The Gods Look Down.An acclaimed scientist is chosen to travel through alternate futures to find safe haven - and instead, finds a totalitarian world of dictators and conce...