Andre Lorch returns to Berlin, scene of his childhood, to find it a ghost city. Death walks beside him as he pursues his secret mission for American Intelligence using the tactics of gangland and the FBI. Fear follows him as he moves among a conque...
A gripping, suspenseful murder mystery takes a supernatural slant in Robert Joseph's DEADLY DESIRE. When homicide detective Raff Rafferty is assigned to find the killer of a reclusive millionaire, he becomes embroiled in an ever-tightening web of dan...
Everywhere Enemies: Foreign and Domestic continues the exciting action-adventure series where in the not-too-distant future teleporting to other planets, solar systems, Galaxies and even Dimensions is part of the norm, including limited time travel. ...
Raff Rafferty, to escape the furor of an officer-involved shooting scandal in California, moves to Manhattan and joins the New York City Police Department. Can he restore his life and reputation in the Big Apple or is his investigation of the bafflin...
Fatima Rafferty, now an LAPD patrol officer, is offered the opportunity by Frank Fregoso, her Division Commander, to go undercover at a Kinsey-like sex research center funded by HONEYS mens’ magazine mogul, Harold ‘Honey’ Coombs, when a young f...
As the official chaplain of a major Seattle medical complex, Raff -- now Father Rafferty -- attends to the spiritual needs of the victims of a lethal and previously unknown viral disease believed to be caused by a mysterious organism known as HH-...
Fati, recently married to Arch Lindor, a charming but mysterious man she met on a trip to Spain after resigning from the Los Angeles Police Department, learns that she has inherited ‘Florestal’, her Mexican-born, murdered great aunt’s sprawling...
Fr. "Raff" Rafferty, a former NYPD cop, has been assigned by his bishop to an orphanage in India from which young girls have been mysteriously disappearing. Complications arise at a sacred Hindu ceremony in which a statue of the god Shiva, whose thir...
PERILOUS PILGRIMAGE -- Murder, mayhem and mysticism! Homicide and holiness are the basic ingredients when Raff and Fati together embark on a pilgrimage known as ‘El Camino’, five hundred miles on foot across northern Spain to the tomb of Saint ...
THE LAST SEASON is an exciting and passionate coming of age story of a pampered British debutante who is forced to choose between her selfish wants and the ultimate act of selflessness. In 1938 Britain, while war with Nazi Germany looms, the extravag...
True love, evil villains, fearless heroes, harrowing escapes...
How can a family torn by death and greed ever find the truth?
The Tobin children grew up alone, with no memory of each other or their parent's untimely deaths. Their guard...
SHADOW of VENDETTA: The second international thriller in the SHADOW seriesFeaturing Navy Seal turned PI - Reed JacksonReed Jackson is back, but the lines of good and evil are not clear. This time, he's partnered with a hired assassin to eliminate th...
Cop-turned-priest Raff Rafferty travels to Florida to aid in the search for missing college student Holly Greenwood who mysteriously disappeared during Spring Break, learning that she was abducted to a remote Caribbean island by a suave, seductive pi...