Struggling to fulfill his destiny as the savior of a strange world from the clutches of a thousand-year-old sorcerer named Uhr, Hamilton Corbin confronts the mysterious Red Priests, the enigmatic Eagle Knights, and the rebellious Lord Valerion. Origi...
Fantasy writer Travis Heermann (THE IVORY STAR) brings thirteenth-century Japan alive in HEART OF THE RONIN, the first installment of a trilogy. Ken'ishi is just 17 years old and an orphan after the mysterious death of his parents. He dreams of train...
When a band of shadowy fanatics abducts Javin Wollstone's little sister, Bella, from his care, his only hope to bring her home is turning to a hard-bitten band of special warriors, the Black Furies, led by Commander Rusk. Javin follows Rusk and his m...
Young Adult title. One sixteen-year-old girl versus a plague of beasts. Can a sixteen-year-old girl stem the tide of a lycanthropocalypse? When three younger boys show up on Mia's doorstep, naked and on the run, she is drawn into a shadow world where...
His sword has a deadly secret.
But to tell him, it wants blood in payment.
The sword called Silver Crane knows Ken'ishi's hidden past, the heritage he himself does not.
When Silver Crane is stolen, he must recover it all cost, or else Ka...
Ken'ishi's dream just became a nightmare...
He finds service with a powerful samurai lord...
...Only to discover his lord is married to the only woman Ken'ishi has ever loved.
And the underworld crime boss known as Green Tiger threatens ...
On the Road to Adventure... In 13th-century Japan, one can meet some wondrous characters. Ken’ishi is a master swordsman who walks with one foot in the realm of the supernatural. For the first time in his life, he has been offered service with a po...
In this nineteenth-century horror thriller, a man investigating mysterious deaths near a Native American reservation confronts a malevolent spirit. In 1891, in the aftermath of the Wounded Knee massacre, awful nightmares and bizarre killing sprees s...
When Alicia Clark's unarmed teenage son was shot by police, the tragedy of that event turned her into an community activist, but now there are those who wish to silence her.On Halloween night, a horrifying "practical joke" escalates into something de...
In 17th-century Japan, Emiko has always been an outcast in her fishing village. When strange coins wash up on the shore near Emiko's fishing village, she is the only one who resists the wave of greed overtaking everyone she has ever known. How long c...
It was just a camping trip...At least that's what Sammy and her family thought when they arrived at the remote campground.When she and Daddy go on a little sunset hike, they encounter strange, dangerous creatures--and then a wild, wondrous one.With h...
The next time he dies...
... will be the last.
Can a battered pit fighter save the woman he loves before his heart gives out for good?
Horace “The Hammer” Harkness is a gene-modified pit fighter twenty years past his prime. He loves ...
Amid the ashes of the Civil War, a Yankee minister boards an airship, little knowing that his world, maybe even his soul, will be destroyed.When Willem and his family arrive in Key West, even the Union troops can't protect them from a gang of vicious...
He's never failed a witch hunt before. Until he must hunt the only woman he's ever loved...When Django Wong, a modern-day ninja turned sorcerer, takes a job to track down a newly Awakened witch, he discovers that his target is not only his lost love,...
A yakuza warlock butchered his family, but that was just the beginning...When Django Wong discovers the Black Lotus Clan murdered his family, he vows to destroy them, but the Council of Five Elders forbids it.But then the Black Lotus starts a gang wa...
Where is the music of Ganymede coming from?Jupiter's moon Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, larger even than Mercury and Pluto, covered in a crust of water ice over a hundred miles thick, covering oceans of liquid water hundreds of mi...