Since its release in 1949, The Hero with a Thousand Faces has influenced millions of readers by combining the insights of modern psychology with Joseph Campbell’s revolutionary understanding of comparative mythology. In these pages, Campbell outlin...
Discover Myth"There's no one quite like Joseph Campbell. He knows the vast sweep of man's panoramic past as few men have ever known it." --The Village VoiceJoseph Campbell famously compared mythology to a kangaroo pouch for the human mind and spirit:...
The author of such acclaimed books as Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth discusses the primitive roots of mythology, examining them in light of the most recent discoveries in archaeology, anthropology, and psychology...
Essays by Julius Baum, C. G. Jung, C. Kerényi, Hans Leisegang, Paul Masson-Oursel, Fritz Meier, Jean de Menasce, Georges Nagel, Walter F. Otto, Max Pulver, Hugo Rahner, Paul Schmitt, and Walter Wili....
A paperback edition of Campbell's major study of the mythology of the world's high civilizations over five millennia. It includes nearly 450 illustrations. The text is the same as that of the 1974 edition.
Mythologist Joseph Campbell wa...
Essays by Ernesto Buonaiuti, Friedrich Dessauer, C. G. Jung, Werner Kaegi, C. Kerényi, Paul Masson-Oursel, Fritz Meier, Adolf Portmann, Max Pulver, Hugo Rahner, Erwin Schrödinger, and Walter Wili.
...NATIONAL BESTSELLER • An extraordinary book that reveals how the themes and symbols of ancient narratives continue to bring meaning to birth, death, love, and war. The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in Jos...
In these essays, Joseph Campbell explores the origins of myth and their role in everyday life � -- from Grimm fairy tales to Native American legends. He explains how the symbolic content of myth is linked to universal human experience and how myths ...
The great mythologist traces his own quest in conversation with the luminaries he inspired, now in trade paperbackJoseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This master...
Explore the power of myth as it exploded from medieval Europe into the modern worldIn this fourth volume of The Masks of God -- Joseph Campbell's major work of comparative mythology -- the pre-eminent mythologist looks at the birth of t...
Explore the power of myth as it flowered in the ancient Near East and the Classical WorldIn this third volume of The Masks of God -- Joseph Campbell’s major work of comparative mythology -- the preeminent mythologist looks at the pagan religion...
Explore the power of myth as it flowered in AsiaIn this second volume of The Masks of God -- Joseph Campbell's major work of comparative mythology -- the pre-emimenent mythologist looks at Asian mythology as it developed over the course...
In these pages, beloved mythologist Joseph Campbell explores the Space Age. He posits that the newly discovered laws of outer space are actually within us as well, and that a new mythology is implicit in that realization. But what is this new mytholo...
Celebrated scholar Joseph Campbell shares his intimate and inspiring reflections on the art of living in this beautifully packaged book, part of a new series to be based on his unpublished writings.
...Provocative and personal writings on mythology, culture, and modern life by our century's foremost interpreter and teacher of myth.
Gathered together here for the first time are twelve eclectic,far-ranging, and brilliant essays exploring myth in a...After ten years of intensive study of Indian art and philosophy, Joseph Campbell, at 50, finally embarked on a journey to India. Searching for the transcendent (Brahman), he found instead stark realities: growing nationalism, religious rivalry, pover...
Following such volumes as Baksheesh and Brahman, The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, and Thou Art That, this previously unpublished title is Volume six in the Collected Works of Joseph Campbell series. It shows Campbell’s remarkable mind engaged with...
Of Pawns and Kings aspires to tell the story of one young wizard’s journey to become a master of his craft, and to ultimately restore balance to a world up-ended by the games played by gods.The story opens in a peaceful fishing village, nestled upo...
The alluring enigma of Sedona’s multiple Vortex sites along with the natural beauty of the landscape attracts droves of visitors each year to the high Arizonian desert in search of these elusive sites.Utilizing modern GPS (Geo-Positioning Satellite...
So you've come for the secret of the Hippie Tree have you? Well many people come looking yet very few seem to find it as many of the locals say "the only way to find the Hippie Tree is if the Hippie Tree wants you to find it". Trust me its not one of...
Before he was the engaging professor who brought mythology into people’s living rooms through his conversations with Bill Moyers, before he became known as the thinker whose ideas influenced Star Wars, and before his now-beloved phrase �"follow you...
Woven from Joseph Campbell’s previously unpublished work, this volume explores Judeo-Christian symbols and metaphors -- and their misinterpretations -- with the famed mythologist’s characteristic conversational warmth and accessible scholarsh...
Joseph Campbell brought mythology to a mass audience. His bestselling books, including The Power of Myth and The Hero with a Thousand Faces, are the rare blockbusters that are also scholarly classics.While Campbell’s work reached wide and deep as h...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefo...
The first collection of Joseph Campbell’s writings and lectures on the Arthurian romances of the Middle Ages, a central focus of his celebrated scholarship, edited and introduced by Arthurian scholar Evans Lansing Smith, PhD, the chair of Mythol...
At the beginning of his career, Joseph Campbell developed a lasting fascination with the cultures of the Far East, and explorations of Buddhist and Hindu philosophy later became recurring motifs in his vast body of work. However, Campbell had to wait...
In this fascinating overview of the shape of myths throughout human civilization’s expansion, Joseph Campbell lays out an overview of both the origins and the evolution of our myths.Campbell wrote this essay just as he was launching his seminal Ma...
Joseph Campbell’s collected writings on dance and art, edited and introduced by Nancy Allison, CMA, the founder of Jean Erdman Dance, and including Campbell’s unpublished manuscript “Mythology and Form in the Performing and Visual Arts,” the ...
Selected letters capturing ongoing conversations between famed mythologist Joseph Campbell and a remarkable group of artists, seekers, filmmakers, novelists, and scholars This brand-new collection of letters features illuminating conversations betwe...
A wide-ranging collection of insights from legendary mythologist Joseph Campbell, sourced from rare and previously unpublished interviews What would you ask Joseph Campbell if you had the chance? Comparative mythology was an obscure academic subject...