Without such a monumental hangover that rainy morning, Store Detective Barney Cunard might have chuckled at the naked clothes dummy so bawdily displayed on his desk. But the subsequent discovery of the very nude, very real and very dead body of Nora ...
Written and created by Robert Leslie Bellem, the hardnosed, feisty, Hollywood Detective, Dan Turner, is featured in eight stories and one comic presentation in this compilation. Read Temporary Corpse, Death's Bright Halo, Beyond Justice, Dark Star of...
Murder for Exercise * Mort Lansing Bullets and Pearls * Stewart Gates Headless Corpse * E. Hoffman Price Death for a Name [Dan Turner] * Robert Leslie Bellem Killer In The Cold * Cary Moran Sally the Sleuth * Barreaux Sacrifice Rap * Ellery Watson Ca...
SPICY DETECTIVE STORIES - 01/42 - features another great Dan Turner - Hollywood Detective yarn by Robert Leslie Bellem, as well as a Hugh B. Cave story under his Justin Case pseudonym. A PILE OF PUBLICITY by Hugh B. Cave writing as Justin Case - The ...
THE DAME DIES TWICE by Robert Leslie Bellem Somewhere in that crowd of more than a hundred extras, carpenters, juicers, technicians, and what not, Dan knows there is a man who once was hooked up with Rocky Caesar's Chicago mob. And that man is t...
Bustamente, Burro [Sabinas Kid] · Jose Vaca Vain Victory · Robert Leslie Bellem Snow Country · Dale Boyd Raid on Rodriguez · George Shute Diana Daw · Clayton Maxwell Toss of the Dice · Clark Nelson Sucker at Monte · Wallace Kayton Death...
This volume collects seven Bellem tales from pulp magazines such as "Spicy Mystery Stories," "Fifth Column Stories," and "The Ghost -- Super-Detective." Included are: "The Man Who Was Not," "Enough Glory," "The Cock Crows 'Murder'," "Knife in the Dar...
The pulp, Super-Detective, with its adventure hero, Jim Anthony, started out as a competitor to Doc Savage. After 10 issues, the publisher turned Anthony into a hardboiled detective. This Flip Book, with a book on each side, explores both worlds. The...
Deja Vue Have you ever encountered it? Probably Well, when you read enough of the works of Robert Leslie Bellem, the creator of Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, you will have that deja vue feeling--Bellem was not above rewriting his older, spicy st...
A creation of Robert Leslie Bellem, Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, appeared in hundreds of stories from 1934 to 1950 in the pulp magazines of the Culture and Trojan lines. The Dan Turner stories ran through three distinct phases: volume 1 deals wit...
Dr. Zarkov, the Surgeon of Souls, phantasmagorically appears to those who find themselves at a moral crossroads, offering an alternative ethical and healthy course of action. He wants to remove the cancerous tumors -- hate, envy, lust, greed -- fr...
Written and created by Robert Leslie Bellem, the hardnosed, feisty, Hollywood Detective, Dan Turner, is featured in eight great stories from 1944 and 1946: Killer's Contract, Sleep for a Dreamer, The Tree of the Pointing Finger, Kidnap Ticket, Dan Tu...
Another bookful of Dan Turner stories, gathered from the first issue of Dan Turner Hollywood Detective and from the August, October, and December 1945 issues of Hollywood Detective. Included in this book are: "Murder on the Sound Stage," "Pin-Up Corp...
Metal squeezed like putty in Brad Brandon's fingers. How had he acquired such might? excerpt An ugly premonition slithered into Brad Brandon's heart as he came within view of the open door and saw what lay beyond. "Good God -- !" he choked; and he br...
Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, in 14 pulp stories, reprinted from "Hollywood Detective" pulp magazine issues January through August 1950. Included are: "Quickie Kill," "Terror on the Doorstep," "Death on the Set," "Model for a Corpse," "Any Number ...
A FICTION HOUSE PRESS SPECIAL BOOK:DAN TURNER, HOLLYWOOD DETECTIVETHE ADVENTURES OF A MASTER-SLEUTHIN TINSELTOWN.Dan Turner tries to prevent a murder—and runs into more than one. Trying to catch a killer, he almost becomes one himself. And...
SHE WAS RUNNING desperately through the Yokohama midnight. Behind her, an evil-faced Manchurian leaped in deadly pursuit. He held a dagger clenched in his yellow fist.Tate Shevlin, American soldier of fortune, rounded a corner of the deserted native ...
LIKE a fore-taste of hell, Africa’s noon-day heat made the earth shimmer and dance. Within Larry Kerrigan’s weather-stained tent, two men sat. One was Kerrigan himself tall, lean, muscular. The other was a sun-tanned Briton in the uniform of the ...
I POKED my horn where it didn’t belong and Tracy Zane took a swipe at it. A little more heft behind the punch and I might have wound up with a set of fractured adenoids.As it was, I rolled with his knuckles; hardly felt the impact. Then I grabbed h...
IT WAS the ugliest slugfest I ever tabbed. Twenty or thirty mugs and she-males were feeding the lumps to Carson Wellman, bouncing him around like a basketball. There was nothing phoney about the beating he was taking; as a matter of fact, if he recei...
You must cast out your cancer of hate! warned the mysterious Dr. Zarkov. You must forgive this girl or she will cause your death! But Bannister wouldn't listen. A woman had betrayed him-now she must suffer!Dr. Zarkov, the Surgeon of Souls, phantasmag...
"Was this then the horrible price Tim Croft must pay for his disbelief in devil-magic philtres?-- the forfeiture of his own lovely fiancee's life-blood to the undead corpse of Haunted Hollow!"Originally published in Mystery Tales, March 1940...
Dan didn’t like this beauty contest, even though he was a judge. He liked it even less when the winning beauty was knifed. Was the dead girl’s murder an act of vengeance -- or a legacy of love? ...
This movie ham named McBride acted the death scene very realistically -- mostly because some sly sinister stinker had put a real bullet completely through his think-tank. And as foul luck would have it, Dan Turner was on the scene and having it demon...
Nothing scalds Dan Turner so much as a threatening note. When there’s money in a case, and when there’s a little songbird like Chiquita in the picture, nobody’s going to tell Dan to layoff, and get away with it!...
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective , December, 1942Daughter of Murderby Robert Leslie BellemThere are some things a daughter ought to know about her own mother—including how she died. Dan had some doubts about both would-be heiresses, but n...
What was the grim mystery in this disappearance of the fat gag writer’s cousin? Hollywood’s ace gumshoe, Dan Turner, had to meet and combat a heap of rough to-do before he neared finish....
Spicy Detective, October 1935Dan Turner Hollywood DetectiveDEATH'S BRIGHT HALOby Robert Leslie BellemThose necklaces were as effective as a headman’s axe. To pierce their secret Dan Turner finds his way into the house of missing girls....
Spicy Detective, September, 1936FALLING STARby Robert Leslie BellemIt was the dizziest looking diamond ring Dan Turner had ever seen—and a girl was giving it to him to keep . . . handing him plenty of Hollywood trouble on a platter....
The idea was new -- and was tops! Whoever thought of stealing a million dollar production before it was released? And behind it was the ransom angle, and there was blackmail, too. Sometimes a detective likes to get his teeth into a case like that. It...
They were making a cowboy picture, and of course the Indians’ arrows had all been blunted. Nevertheless it was an arrow with sharpened tip that came out of the welter of battle to kill the lovely star! ...
Dan Turner got himself "engaged" to a girl he didn't even know, in order to keep two jealous hambos from knifing each other-- and the tough shamus' reward for this bit of chivalry was to wake up finding a murder rap pinned on himself and the frame-up...
Dan Turner—Hollywood Detective , December, 1942Malibu Messby Robert Leslie BellemNothing can be so mixed up as a couple of scrambled Hollywood marriages—with everybody wanting to kill everybody else. Dan is on hand to prevent things goi...
Guns roared in Chinatown. The police took it calmly. “Another ton war,” they said. But Hollywood’s super-sleuth was always a doubter. Wouldn’t it seem more reasonable that somebody had deliberately short at the girl to keep her from tipping a...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
Donaldson’s crack had been meant as a joke, but the girl who overheard it wasn’t in a joking mood. After that, it didn’t matter what Dan Turner said. To her he was a Russian wife-deserter, and a bad actor....
“I think my wife is being blackmailed,” the guy opened up. And Dan agreed to protect the dame while she kept her secret tryst. It wasn’t until after she’d kept her clandestine appointment that he had a real idea of how big a job he’d taken ...
Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that included mastheads such as “Spicy Detective,” “Spicy Adventure,” “Spicy Western,...
The cameras are set, the scene has already been rehearsed; “Shoot!” the director says. . . . What happens is stark tragedy -- not of the movie, play-acting variety, but like a chapter out of the deeper drama of life itself....
Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, returns in another bookfull of Dan Turner stories. This time we feature "Murder on a Sound Stage" from the first issue of Dan Turner Hollywood Detective as well as stories from the August, October, and December 1945 i...
Said Dick Lane, "You don't need a lawyer, Sam. You need a magician to get you out of this jam." Sam Welpton had been called to investigate a road accident; there was a dent on the car, blood on the road, but no victim. Before he had solved this myste...
Duke Pizzatello, private investigator, was employed by the Kohlar brothers, Steve and Joe. Dixie Parker was the private secretary of Steve Kohlar. Gertie Kohlar was the wife of Joe and was an eye-full. Nelia Mason, wife of Dr. Carney Mason, was seeki...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
That bogus postman brought Dan Turner a splendid solid whack with a blackjack and it was a highly special delivery -- thereby involving the ace movietown hawkshaw with low killery and high finance and dangerous bafflement! . . . ....
The fat gentleman evidently had a very special reason for wanting that glamorous cinema queen to affix her signature to a page in his little book -- and Dan Turner saw it turn out to be a book of doom, with complications that would have tried the tem...
G-Men Detective, January 1949KNIFE IN THE DARKa novelette byRobert Leslie BellemChapter 1: Dead PassengerChapter 2: Disappearing CorpseChapter 3: A Muffled ScreamChapter 4: House of MenaceChapter 5: A Good Trick—That Didn’t Work9500 Wor...
It’s a big job for a detective to stop a murder from happening -- especially if he gets there too late. But with the cutest quail in Hollywood cooled, her killer had to be found… ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
There was only one man on the set who could have shot the arrow, yet Dan hated to think Jeff could be guilty. Motive tumbles over motive, and suspect waltzes around with suspect -- but there still remains the question: Where did the arrow come from?...
PERIL PRESS presents:Dan Turner???Hollywood Detective, December, 1942THE COLOR OF MURDERby Robert Leslie BellemWhen a man goes on a bender and tries to kill the woman who has made a success of him, an ounce of prevention is called for, Dan figures, o...
PERIL PRESS presents:Dan Turner???Hollywood Detective, May, 1943DEAD MAN'S GUILTby Robert Leslie BellemEverybody knew Kilgore had been killed trying to escape from San Quentin. Yet now this girl, who knew all the facts in the case, pleads with Dan to...
Action, action, and more action!Every story in this collection is packed with brutal fistfights and blazing gun battles. You'll get stalwart, two-fisted, fast-on-the-draw heroes. You'll get beautiful young women almost as tough as the heroes, and the...
Eight stories featuring Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, from Spicy Detective and Speed Detective pulp magazines. "Temporary Corpse", "Death's Bright Halo", "Beyond Justice", "Dark Star of Death", "Blackmail From Beyond", "Crimson Quest", "Cat Act", ...
A Dan Turner Detective NovelWhatever it was, it had happened thirteen years ago! Whatever it was, only a dead man was supposed to know anything about it! Yet now Sid Waldring was being blackmailed for it. Completely in the dark, Dan offers to help if...
PERIL PRESS presents: 7 THRILLING DETECTIVE TALES OF NICK RANSOM by Robert Leslie Bellem Thrilling Detective, February 1948 A Nick Ransom Novelet SUICIDE SCENARIO by Robert Leslie Bellem A stunt man turned private eye needs every gimmick in his bag ...
A Dan Turner NovelIt’s rare that Dan encounters dough so dirty that he won’t touch it. Even this time, when the ante was boosted enough, he forgot his scruples. Besides there was a feminine angle. . . ....
PERIL PRESS presents:Dan Turner???Hollywood Detective, February 1943HEADS YOU LOSEby Robert Leslie BellemIt looked like a gift from Santa Claus left on Dan???s doorstep, but, unwrapped, it turned out to be as grisly a thing as anyone could hope not t...
This volume collects two stories featuring Dan Turner, hardboiled Hollywood detective. In “Death Ends the Scene,” a washed-up movie-director is going to knock himself off in order to give his no-good bride a double-indemnity payoff -- and Dan Tur...
It was a screwball situation. Here was Dan, sitting at home and minding his own business, when the knock came at his front door. A short time later he was in a lavish apartment a few miles away, where he had been convoyed at the point of a gun, an...
The stars had forecast her death. Professor Astrio had got the message. “Dear Miss Banning:” he had written, “I see a rope noose dangling about your head, and your life line ends very suddenly.” No wonder the movie star had wanted protection ...
Keeping a cute movie extra on ice in his apartment is bound to get Dan in trouble. And part of it is that a gunman doesn't forget how to play rough just because he’s turned screen actor. A Dan Turner Story...
PERIL PRESS presents: Dan Turner -- Hollywood Detective, January 1942 BULLET FROM NOWHERE by Robert Leslie Bellem The cameras are set, the scene has already been rehearsed; “Shoot!” the director says. . . . What happens is stark tragedy -- not o...
The clean-living young movie star had emoted his final scene in the audible tintypes. He was now knifed deader than a poached egg, and maybe there’d been more in his life than was suspected by his associates. In any case, Dan Turner, having been in...
PERIL PRESS presents: Dan Turner -- Hollywood Detective, February 1943 ARROW FROM NOWHERE by Robert Leslie Bellem There was only one man on the set who could have shot the arrow, yet Dan hated to think Jeff could be guilty. Motive tumbles over motiv...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
Missing jewels, a dead canine movie star and assorted underhanded shenanigans might or might not have a tie-in with this murder -- but cinemaland’s super-sleuth Dan Turner aimed to find out after it became personal! ...
Vivienne Lenglet’s hand fluttered to the delectable region of her heart. Shocked reproach stole into her voice. “Mais -- but Hectoire -- surely you wouldn’t ask me, your own wife, to…?” ...
Dan wasn’t even working for the movie star when she slapped his face and fired him in the most public way possible! To make matters worse, the whole thing was right under the nose of the gabbiest gossip columnist in Hollywood....
PERIL PRESS presents:Speed Detective, February 1946HOMICIDE SURPRISEby Robert Leslie BellemDan Turner was out for the gravy, and he got it???right in the kisser! Which made Hollywood's ace private dick almost as mad as the corpse's bodyguard, who, in...
PERIL PRESS presents: Dan Turner -- Hollywood Detective, December 1942 KILLER'S UNION by Robert Leslie Bellem Keeping a cute movie extra on ice in his apartment is bound to get Dan in trouble. And part of it is that a gunman doesn't forget how to pl...
It was a screwy assignment. The bogey-man thought he was going crazy! “I want you to save me from myself, Mr. Turner,” he said. “I’m turning into a werewolf. And I want you to keep me from hurting my wife . . .”...
PERIL PRESS presents:Hollywood Detective, August 1944MURDER'S MOUTHPIECEby Robert Leslie BellemFor years Ace had been asking for trouble. This time it looked as if he were really going to get it. There were so many people just yearning to send flower...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
In the flash of lightning Dan got a look at his prisoner -- a man without a face, a zombie! And listening to his story, Dan suddenly felt that, here in the movie colony, he had at last found a real man! ...
PERIL PRESS presents: Speed Detective, August 1946 LATIN BLOOD by Robert Leslie Bellem Dan Turner got himself “engaged” to a girl he didn’t even know, in order to keep two jealous hambos from knifing each other -- and the tough shamus’ rewar...
Why should a lovely movie star want to quit her career, hide out from everybody -- including the man who loved her? Dan Turner found more than one mystery when death visited the lonely ranch house and offered an astonishing solution....
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
PERIL PRESS presents: Speed Detective, October 1944 STARS DIE AT NIGHT by Robert Leslie Bellem If you tangle with a burglar and a corpse -- both of them female and beautiful and very prominent -- you're apt to steam four ways at once, the way Dan Tu...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
PERIL PRESS presents:Dan Turner???Hollywood Detective, February 1943MURDER'S BLUE MOTIVEby Robert Leslie BellemDan had little sympathy for the dead woman, and a lot for the girl with the pistol. This seemed the time to take the law into his own hands...
At first, Dan thought the girl had shot at him and it didn’t make him any the less mad because she had missed. But before he could make her talk, another bullet closed her mouth. That sort of interference in Dan’s business was the last straw! Som...
Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that included mastheads such as “Spicy Detective,” “Spicy Adventure,” “Spicy Western,...
PERIL PRESS presents: Speed Detective, December 1944 TRUMP FOR THE ACE by Robert Leslie Bellem It looked like a shakedown that could go on forever, with that ex-soldier movie star as the fall guy -- and then Dan Turner was bopped into a couple of fa...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication. Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that inclu...
When a lethal trap is ready to be sprung, blind Griff Borlund hears whispers in the darkness -- whispers that rise to a roar of violence as a fetching blonde meets death! A Nick Ransom Mystery...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
"He had a hunch there’d be trouble tonight. Men getting hurt: himself among them, maybe. He advanced on the platform. The hall hummed with an electrical tension he could feel almost physically, like a warning touch. It was something to make you afr...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
• This eBook is illustrated with the artwork of the original magazine publication.Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that includ...
Robert Leslie Bellem was a prolific American writer who wrote in a variety of genres and for many pulp magazines, especially those of Culture Publications that included mastheads such as "Spicy Detective," "Spicy Adventure," "Spicy Western," and "Spi...
Nick Ransom is a Hollywood stuntman turned private eye who carries his roscoe under his arm, and has a plastic cigarette holder with silver filigree given to him by a client. He prefers to call himself a Confidential Investigator, a title he thinks i...
Another bookful of Dan Turner Hollywood Detective stories from 1944 and 1945 issues of Speed Detective. Included in this book are: Coffin Frame, Gun From Gotham, Stock Shot, Stars Die at Night, Trump for the Ace, Morgue Case, Snatch Buster, Suicide S...
Adventure’s End This book is very best in Action Adventure, Thrillers and Mystery Short stories. You are sure to enjoy these fabulous Detective stories all award winners and best of selections! Highest Recommendation! Read one today! Detective book...
A FICTION HOUSE PRESS REPRINT: Another bookful of Dan Turner Hollywood Detective stories from 1942 issues of Dan Turner Hollywood Detective. Included in this book are: Beyond Justice, Death on Location, Gas-House Still, Murder Done Twice, Murderer’...
Pulp Adventures -- a quarterly safari through the pulp jungle This issue features 8 stories, a mix of new and classic pulp fiction. Also, a nonfiction article examining the writings of Theodore Roscoe.
"Dahmba" by TJ Morris: The Church is ...
From the pages of Private Detective, Super-Detective, and Fifth Column Stories come six stories from the mighty pen of Robert Leslie Bellem. The stories in this collection include "Killer's Ruse," "Murder on Furlough," "Wire Trap," "Dead Mike," "A Co...
Another bookful of Dan Turner stories from 1936, 1937, 1940, 1942, and 1943 issues of Spicy Detective Stories, Speed Detective, and Dan Turner Hollywood Detective. Included in this book are: Dead Man's Head Falling Star Silverscreen Spectre Veiled La...
Previously published as Thrilling Detective Pulp Tales Vols. 4-6.For more than 20 years, detectives, villains, murderers and femmes fatale found a home in the pages of Thrilling Detective. This edition collects 21 vintage pulp novels and stories from...
Another bookful of Dan Turner stories from 1934, 1941, 1943, and 1946 issues of Spicy Detective, Dan Turner-Hollywood Detective, and Hollywood Detective. Included in this book are: Murder By Proxy, Crimson Comedy, Sleeping Dogs, Arrow From Nowhere, F...
A creation of Robert Leslie Bellem, Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective appeared in hundreds of stories from 1934 to 1950 in the pulp magazines of the Culture and Trojan lines. Spicy Detective was his birthplace, but he appeared in Speed Detective, Priva...
A creation of Robert Leslie Bellem, Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective appeared in hundreds of stories from 1934 to 1950 in the pulp magazines of the Culture and Trojan lines. Spicy Detective was his birthplace, but he appeared in Speed Detective, Priva...
A creation of Robert Leslie Bellem, Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective appeared in hundreds of stories from 1934 to 1950 in the pulp magazines of the Culture and Trojan lines. Spicy Detective was his birthplace, but he appeared in Speed Detective, Priva...
The first four issues of CRIME SMASHERS published by Trojan Magazines in October and December 1950, and February and April 1951. Features Sally the Sleuth, Dan Turner Hollywood Detective, Gail Ford--Girl Friday, and Ray Hale News Ace....
Written and created by Robert Leslie Bellem, the hardnosed, feisty, Hollywood Detective, Dan Turner, is featured in nine stories in this compilation. Read Death Begins At Forty, Corpse On Ice, Homicide Highball, King-Size Kill, Murder Off the Record,...
Written and created by Robert Leslie Bellem, the hardnosed, feisty, Hollywood Detective, Dan Turner, is featured in nine great stories from 1944, brought to you in the same order as they were originally published: Widow by Proxy, Dead Heat, Focus on ...
For 15 issues of CRIME SMASHERS comic book, from October 1950 to March 1953, Dan Turner Hollywood Detective was one of the series found in each issue. All 15 stories are presented in this collection:Televised FrameBullwhip Bump-OffBlackmail Bump-OffM...
Written under one of Bellem's pen names--John A. Saxon--it is a prequel to Half-Past Mortem.Just a routine assignment, the Los Angeles office told Sam Welpton, insurance investigator and claims adjuster. But what they didn't tell him was that this jo...
Contents:Moods and Pulp-Paper FictionThe Flowers of EnchantmentMurderer's LuckBurial Plot (Rusty Regan)Glass For Gallardo (Detective Sergeant Nolan)Three-Way WeaponsStars Die At Night (Dan Turner)Dark MiracleThe Cat Mews Murder (Jeff Quinlan)Last Act...