Written and created by Robert Leslie Bellem, the hardnosed, feisty, Hollywood Detective, Dan Turner, is featured in nine stories in this compilation. Read Death Begins At Forty, Corpse On Ice, Homicide Highball, King-Size Kill, Murder Off the Record, Dead Man's Code, Cat Act, Death's Dress Rehearsal, and The Lake of the Left-Hand Moon. All stories are from Hollywood Detective and are fully illustrated with the original artwork which accompanied their publication in the pulps.Note: When I was assembling the above compilation, I had not planned on including Cat Act because I thought it was the same story which appeared in the first compilation. However, upon looking through it, I realized that Bellem rewrote the Spicy version into a tamer one, including a new cast of characters and new text (as well as new illustrations). However, the storyline is identical.
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