With a message of friendship to warm the coldest nights, Bob the Snowman captures the hearts of adults and children alike. "A Snowman Named Just Bob" is a magical family storybook written by Mark Kimball Moulton and illustrated by artist Karen Hillar...
"Caleb's Lighthouse" is an epic tale of romance and the true meaning of love. With colorful, sweeping illustrations by artist Stewart Sherwood and a story written by Mark Kimball Moulton, author of "A Snowman Named Just Bob", this grand new book from...
Have you ever been enchanted by Christmas? ...been lost in the flame of a candle, the glitter of tinsel, the fragrance of fresh pine boughs? Have you ever seen a Reindeer Moon?There comes a time when every child wonders..."Do reindeer really know how...
"The Night at Humpback Bridge" is a magical family storybook written by Mark Kimball Moulton and illustrated by nationally acclaimed artist Susan Winget. From the first spine-tingling verse to the last, "The Night at Humpback Bridge" is a thrilling a...
Everybody loves a party... especially best friends and teddy bears! Come along and join the fun as Teddy and his friends celebrate a most special day. Share the joy as they make another cherished memory that will last a lifetime... all you'll need to...
Queen Spider and Sir Fieldmouse find love at the Annual Midsummer Eve Dance in the land just beyond sunrise, where loons sing love ballads, caterpillars tap dance, and shared dreams mean more than differences of social rank or physical form....
For ages 4-8. What do vampires, pirates and pink rabbits have in common? They all love Miss Fiona`s pumpkin pie! Join the trick-or-treaters as they creep down past the old cemetery to Miss Fiona`s haunted house for a taste of her secret Halloween rec...
A young boy flying a kite discovers a staircase in a tree trunk that leads to a treehouse where Sadie lives. After drinking tea, "which she served graciously to three squirrels and to me," the boy rescues his kite and leaves. But now he know why Sadi...
Queen Spider and Sir Fieldmouse find love at the Annual Midsummer Eve Dance in the land just beyond sunrise, where loons sing love ballads, caterpillars tap dance, and shared dreams mean more than differences of social rank or physical form....
One magical snowy night, Snowman Bob, Snowgirl Sue, and all their friends gather for their annual celebration, with snowball fights, skating, a string orchestra, and delicious food and drink. By the creators of
A December snow is falling, lightly dusting all the trees,blanketing the forest in a crystal filigree. Late one snowy winter evening, two young children and their grandmother happen upon a weak and weary deer while feeding the animals in the forest...
Growing up on Mimi and Papa’s farm, Peter knows a lot about caring for pumpkins. One summer Peter finds a lonely pumpkin all by itself in the field, and with his tender care, the pumpkin flourishes. By autumn, it’s the very best pumpkin of all, a...