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  • Bibliography:
    64 Books (7 Series)
  • First Book:
    January 1979
  • Latest Book:
    March 2025
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Full Series List in Order

Animal Friends

1 - Spunky's Diary (Jul-1982)
2 - New Kid in Town (Jun-1983)
3 - The Prodigal Cat (Jun-1984)
4 - Ducktails (Jun-1985)
5 - The Impatient Turtle (Jun-1986)
6 - A Cote of Many Colors (Jun-1987)
7 - Prairie Dog Town (Dec-1988)
8 - Maury Had a Little Lamb (Jul-1989)
9 - Trouble in a Fur Coat (Jul-1990)
10 - Pordy's Prickly Problem (Jun-1993)
11 - Who's New at the Zoo? (Jul-1994)
12 - This Little Pig (Sep-1996)

Canadian West

1 - When Calls the Heart (May-1983)
2 - When Comes the Spring (Jul-1985)
3 - When Breaks the Dawn (Apr-1986)
4 - When Hope Springs New (Sep-1986)
5 - Beyond the Gathering Storm (Jul-2000)
6 - When Tomorrow Comes (Aug-2001)

Love Comes Softly

1 - Love Comes Softly (1979)
2 - Love's Enduring Promise (1980)
3 - Love's Long Journey (Oct-1982)
4 - Love's Abiding Joy (Oct-1983)
5 - Love's Unending Legacy (Aug-1984)
6 - Love's Unfolding Dream (Jul-1987)
7 - Love Takes Wing (Aug-1989)
8 - Love Finds a Home (Aug-1989)

A Prairie Legacy

1 - The Tender Years (Aug-1997)
2 - A Searching Heart (Aug-1998)
3 - A Quiet Strength (Jun-1999)
4 - Like Gold Refined (May-2000)

Seasons of the Heart

1 - Once Upon a Summer (Jul-1981)
2 - The Winds of Autumn (Apr-1987)
3 - Winter Is Not Forever (Mar-1988)
4 - Spring's Gentle Promise (Mar-1989)

When Hope Calls

1 - Unyielding Hope (May-2020)
2 - Sustaining Faith (Jun-2021)
3 - Unfailing Love (Jun-2022)

The Women of the West

1 - The Calling of Emily Evans (May-1990)
2 - Julia's Last Hope (Apr-1990)
3 - A Woman Named Damaris (Sep-1991)
4 - Roses for Mama (Apr-1991)
5 - They Called Her Mrs. Doc (Mar-1992)
6 - The Measure of a Heart (Sep-1992)
7 - Heart of the Wilderness (Aug-1993)
8 - A Bride for Donnigan (Mar-1993)
9 - Too Long a Stranger (Apr-1994)
10 - A Gown of Spanish Lace (Aug-1995)
11 - The Bluebird and the Sparrow (Apr-1995)
12 - Drums of Change (Mar-1996)

Book List in Order: 64 titles

    • / Historical Romance
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    Nineteen-year-old Marty Claridge starts west with her adventurous, boyish husband, Clem, seeking to claim land and hoping for good fortune. But when the venture turns suddenly to tragedy, Marty is left alone with her great loss. And coupled with her ...

    • / Historical Romance
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    Clark and Marty Davis, the pioneer couple initially thrown together after the deaths of their first mates, now preside over a growing number of youngsters in their prairie home. You'll laugh and cry as you watch Marty and Clark face the joys and sorr...

  • Sure, it's unusual to have an eighteen-year-old mother when you're twelve. But when you're an orphan and she's your aunt and the only mother you've ever had well, as I explained, it had worked out real well. That's why I got so riled up when I hear...

  • Spunky is like most other puppies--curious and frisky, and always creating mischief. Even though he stumbles into trouble a lot, he still manages to warm his way into the hearts of his family. They can't help but love their silly dog. But one day, S...

  • How did those pioneers face the hardships of the trail? The rain, the mud, the impassable river fordings - and even death. The initial elation of a new adventure soon wears thin, and Missie must learn how to live her faith as she faces homesickness, ...

  • Young, pretty, cultured and educated, Elizabeth's eastern upbringing in a rather well-to-do family has not prepared her for a teaching position on the Canadian frontier. But she squares her shoulders and takes on her formidable task with love, humor ...

  • Out for a walk one day, Fuzzle is separated from his family. Alone for the first time in his life, he must find his own food and a place to sleep. If only he could get some help from the other animals in the forest.... When he tries to make friends,...

  • A Birthday Surprise, a New Journey West, and a Delightful Reunion! But Then Comes Tragedy. Marty and Clark Davis's daughter Missie and her husband had homesteaded land in the far West, many weeks' journey away by covered wagon. But with the coming ...

  • Mittens is sure there is no other cat as wonderful as she. She's smart, beautiful, and very proud of herself. So it's no surprise when Mittens decides she can manage just fine on her own. But without a caring family to take care of her, Mittens lea...

  • Marty Davis had thoroughly enjoyed her visit with daughter Missie, even though a tragic accident had extended it far longer than originally planned. But now she and Clark are home again, and there are changes to make. The family begins to adjust to C...

  • Quackery and his duckling brothers and sisters are very busy learning the ins and outs of being a duck--how to swim, where to eat, and how to steer clear of danger. They're anxious to grow up and know all there is to know--especially his brother Zack...

  • Elizabeth's Mountie had given her his heart - could she care for it as tenderly and carefully as he cared for her? Elizabeth, the lovely young eastern schoolteacher, has braved the western frontier and spent a year teaching in a one-room schoolhouse....

  • Having survived the harshness of their first year in the far Northwest, Elizabeth and Wynn, her Royal Canadian Mountie, now face new challenges, make new friends, start a new school and are presented with a new posting. Will their love for each other...

  • Pogo had one goal in life--to have fun. New thrills, new excitement, he wanted it all. But Pogo also had a problem. Because he was a turtle, he couldn't do most of the fun and exciting things he saw those lucky boys doing who visited his pond. And ...

  • Leaving behind their dear friends in Beaver Creek, Elizabeth and Wynn take over an even more primitive outpost in the Canadian Northwest. Elizabeth finds herself totally isolated because of the Indian women's fear to even communicate with her. They t...

  • I don't know who was most excited that morning when the three of us hoisted packs on our backs and started off down the trail. Just before we disappeared from view of our yard, I turned for one more wave. You would’ve thought we were marching off t...

  • Mark and Timmie longed for a pet of their own. They loved dogs, and cats, and gerbils. They loved rabbits, and ponies, and guinea pigs. But they loved carrier pigeons most of all. Their landlord loved pigeons, too. He had a whole loft of them, but he...

  • Belinda, Marty and Clark Davis's 'surprise child,' has always had a tender and compassionate heart toward anything hurt or broken. Her parents watch with both misgivings and genuine pride as Belinda's older brother, Doctor Luke, influences her toward...

  • WINTER IS NOT FOREVER With schooling behind him, josh wonders what else life holds. Should he continue his studies and become a pastor? Is he to help his aging grandpa and uncle on the farm? With his friends moving on, Josh feels like his life has...

  • How Flick had waited for this first day to go out with his brother and sisters to see the "outside world." The excitement was almost too much to bear as they all got in line. Mother had explained all of the rules and signals over and over again, for ...

  • In the dimness of the early morning I could see field after neighborhood field as I let my gaze wander around me. First there was ours I supposed I would always think of the farm as ours Grandpa's, Uncle Charlie's and mine, though in truth it really ...

  • Just exactly how much mischief do you think one little lamb can get into? You'll be surprised when you read about this little lamb.

    Left alone by his mother and family, Shandy the lamb soon learns that trouble seems to follow him wherever he go...

  • In Love Takes Wing, Belinda left her little prairie town, never dreaming that the excitement of living in Boston would leave her restless, lonely and empty inside. Wealth, literature, travel and romance touched her life with choices and decisions tha...

  • In Stretching Her Wings, Did She Leave More Than Her Home and Family? Belinda Davis is restless. As her friends get married and have children of their own, she wonders what God has in store for her. Her life as a nurse seems dull and routine. She cr...

  • Oke writes with a special feeling about her characters and their time, reminding us of those family values that we hold dear. This heartwarming collection of four novels is a wonderful series of stories about an American family on the prairies of yes...

  • The heartwarming story of Marty and Clark Davis in the Love Comes Softly Series has captured the imaginations and emotions of readers from all ages and backgrounds. When Marty first travelled west, her dreams of a bright future were shattered with th...

  • ALL OF HER DREAMS SEEMED TO CRUMBLE. No one in the small lumber town of Calder Springs was prepared for the news. When the men of the village left for another day of work at the lumber mill, they did not know their lives would be dramatically chan...

  • When young Emily Evans went off to Bible School, she had all she could do just to keep up with her studies, let alone discover God's will for her life. That discovery seemed to be limited to those who had everything together, not for those who strugg...

  • Trust Janette Oke to bring you the warmest, most beguiling creatures animal friends that millions of children fall immediately in love with. And Trouble In a Fur Coat is no exception. Here, you'll meet Natook and Kimwa, two adorable bear cubs and s...

  • It had all turned out to be so strange, so ironic. Angela Peterson's family had moved west because her mother had not been well and the doctor said the cooler, clear air of the region might be easier on her lungs. Her father sold the farm and loaded ...

  • She was almost fifteen on the night she dared for the first time to think of what life might be like away from home. Pa again had come home drunk and mean; the trauma of the subsequent scene had been repeated as long as Damaris could remember. The id...

  • There had never been a reason to think of any other life . . . until he walked into hers. The only daughter of a noted Montreal physician and educator, Cassandra Dell Winston enjoys all the opportunities of Eastern society and affluence. She...

  • Everyone Admired the Sweet Country Girl Already past her sixteenth birthday, Anna Trent felt fortunate to have been allowed to go to school so long. She loved school--loved to learn, loved the excitement of new discoveries, loved to share some gre...

  • Responding to an Advertisement, She Crossed an Ocean to Meet a Total Stranger and Became a Mail-Order Bride... Kathleen O’Malley stood on the deck of the Barreth Lily and watched the land she’d called home for more than a dozen years slip from h...

  • More than anything, Pordy wanted a friend. But she was too shy to try making friends. She didn't want to be teased or rejected. Only in her daydreams as heroine of the forest did the other animal creatures befriend a spiny porcupine.

    Learning t...

  • George McMannus traveled night and day from his wilderness cabin when the tragic news arrived that his daughter and son-in-law had died in a river accident. His only granddaughter, Kendra Marty, not yet four years old, had been left behind. McMannus ...

  • Only the thinnest strand of the past holds the mother and daughter together... The sudden death of her husband had left Sarah Perry and her baby Rebecca alone in their small frontier town. The question from a kind neighbor woman, What do you plan to ...

  • Barnaby Gorilla was special. Why? Not because he was born first at Roxbury Zoo, or because he had his picture in the paper. Not because a sign was hung on the wall that told about him or because of all the humans who came to see him. Then why?

    The ...

  • It wasn’t that Gran Thomas hadn’t taken on difficult challenges in her lifetime. She’d always met them head on before and fought her way through. But now. Now there seemed to be no reason to put in all that effort. What would she gain? With her...

  • One sister Was Sparkling and Adored "She's lovely! Look at those curls. Those blue eyes. She's just beautiful!" Berta Berdette heard those exclamations over her little sister Glenna whenever ladies came to the house or met her mother in the streets....

  • Her Mother's Wedding Gown... Ariana loves her life-her parents, her little town, her job as the town's schoolteacher, her students. But one evening after classes are done and she prepares to hurry home before a blizzard hits, her whole life change...

  • She had known only contentment, but now her hopes and dreams were facing the...Drums of Change Running Fawn loved her place of birth, the site of the Blackfoot tribe's winter camp, more than words could express. The stillness of the mountain, the gi...

  • The Enchanting Story of a Family Treasure That Becomes a Legacy It had all begun on their honeymoon. Lizzie had been so young then. Young and vibrant and beautiful. And now she was still beautiful in Duncan's eyes. Perhaps even more so. He loved his...

  • "Daddy says your brother, Hawkins, is going to be bigger and maybe I should choose him for my project, but I like you, Hiram. You're cuter."

    I didn't know what she meant, but I liked the idea of her choosing me. The soft hands rubbed my sides and ...

  • The heartwarming return to the legacy of Marty and Clark Davis from the Love Comes Softly series! Twenty years have passed since youngest daughter Belinda's story in Love Finds a Home. Marty and Clark's spiritual heritage has been lovingly passed o...

  • During a Christmas shopping trip in the big city, Spunky, a lovable, energetic, and mischievous puppy, accidentally becomes separated from his seven-year-old master, in a story designed to teach preschoolers about the true meaning of Christmas....

  • Cynthia loves her widowed father and deeply appreciates his help and attention after the sudden tragic loss of her own spouse. But life must go on â€" she knows that even without everyone saying it. Her best friend Judith suggests that if her father ...

  • She’s eager to be out on her own, but what does that really mean? As GRADUATION DAY approaches, eighteen-year-old Virginia Simpson is more than ready to head off to college, reunite with her childhood sweetheart, and finally be allowed to embrace ...

  • Spunky's young master is on the verge of making his dream of working in the circus come true, until a nasty prank makes him hated by everyone, and Mark and Spunky have to prove that he was not involved in the prank in order to set things right once m...

  • Where will she turn when life doesn’t go the way she planned? WHEN HER STETSON-WEARING neighbor left to seek his fortune, Virginia Simpson remained at home, sustained by hope and an expectant heart. Now that her beloved Jonathan is back she can’...

  • Will her heart ever find the peace she yearns for? AFTER YEARS OF TURMOIL, Virginia Lewis is finally satisfied with her life. God has blessed her with the love of her husband Jonathan and four wonderful children, one of which is the daughter of her ...

  • Siblings seeking adventure find more than they bargained for... The love of Wynn and Elizabeth Delaney has healed their adopted son Henry's painful memories and helped him grow into a man of character. But when his job as a Royal Canadian Moun...

  • I thought I had given up on God. But I didn’t realize he hadn’t given up on me… OUR LITTLE TOWN, nestled in the valley, was a charming, secure place for us kids during our growing-up years. Our family probably wasn’t perfect, but we had a lo...

  • Emily is shy on the first day at her new school, but when the teacher asks everyone to draw a picture of love and the children share their ideas, Emily finally feels comfortable enough to share her idea of God's love....

  • Christine and her older brother, Henry, grew up in the Delaney family as loved and nurtured as if they had been born to Elizabeth and Wynn. Now adults, they are ready to make new lives for themselves. Henry has found love and is planning a wedding....

  • As a young girl, Lillian Walsh lost both her parents and a younger sister. Now in her twenties, after enduring the death of her adoptive mother, Lillian must find her place in the world. Just as her adoptive father is leaving for an extended trip to ...

  • So much has been accomplished. Lillian Walsh has stepped out courageously beyond what she'd ever dreamed of being able to achieve. She and her newly rediscovered sister, Grace, have settled three children from England into new Canadian homes and ...

  • Heartwarming Conclusion to the Companion Series to Hallmark Channel's When Hope Calls Lillian Walsh and Grace Bennett have learned so much already about caring for children in distress. It hasn't been easy, but it becomes even more difficult when th...

  • From the beloved author of Love Comes Softly comes an inspiring work of historical fiction about a young Jewish woman, plucked from obscurity and thrust on a perilous journey, only to witness the world’s most life-changing story.Like most young...

Award-Winning Books by Janette Oke

Love's Long Journey
1983 Gold Medallion Book Award -- Fiction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Janette Oke has published 64 books.

Janette Oke does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Pharisee's Wife, was published in March 2025.

The first book by Janette Oke, Love Comes Softly, was published in January 1979.

Yes. Janette Oke has 7 series.