Ackerman, Karen |
The Banshee |
General Fiction / GF |
May-15-1990 |
Adams, Laurie |
Alice Whipple Shapes Up |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Adams, Melodie |
In the Family Way |
SR-722 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Adler, C.S. |
Split Sisters |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Adler, Curtis |
With Westle & the Tin Man |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Agard, John |
Life Doesn't Frighten Me at All |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Ahern, Jerry |
Firestorm |
Action Adventure / AA |
May-01-1990 |
Aleskovsky, Ruth |
Hand |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Aliki |
I Wish I Was Sick, Too! |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Allegretto, Michael |
Night of Reunion |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Allen, Charlotte Vale |
Painted Lives |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Allen, Elizabeth Evelyn |
Bright Destiny |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Alther, Lisa |
Bedrock |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Anno, Mitsumasa |
Anno's Masks |
General Fiction / GF |
May-15-1990 |
Anston, Linell |
Lady Elizabeth |
HRE-26 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
May-01-1990 |
Appelfeld, Aharon |
For Every Sin |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Ardai, Charles |
Why I Left Harry's All Night Hamburgers |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Armstrong, Jennifer |
Too Many Pets |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Arnold, Judith |
Lucky Penny |
HAR-342 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Ash, Constance |
The Stalking Horse: An Evening-Length Opera Ballet in Five Acts |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Ashton, Elizabeth Allen |
An Old-Fashioned ABC Book |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Ashton, Mollie |
Terms of Surrender |
HH-46 |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Asimov, Janet |
Pshrinks Anonymous |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Astley, Judy |
When One Cat Woke Up |
General Fiction / GF |
May-07-1990 |
Astley, Thea |
Reaching Tin River |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Auch, Mary Jane / Auch, M.J. |
Pick Of The Litter |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
August, Elizabeth |
The Nesting Instinct |
SR-719 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Axler, James |
Time Nomads |
Action Adventure / AA |
May-01-1990 |
Ayres, Becky Hickox |
Victoria Flies High |
General Fiction / GF |
May-17-1990 |
Bach, Richard |
Stranger to the Ground |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bagwell, Stella |
That Southern Touch |
SR-723 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Baker, Sharlene |
Finding Signs |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bale, Karen A. |
Desperado Dream |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Balogh, Mary |
The Incurable Matchmaker |
Traditional Regency / RG |
May-1990 |
Barthelme, Donald |
King |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Baynton, Martin |
Why Do You Love Me? |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bean, Frederic |
Tom Spoon |
Historical / H |
May-01-1990 |
Bell, Clare |
Ratha and Thistle-Chaser |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-30-1990 |
Bennett, James Gordon |
My Father's Geisha |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
benShea, Noah |
Jacob the Baker: Gentle Wisdom for a Complicated World |
General Fiction / GF |
May-12-1990 |
Berent, Mark |
Steel Tiger |
Action Adventure / AA |
May-01-1990 |
Berger, Eileen |
Lexi's Nature // Tori's Masquerade |
Christian / CH |
May-01-1990 |
Berger, John |
Lilac and Flag |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bernard, April |
Pirate Jenny |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Betancourt, Jeanne |
Not Just Party Girls |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bishop, Natalie |
Dear Diary |
SSE-596 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Black, Veronica |
A Vow of Silence |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
May-01-1990 |
Bloch, Robert |
Best Horror Stories |
Horror / HORR |
May-01-1990 |
Blount, Roy, Jr. |
First Hubby |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bohl, Al |
Zaanan: The Dream of Delasor |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bolton, Johanna M. |
Mission: Tori |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-13-1990 |
Boris, Martin |
Brief Candle |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bowden, Susan |
Divided Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Boylan, Eleanor |
Murder Observed |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
May-01-1990 |
Bracewell, Michael |
Divine Concepts Of Physical Beauty |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bracewell, Michael |
Missing Margate |
General Fiction / GF |
May-03-1990 |
Brandenberg, Franz |
Leo And Emily's Big Idea |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Bregman, Sandra |
Reach for the Dream |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Breslow, Susan |
I Really Want a Dog |
General Fiction / GF |
May-10-1990 |
Brin, David |
Earth |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Buchan, Elizabeth |
Daughters of the Storm |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Bucheister, Patt |
The Rogue |
LS-400 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Buck, Carole |
Time Enough for Love |
SD-565 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Bunting, Eve |
Is Anybody There? |
Suspense / S |
May-15-1990 |
Buzbee, Lewis |
Fliegelman's Desire |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Camp, Deborah |
Black-Eyed Susan |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Cannam, Helen |
A High and Lonely Road |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Cannon, A.E. |
The Shadow Brothers |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Carlow, Joyce |
The Glory Years |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Carrick, Carol |
The Elephant In the Dark |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Carrington, G.A. |
Battle for Horsetooth Mountain |
General Fiction / GF |
May-05-1990 |
Carter, David A. |
More Bugs in Boxes |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Carter, Nick |
Dragon Slay |
Action Adventure / AA |
May-01-1990 |
Chalker, Jack L. |
When the Changewind Blows |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Charles, Maggi |
Strictly for Hire |
SSE-599 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Chase, Loretta |
Knaves' Wager |
Traditional Regency / RG |
May-01-1990 |
Clarke, Arthur C. |
Tales from Planet Earth |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Clarke, Judith |
The Heroic Life of Al Capsella |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Claus, Hugo |
The Sorrow of Belgium |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Clayton, Donna |
Mountain Laurel |
SR-720 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Cleary, Beverly |
Muggie Maggie |
General Fiction / GF |
May-21-1990 |
Cleaver, Vera |
Belle Pruitt |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Cline, Paul |
Ginger's Moon |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Cohen, Miriam |
See You in Second Grade! |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Cole, Joanna |
Don't Call Me Names! |
General Fiction / GF |
May-19-1990 |
Conford, Ellen |
Genie with the Light Blue Hair |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Cook, Glen |
Dread Brass Shadows |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
May-01-1990 |
Cooper, Clare |
Ashar of Qarius |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Corey, Deirdre |
P.S. We'll Miss You |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Coulter, Catherine |
Impulse |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-28-1990 |
Coville, Bruce |
The Dinosaur That Followed Me Home |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Crider, Bill |
Evil at the Root |
Police Procedural / PP |
May-01-1990 |
Cross, Melinda |
Pulse of the Heartland |
MB-3259 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-11-1990 |
Cullen, Robert |
Soviet Sources |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Cunningham, Marilyn |
Someone to Turn to |
SIM-334 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Dabcovich, Lydia |
Ducks Fly |
General Fiction / GF |
May-10-1990 |
Dallas, Sandra |
Buster Midnight's Cafe |
Historical / H |
May-01-1990 |
Dann, Jack |
Dinosaurs! |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Darcy, Emma |
One-Woman Crusade |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-11-1990 |
Davis, Kathryn |
The Endless Sky |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Day, Alexandra |
River Parade |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Day, Deforest |
A Cold Killing |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
de Brunhoff, Laurent |
Isabelle's New Friend |
General Fiction / GF |
May-19-1990 |
de Lint, Charles |
Drink Down the Moon |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
De Noux, O'Neil |
The Big Kiss |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk |
Red Riding Hood |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Decker, Edward |
The Mormon Dilemma |
Christian / CH |
May-01-1990 |
Delinsky, Barbara |
Having Faith |
HT-297 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Delton, Judy |
Peanut Butter Pilgrims |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Delton, Judy |
My Mom Made Me Go to Camp |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Demuth, Patricia Brennan |
Max, the Bad-Talking Parrot |
General Fiction / GF |
May-03-1990 |
Dengler, Sandy |
East of Outback |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Dever, Joe |
The Omega Zone |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Dinallo, Greg |
Purpose of Evasion |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Ding, Ya |
The Earth Sings |
Literary / L |
May-01-1990 |
Disney Book Group |
Mickey's Little Helpers |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Disney, Walt |
Dick Tracy See a Word Puz |
General Fiction / GF |
May-15-1990 |
Dixon, Chuck |
The Call of the Wild |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Doyle, David W. |
An Accurate Watch |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Dr. Seuss |
I Am Not Going to Get up Today! |
General Fiction / GF |
May-19-1990 |
Duncan, W. Glenn |
Cannon's Mouth |
Private Investigator / PI |
May-01-1990 |
Dunn, Carola |
A Susceptible Gentleman |
HRE-25 |
Traditional Regency / RG |
May-01-1990 |
Dunne, Dominick |
An Inconvenient Woman |
Literary / L |
May-01-1990 |
Dunnett, Dorothy |
Race of Scorpions |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-05-1990 |
Eastman, Kevin B. |
Incredible Shrinking Turtles |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Eastman, Kevin B. |
Fishy Adventure |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Eastman, Kevin B. |
Magic Crystal |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Edwards, Cassie |
Savage Dream |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Eidson, Bill |
The Little Brother |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Ellis, Wesley |
Lone Star and the Indian Gold |
Historical / H |
May-01-1990 |
Erickson, Lynn |
West of the Sun |
HS-404 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur |
The Scroll of Lucifer |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Estes, Rose |
The Hunter |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and the Crooked Marshal |
Historical / H |
May-01-1990 |
Facklam, Margery |
And Then There Was One |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Faqir, Fadia |
Nisanit |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Farmer, Philip Jose |
Dayworld Breakup |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Farren, Mick |
The Feelies |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Feil, Hila |
Blue Moon |
Horror / HORR |
May-01-1990 |
Ferguson, Ne |
Putting Out |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Ferrarella, Marie |
It Happened One Night |
SSE-597 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Ferrars, E.X. / Ferrars, Elizabeth |
Woman Slaughter |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
May-01-1990 |
Field, Sandra |
Love at First Sight |
MB-3260 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Figgis, N.P. |
The Fourth Mode |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Filichia, Peter |
Girls Can't Do It |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Finch, Carol |
Love's Hidden Treasure |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Fletcher, Dirk |
Rawhider's Woman |
Historical / H |
May-01-1990 |
Fontes, Justine Korman |
Dick Tracy: The Movie Storybook |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Forrester, John |
Forbidden Beast |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Forstchen, William R. |
Rally Cry |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Fortune, Dion |
Moon Magic |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Foster, Alan Dean |
Cyber Way |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Front, Shelia |
Never Say Macbeth |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Furniss, Tim |
Space Dots |
General Fiction / GF |
May-12-1990 |
Gallant, Roy A. |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Garwood, Julie |
Guardian Angel |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Gave, Marc |
Jetsons on the Move |
General Fiction / GF |
May-31-1990 |
George, Jean Craighead |
On the Far Side of the Mountain |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-30-1990 |
Gerson, Corinne |
My Grandfather the Spy |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Gescheidt, Alfred |
Sealman Says... |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Giannini, Enzo |
Little Parsley |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Gibbs, Tony |
Running Fix |
Law Enforcement / PD |
May-01-1990 |
Gilliland, Alexis A. |
The Shadow Shaia |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Gilman, Dorothy |
Mrs. Pollifax and the Whirling Dervish |
Espionage / E |
May-01-1990 |
Glenn, Dorothy |
The Hell Raiser |
HH-45 |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Glenn, Victoria |
Second Time Lucky |
SR-718 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Glover, Jonathan |
First World War Prose |
General Fiction / GF |
May-02-1990 |
Godden, Rumer |
Fu-Dog |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Goldrick, Emma |
Silence Speaks for Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-11-1990 |
Gordon, Jaimy |
She Drove Without Stopping |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Gorog, Judith |
In a Messy, Messy Room |
General Fiction / GF |
May-15-1990 |
Greeley, Andrew M. |
Cardinal Virtues |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Greenberg, Martin H. |
Devil Worshippers |
Horror / HORR |
May-01-1990 |
Greenberg, Martin H. |
Loaded for Bear |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Greene, Jennifer |
Riley's Baby |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-01-1990 |
Greenwald, Sheila |
Rosy's Romance |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Gregory, Jill |
Lone Star Lady |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Grey, Loren Zane |
Lassiter's Showdown |
Historical / H |
May-01-1990 |
Griffin, Peni R. |
Otto from Otherwhere |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Grindley, Sally |
Read-to-Me Treasury |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Gripe, Maria |
Agnes Cecilia |
Fantasy / F |
May-01-1990 |
Grove, Vicki |
The Fastest Friend in the West |
General Fiction / GF |
May-15-1990 |
Hagberg, David |
Countdown |
Thriller / T |
May-01-1990 |
Haiblum, Isidore |
Bad Neighbors |
Suspense / S |
May-01-1990 |
Haldeman, Joe |
The Hemingway Hoax |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Hall, Barbara |
Dixie Storms |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Hallinan, Timothy |
Everything but the Squeal |
Mystery / M |
May-01-1990 |
Hallowell, Tommy |
Shot from Midfield |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Hammond, Rosemary |
Two Different Worlds |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
May-11-1990 |
Haney, Howell |
Roadrunners |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Harcourt Brace |
Nebula Awards: SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy, 1988 |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Hareven, Shulamith |
Prophet |
Literary / L |
May-01-1990 |
Harper, Tara K. |
Wolfwalker |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Harrell, Anne |
Betrayals |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
May-01-1990 |
Harrell, Janice |
Senior Year at Last |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Harrison, Harry |
On the Planet of Bottled Brains |
Science Fiction / SF |
May-01-1990 |
Harrison, Sue |
Mother Earth, Father Sky |
Historical / H |
May-01-1990 |
Hart, Catherine |
Sweet Fury |
Historical Romance / HR |
May-01-1990 |
Hartland, Michael |
The Third Betrayal |
General Fiction / GF |
May-01-1990 |
Harvey, James Neal |
By Reason of Insanity |
Police Procedural / PP |
May-01-1990 |