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Kevin B. Eastman's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    105 Books
  • First Book:
    December 1989
  • Latest Book:
    January 2035
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Multi-Author Series List

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Change Is Constant (Mar-2012)

Book List in Order: 105 titles

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    (W/A) Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird Mirage Studios proudly celebrates its 25th anniversary by reprinting the classic first eleven issues of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles along with the four micro-series by creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird! Over 540...

  • A thorough look back at the TMNT comic book roots with the original stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special collect...

    • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles return to comics in their first IDW adventure! It's a different world for the Turtles. The group is broken as Raphael wanders the streets of NYC in search of food and shelter. His brothers and Master Splinter...

  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles begin their journey as a true team of brothers, although distance still remains between them. Meanwhile, Baxter Stockman and General Krang have largely kept to the shadows... until now! General Krang wants results and...

  • Volume 2 contains issues #5-7 including the stories "Complete Carnage and Radical," "Leatherhead," and "The Return of Savanti Romero." Includes all pinups and extra art from each issue....

  • A thorough look back at the TMNT's comic book origins with their first stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special coll...

    • TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman guides you through a dazzlingly, in-depth look at the creation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. From the modest beginnings to the merchandising, pop-culture juggernaut, this collection of concept art, comics...

    • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issues #8-11, plus the Michaelangelo, Donatello, and the Leonardo Micro-Series issues are collected in Volume 2 of The Works! All reproduced in glorious, new full-color!

  • The world's first Zombie Animal epic continues! President Obama travels to New Orleans to deal with the evacuation of the city, as Tommy, Azrael, and Justina fight for their very lives against the undead animal horde! All-star creators Kevin Eastman...

    • This special collection is a remastered and expanded version of the enormously popular and completely sold-out TMNT 25th Anniversary Book. Hand-picked by TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman as "some of his personal all-time favorite Turtles tales,...

  • TMNT Classics Continues! Volume 7 collects issues #45â€"47, which includes "Leatherhead, Too," "Masks" parts 1â€"2, and six short stories from Shell Shock: "Ghouls Night Out," "Crazy Man," "The Survival Game," "The Howl," "Technofear," and "It's A Ga...

  • "This final Ultimate Collection brings the end of the ""City At War"" storyline and concludes the Eastman & Laird era of TMNT. Featuring brand-new annotations by Eastman and Laird as well as an all-new cover by Eastman, this is a must-have for TM...

    • Kevin Eastman goes solo! Raphael and Casey find themselves in the middle of a criminal escapade gone wrong. Rival clans jockey for power in the NYC criminal underworld, and the Ninja Turtles are drawn into the chaos. Expect the unexpected in...

  • Master Splinter tells the turtles of his life with Hamato Yoshi, a master of the art of Ninjitsu. He shares the story of his master's murder and asks them to avenge this death and kill the one responsible, the man known as ... Shredder!...

  • Still reeling from the loss of Master Splinter, the turtles are sent to a foreign land with no help and no idea how to get back. How will these reptilian relatives react when they see this world's resident mutant lizard community? And how will they e...

  • The battle between the turtles and the foot escalates further, as Shredder takes the fight to the turtles home front. Devastated by ambush and defeat, the turtles hide away, growing stronger and stronger, until the next time Shredder shows his face, ...

    • The new adventures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles begin here! It's a different world for the Turtles. The group is broken as Raphael wanders the streets of NYC in search of food and shelter. His brothers and Master Splinter are on the s...

  • Splinter is finally back, and he wastes no time getting the turtles back into routine. Ninja assassins, body swapping, and creatures from fantasy all make an appearance as the turtles start protecting the streets of New York City once again....

  • Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, starting with this special edition collection of Mirage Studios'' issues #1-7 along with the Raphael one-shot by creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird! With over 300 pages of mutated-...

  • The classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action continues in the second volume of IDW's Ultimate Collections! In this outing, uncover issues #8-11, along with the Michaelangelo, Leonardo, and Donatello micro-series one-shots - you've never seen the T...

  • This final Ultimate Collection brings the end of the City At War storyline and concludes the Eastman & Laird era of TMNT. Featuring brand-new annotations by Eastman and Laird as well as an all-new cover by Eastman, this is a must-have for TMNT collec...

  • Time is short as Krang accelerates his plan to terraform the Earth, which will kill all who live on it! A surprise alliance results in a daring plan -- and the stakes have never been higher! Collects issues #41â€"44....

  • From the minds of Kevin Eastman (co-creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Ian Parker (MMA expert and former UFC Manager), and Mark Mastrandrea (MMA personality), comes Cage Hero! A middle school student and wrestling star, raised by his strict gr...

  • TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and writer Tom Waltz guide readers through a ground-breaking new origin and into epic tales of courage, loyalty and family as the Turtles and their allies battle for survival against enemies old and new in the dangerous ...

  • IDW Publishing relaunched TMNT in 2011 and since then co-creator Kevin Eastman has been along to co-pilot the series and provide covers for more than 50 comic book issues! This special hardcover edition celebrates that milestone by presenting all of ...

  • Kevin Eastman's 2014 TMNT Annual gets the deluxe treatment in this new hardcover collection! Designed as companion volume to the 2012 Annual Deluxe Edtition, this new volume features the entire 2014 Annual in full color, please all page layouts and s...

  • The Turtles take the fight to Baxter Stockman, while Karai decrees a “Gauntlet” battle between ancient foes Splinter and Shredder all leading to a final showdown that will determine the fate of NYC, and the world, for years to come! Collects issu...

    • The celebrated hardcover series collecting all the most important TMNT work by Eastman and Laird is back to present the best of the one-shots and short stories. Whether handled as a team or on their own with another creator, these stories ex...

  • TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman has been making comics for 30 years―and across three decades he’s amassed mountains of developmental character sketches, script notes, page roughs, and even alternate pages. Along the way he’s created one-of-a-kind...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    The forces of good and evil marshal on multiple fronts. ...

  • Re-releasing the crazed adventure from Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley! This new edition will feature artwork re-mastered by Kevin Eastman, all-new colors, and a plethora of sketches, process work, and other bonus material....

  • The perfect way to catch up on the new ongoing series, this volume collects the first 12 issues. Raphael wanders the streets of NYC in search of food, shelter, and answers. His brothers and Master Splinter vow to find him but a mutant alley cat named...

  • A new age begins for the TMNT. The epic events of the past have created new opportunities for the future… and new dangers. Will the family stay united in the face of a devastating new foe? Collects issues #51â€"55....

  • The Turtles learn the amazing story of their previous lives, and begin their journey as a true team of brothers! Meanwhile, Baxter Stockman unveils a deadly new strategy for capturing them, just as General Krang arrives in New York demanding results!...

  • Ryder Stone, a high school student and wrestling sensation, discovers his true destiny when he's recruited to join a superpowered team of mixed martial artists! Heir to one of eight medallions forged from a radioactive meteorite, he trains with his m...

    • The hit TMNT anthology series is back, and now in color! Volume 1, with a new cover by Steve Lavigne, collects issues #1â€"4 which include the stories "A Tale of the TMNT," "Nobody's Fool," "All Hallow's Thieves," and "I, Monster." Read alon...

    • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles begin their journey as a true team of brothers, although distance still remains between them. Meanwhile, Baxter Stockman and General Krang have largely kept to the shadows... until now! General Krang wants re...

  • TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman has been making comics for 30 years―and across three decades he’s amassed mountains of developmental character sketches, script notes, page roughs, and even alternate pages. Along the way he’s created one-of-a-kind...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    Violence and carnage rage across the city as Shredder’...

  • TMNT Vol. 15: Leatherhead is also collected as part of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Volume 7.

    As the Turtles continue to get used to a world leading the Foot Clan post-Shredder, they return to the Technodrome to m...

  • TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman has been making comics for 30 years―and across three decades he’s amassed mountains of developmental character sketches, script notes, page roughs, and even alternate pages. Along the way he’s created one-of-a-kind...

  • A beautiful oversized book of Kevin Eastman TMNT covers, each one suitable for framing! 16 terrific Turtle covers, all by TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman, with perforated edges enabling fans to easily remove any images for framing. Your wall will never...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    Recovering from the events of "City Fall," the Turtles s...

  • While the Turtles and Splinter are reeling from a surprise attack by Kitsune that has exposed weaknesses in their defense and left Alopex missing, the Street Phantoms use the opportunity to pounce.

    Collects issues #61-65....

  • Dive deep into the hidden secrets of the TMNT universe with this anthology series of never-before-seen, standalone stories focusing on all your favorite characters!

    A mysterious new mutant targets Baxter Stockman, and it's up to a reluctant Le...

  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Artisan Edition reproduces the original art from the first issue of one of the most important comic book phenomenons of the last 40 years.

    Scanned directly from the original art, mimicking the experience of the...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    After meeting a good-natured inter dimensional time trave...

  • A thorough look back at the TMNT comic book roots with the original stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special collect...

  • The forces of good and evil marshal on multiple fronts. The Turtles have a new mission, but Shredder’s ambitions could put an end to it before it begins. Meanwhile, Krang has an arsenal and wit unlike any other and his master plan sees the Turtles ...

  • Dive deep into the Turtles' expanded universe with this collection of stories from the original Mirage comics! Classic tales featuring a variety of creators.

    Short, one-issue stories are presented in the Tales of the TMNT series that gave read...

  • It's good to be green! The original TMNT series from Mirage Studios, collected in order and in color for the first time!

    The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a mainstay of pop culture, and it all began with these comics by co-creators Peter La...

  • The perfect way to catch up on the critically-acclaimed ongoing series.

    "City Fall" continues as Shredder reveals his new second-in-command and launches a full-scale war on New York City! With allegiances shifting, the Turtles must formulate a...

  • The Tales of the TMNT series presents short, one-issue stories that give readers an in-depth look at Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Casey Jones, and Splinter, while also delving into the stories of background characters like Nobody, Rat ...

  • A thorough look back at the TMNT's comic book roots with the original stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special colle...

  • Legendary talents team up for a jaw-dropping action-romp starring the baddest dudes in the TMNT universe: Raphael and Casey Jones. A must for adult Turtles collectors and anyone nostalgic for the grim 'n' gritty days of 90s comics.

    After years...

  • A thorough look back at the TMNT's comic book origins with their first stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special coll...

  • In the wake of total destruction, the exhausted Turtles must prevent catastrophe, as disparate forces converge on New York and a sinister power-play takes shape.

    Following the Triceratop Invasion, New York is in ruins. Various groups jockey fo...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need,...

  • It's good to be green! The original TMNT series from Mirage Studios, collected in order and in color for the first time!

    The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a mainstay of pop culture, and it all began with these comics by co-creators Peter La...

  • The longest running TMNT series continues as new dangers and enemies force the Turtles to make tough choices--and they won't always be in agreement!

    Multiple sources of conflict collide as the maniacal Agent Bishop goes to war with the alien f...

  • TMNT returns to its roots in these stories spotlighting each of the individual Turtles. All of the brothers will face long-lasting repercussions in the aftermath.

    First, Donatello understands that more is at stake than his brothers realize. In...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    Agent Bishop's long-gestating hunt for mutants begins in e...

  • It's all been leading up to this! A massive showdown on the streets of New York City!

    Everything comes together in this explosive story that sees New York torn apart by different factions, mutant and human alike! Karai returns and the future o...

  • A thorough look back at the TMNT's comic book origins with their first stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with this special coll...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    Turtles... in space! Krang is set to go on trial in Dimens...

  • A hell bent for leather collection! Ripped from yesterdayÂfs nastiest headlines! A dark look at the depth of twisted human depravity! As well as a Completely Awesome Collection of Totally Twisted Tales from the clinically insane minds of Kevin Eastm...

  • It's all-out war on the streets of NYC! The Road to 100 ends here!

    It's the shocking culmination of nearly a decade of storytelling as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Splinter face their darkest hour against a multitude of enemies bent on...

  • The landmark 100th issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gets the celebration it deserves in this special hardcover edition.

    Concluding the epic "City At War" storyline, issue #100 brings nearly eight years of action-packed continuity by TMNT ...

  • Discover, or revisit, the original Mirage Studios' comics collected in order and in color for the first time!

    The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a mainstay of pop culture, and it all began with these comics by co-creators Peter Laird and Kev...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    Discover the secret origins of the Triceratons: how they b...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want.

    Donatello understands that more is at stake than his broth...

  • "A thorough look back at the TMNT''s comic book origins with their first stories plus insightful annotations from co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Rediscover the underground roots of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with this special col...

  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been a pop-culture phenomenon since their comics debut in 1984! This collection spans the decades with stories from their earliest days and their latest adventures with spotlights on Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo,...

  • Who is the Last Ronin? In a future, battle-ravaged New York City, a lone surviving Turtle embarks on a seemingly hopeless mission seeking justice for the family he lost. From legendary TMNT co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, get ready for the...

  • The world of the TMNT has been filled with unforgettable allies and friends that have become just as famous in their own rights. This second collection turns the spotlight on Splinter, Casey Jones, April O’Neil, and the newest member of the team, J...

  • Dive into the origins of your favorite teenage turtles with this collection of stories from the original Mirage comics!Cowabunga dudes! It’s time to travel back to the '80s with the Turtles and discover where it all started. This collection of ...

  • Presenting the complete TMNT stories in recommended reading order, including one-shots, crossovers, and event series. Everything a beginner could need, everything a diehard could want. The forces of good and evil marshal on multiple fronts. The Turt...

  • The Ultimate Collection edition that classic TMNT fans have been waiting for!

    All the covers from the earliest days of Mirage Studios in one archival collection, plus pencils/inks/paintings by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, including all the o...

  • Relive one of the greatest TMNT stories of all time through the iconic covers that helped make it an instant classic! “Who is the Last Ronin? In a future, battle-ravaged New York City, a lone surviving Turtle embarks on a seemingly hopeless mis...

  • RETURN TO THE RONIN-VERSE! In TMNT: The Last Ronin, readers were taken on a pulse-pounding trek through time -- past, present, future -- to witness the final gut-wrenching days of the Heroes in a Half-Shell. In Last Roninâ€"Lost Years, new secrets of...

  • Continue your journey following the early exploits of the TMNT in this collection of stories from the original Mirage comics!As the 1980s transitioned into the ’90s, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began to establish themselves as pop culture ...

  • Go behind the scenes of the New York Times best seller with over 75 pages of character designs, concept art, and sketches as well as parts of the original draft idea from TMNT co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird! In a future, battle-ravaged New...

  • Return to the Ronin-verse with the pulse-pounding follow-up to the New York Times bestseller, TMNT: The Last Ronin! Secrets about the Last Ronin’s final battle come to light—while a new generation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes...

  • Complete your journey following the early exploits of the TMNT in this collection of stories from the original Mirage comics!This third and final compendium completes Mirage’s first run of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics, collecting issues ...

  • A washed up comic book writer must scrape together enough cash to pay off Lithuanian mobsters in this totally fictional true story that's perfect for fans of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.Once upon a time, he and his brother birthed a worldwide phenomenon, sel...

  • This second deluxe edition collects TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman’s comic book cover art for the various IDW Turtles series from 2015 to 2019! Following up 2015’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Kevin Eastman Covers (2011â€"2015), this collecti...

  • You’ve read the series, now revel in all the beautiful cover artwork created for the prequel to the New York Times bestselling graphic novel!Includes over 125 pieces of cover art created for the series from co-creator Kevin Eastman and artists ...

  • You’ve read the series, now revel in all the beautiful cover artwork created for the prequel to the New York Times bestselling graphic novel! Includes over 125 pieces of cover art created for the series from co-creator Kevin Eastman and artists Ben...

  • Return to the gritty future of The Last Ronin to see what new heroes will grow from the ashes of the TMNT legacy.More than a decade after the Last Ronin defeated the Foot Clan, New York City finds itself in a state of steady decline. Now, the dispara...

  • This third art book collects TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman’s comic book cover art for the various IDW Turtles series from 2019 to 2024, including New York Times best-selling title The Last Ronin.Presented in an oversize hardcover measuring 8 &t...

  • A washed up comic book writer must scrape together enough cash to pay off Lithuanian mobsters in this totally fictional true story that's perfect for fans of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.Books and Beastly in Hollywood! Our beleaguered cartoonist hero goes to ...

  • A madcap collection featuring zombies, superheroes, aliens, murderers, mutant animals, and more in six rarely-seen stories from Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    Six tales of insanity from the twisted minds of Kevi...

  • The book that classic TMNT fans have been waiting for! All the covers from the earliest days of Mirage Studios in one archival collection, plus pencils/inks/paintings by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, including all the original sketches, behind the s...

    • / General Fiction
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    "The Turtles take the fight to Baxter Stockman, while Karai decrees a ""Gauntlet"" battle between ancient foes Splinter and Shredder all leading to a final showdown that will determine the fate of NYC, and the world, for years to come!


    • / General Fiction
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    "Collecting TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman and artist extraordinaire Bill Sienkiewicz''s five-part story from TMNT Universe Volume One, now with a ton of new behind-the-scenes features.

    ""Inside Out"" may be the title of the story, but it''s al...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Kevin B. Eastman has published 105 books.

The next book by Kevin B. Eastman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Eastman and Laird's Mirage Studios Covers, will be published in January 2035.

The first book by Kevin B. Eastman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, was published in December 1989.

No. Kevin B. Eastman does not write books in series.