At once troubling, funny, and joyous, this is an intimate, lyrical, and deeply moving novel of an ordinary family crumbling under the weight of past mistakes. Isabel Ashdown's captivating debut vividly brings to life the gentility of a 1950s childhoo...
In her eagerly anticipated second novel, Mail on Sunday Novel Competition winner Isabel Ashdown explores the treacherous territory of adolescent friendships, and traces across the decades the repercussions of a dangerous relationship. In August 1985,...
It’s the long, hot summer of 1976. On the Isle ofWight Luke Wolff is about to turn eighteen, with hiswhole life ahead of him. Before sailing across thewater to start his first term at college, he is lookingforward to enjoying his last summer at hom...
LIAR, LIAR . . . In the photograph Martha Benn has kept for two decades, three girls lounge on the grass during a school field trip. Beside Martha, there’s Liv, petite and wickedly funny, and Juliet, their unofficial leader, brave, kind, and...
No one knows you better than a sister -- your dreams, your fears, your mistakes, and all your secrets. It was just that way when Jess and her older sister, Emily, were children. Born barely a year apart, they were deeply entwined, complementing e...
You trust your family. They love you. Don't they?When 17-year-old Eva Olsen awakes after a horrific accident that has left her bedbound, her parents are right by her side. Devoted, they watch over her night and day in the attic room of their family h...
'Dark, insidious, unsettling, fabulous' Sharon Bolton 'Couldn't stop reading this compelling novel of scandals and affairs at the heart of seemingly idyllic seaside community. Great characters, setting, and a deliciously dark mystery at its heart.' E...
Dark secrets cast long shadows... On a peaceful hilltop campsite in the heat of summer, a private plane crash-lands. Several are killed, and many more lives are shattered - including those of the Gale family who own the site. For single parent Cathy ...