Shattered Innocence tells a gripping dramatic story of teenage innocence mixed with adult family drama. Brent Miller, main character, is the town hero due to his superb athletic ability and his presupposed destiny of being a professional athlete. His...
Doctor Julien Sauniere continues his investigation into the theft of a mysterious medieval scroll, only dimly aware of the forces tugging him to the doorstep of the powerful Duke of Lorraine. Lorraine wants to provoke a massive, globe-spanning war th...
Some information about A New Hope: First off, it's an extrapolation of my tour in Afghanistan set in a futuristic setting, set on the planetary colony of New Hope. A criminal gang, resorted to an insurgency campaign in order to fight the government. ...
A futuristic rendition of Operation Rock Avalanche by Battle Company, 1st of the 503rd. It was an after story from A New Hope. Based in the universe created by David Drake (with his permission). This book is an "additional" story set in the same t...
After the events of A New Hope the Troop is sent to Kearse, a Somalia-like planet that for the most part needs to be cleared of enemy insurgent activity. However they won't be going it alone as they are teamed up with the Texian 101st Light A...
A special forces team is sent to the planet of Cairns to retrieve a terrorist who failed in an attempt to blow up a luxury ship. Once in the Free City of Korns they encounter trouble, but nothing they can't handle. Part of a new universe that I'm wor...
Inspired by the Firefly episode "Bushwhacked", this puts a fictional space crew upon a derelict space ship set in the universe of my 2-4 Cavalry series past Book 5: Eagle Hammer. It's a simple short story that I am using to try and broaden the scope...
2/4 Cavalry is sent along with a blower unit to Devkin to crush a rebellion. The story is based off of the "Thunder Run" scenario presented in the "Hammer's Crucible" miniatures book from the official Hammer's Slammers miniatures site. The scenario...
After the unsuccessful attempt of the unit and the Texians to capture General Malik, the unit is eventually deployed to Talis, a forested planet where a republic has broken away from the main planetary government. Hired to support the Golden Eagle...
After a mis-calculation on an orbital drop, two Leopards from the Troop fight their way back to friendly lines. Of course it was a mixup but the Freelanders didn't think so when they ambushed the tanks and now they're on the run through the mountains...
Human evolution is put back on track thanks to the Red Sun Millennia causing the failure of all electric-based technology. Only the strongest of gene pools and adaptations survive. This is the story of one of these new “species”. Roe is a Furry w...
Human evolution is put back on track thanks to the Red Sun Millennia causing the failure of all electric-based technology. Only the strongest gene pools and adaptations survive. This is the story of one of those lives in After World.At fifteen she ...
After the events of Rolling Thunder, the Troop is sent back to Mashara to handle the repatriation. As the days go by, the Troop faces a different enemy: politics. All the while the bullets and missiles are still flying......
A warmhearted and witty account of an exhausted suburbanite’s exhausting year above the Cheddar Curtain, This Ain’t Provence transports readers to the Good Enough region of Southwest Wisconsin, a beautiful but overlooked corner of the world popul...
After the decade long war the European Space Union is looking for ways to pay off the massive war debt the Royal Dutch Ministry of Defense started to look ways in order for it to remain fiscally stable and also help pay off its large debt as well. Af...
In this military science fiction short story the unit is sent to the planet Lisbon, which is suffering from a labor dispute. The question is, will the unit have to fight the workers or will they leave peacefully? Based off of the scenario at http://...
After the conflict that had spanned a decade, the European Space Union during its consolidation phase, needs to ensure its other borders are secure. In this short story 2/4 Cavalry is sent out to neutralize. While the ESU’s borders are vast, intell...
In this short story (less than 11K words) a research scientist leaves for a nuclear devastated planet for research, a squad from the unit is sent to retrieve her."Clean and crisp rescue mission. The political talk wasn't bashed over t...
A US Army infantry squad is sent to combat Islamic terrorists in United States territory. While set in 2060 and the Soldiers have a lot of technology and assets at their disposal, the battle still requires combat smarts and tactics to root out a tena...
From the moment of his creation, the fate of Lucifer was foretold by God: "You will be pure and holy, but in your choices you will become the embodiment of all that is unholy and heretofore evil." Embracing his fate, he fails to take the throne of Go...
"You know, Joey, you told me that Em'ly had wrenches with her at shows, but that her set was the wrong kind. Did you mean that it was a set of metric wrenches and thus would not include a 15/16-inch wrench?"
"Exactly." Joey had been pleased with ...
Professor Roger Strong is exhibiting a modern Corvette in a car show when he is asked to help solve the murder of a fellow Corvette enthusiast. Soon, Dr. Strong's academic community is shocked by an apparently unrelated murder on campus. The suspense...
Windrew Hayes is an all-American runner and a graduate of an elite liberal arts college. Despite his stellar achievements and wealthy upbringing, Windrew feels unfulfilled and disrespected, a man in search of an identity and redemption. His quest tak...
When a plane crashes onto the school yard and rescue attempts turn the first responders into zombies, Tom and his motley crew of grade-schoolers fight to find their way home. But home isn't the safe haven they have been seeking. The zombies are every...
After surviving the attack in Summer School Zombocalypse, the saga of Tom Stinson continues. Worse than the zombies, stupid jocks are making his senior year a living nightmare. On a field trip to the beach, his dreams of revenge come true when monste...
Continuing after the events in Book 12: The Lost Planet, Operation Arrow highlights the unit's deployment as mercenaries this time, filling the coffers from the ten year war that the unit stumbled upon in Book 5: Eagle Hammer. Their deployment takes ...
Professor Roger Strong is a car guy who plans to own a diner or drive-in (so that he will have an endless supply of hamburgers), but he suddenly finds himself in the middle of an investigation of a murdered television executive. Amid bits of amiable ...
More often than not, the relationships between fathers and sons impact the understanding that many males develop about notions of manhood. Even when a man's father has not been present in a way that meets his expectations, his understanding of what i...
The journey to find or understand one’s purpose often seems a daunting task that invites us to go to no place in particular. In fact, oftentimes, the older we get, the more we implicitly and tacitly give up because secretly, we come to the heartbre...
Sniper Pilot Alexei Karmarov is tasked by the United States Navy for a strike against a terrorist leader in Turkey. Follows a plotline started years ago on Strike Fighters 2 was used in the creation of this story....
Society, once prosperous and free, has degraded to a state of chaos and disorder by crooked police and rich politicians. The leaders of the world have driven their countries into poverty and decay with the threat of nuclear war hanging in ...
Torn away from the world he knew and told to take what was rightfully his, Tom is transported through time, finding himself safely at home. But home isn't what he thought it to be. Forces out of his control are at work, his seventeen-year-old mind is...
After the capture of Al-Habir, the team is sent on a wild goose chase where elements within the Royal Dutch Army are swapping money for arms, to possible hostile elements. The team goes around the known universe in search of answers and finds them. W...
In this short story Captain Mirabig rescues embassy staff from a rebel coup d' etat. Taking place after Book 1: A walk in the park this short story is a continuation of the 5th Kommando series. this follows Book 1: A Walk in the Park...
After their stint as mercenaries, the Troop is sent back to Friesland to help remove the holdouts left on the planet. They also perform a mercenary mission in their travels as well. A continuation of events from Book 13 the Troop goes through changes...
She wanted to stop the nightmares–instead, she fed her brother to them. Plagued by nightmares, Isabella Shaw is desperate for a good night's sleep. When her father leaves for an emergency business trip, Isabella tries to help her restless ...
In the depths of the dream world, knowing who to trust could be the end of everything. Hoping to be trained as a dream weaver, Isabella Shaw finds a dreamer in trouble. When the rescue goes drastically wrong, she begins to question herself...
This is a book based on my Kindle Vella story on the same name. It features my Eagle Hammer universe (from 2-4 Cavalry Book 5: Eagle Hammer) and it is a future tale after so far, 2-4 Cavalry Book 15: A Pit of Vipers. Since I have some room with that ...
In the fantasy story Trials of Baromir, Baromir spends two weeks out of his farming life visiting the continent he lives on. From Helva province he travels to Lagosia province and ends up in the city of Dormir. Along the way, he encounters a female m...
After the events of Days of Baromir, Famir sets out on a quest with his former lover, Arathorn. Arathorn's goal is to find the Amulet of Power, where he could be granted power that can unlock some spells and make him a feared person in the world of t...
After the events of The Trials of Baromir, Baromir and his friends head to Anniva, where they get involved in a contract to rid the province of the Black Knights. During their two-week stay, they fight the Black Knights nearly daily and survive to fi...
Unlocked: A Dreamweaver Diaries AdventureDive into the heart of mystery and choice in Dreamweaver Diaries Unlocked a captivating Pick-Your-Path-Adventure from the Dreamweaver Diaries series. In this interactive tale, every decision you make unlocks a...
Following Streets of Destiny Baromir must deliver a magic scroll to the Great Land Council. Things are weird when the person who needs the scroll delivered, is a dragon herself. Baromir travels to the Great Land Council and finds out that the person ...
Humanity has pushed itself to the brink of extinction. After a deadly series of internal wars, most of Earth is now an uninhabitable, monster-infested wasteland. All hope seemed lost until an alien society, the Pan-Galactic Republic, came to the resc...
For years Loeffler was banished from the Great Land Council due to an incident for which she was banished. With that she has been steadily trying to get back into the good graces of the Council. Upon a meeting to determine her fate, she meets a human...
Embrace the arcane arts in Whispers of the Eldorian Crystal: Path of the Mage, where you play as a powerful mage exploring the magical depths of Eldoria. With a staff imbued with ancient power, you venture into the enchanted forest, seeking to master...
In Whispers of the Eldorian Crystal: Path of the Warrior you assume the role of a brave warrior destined to protect the Enchanted Forest of Eldoria from looming threats. Armed with a sword and the spirit of a fighter, you embark on a quest to safegua...
Step into the shoes of a young adventurer on the brink of an unforgettable journey in Whispers of the Eldorian Crystal: Path of the Commoner. At the edge of the Enchanted Forest of Eldoria, whispers of ancient magic beckon you into a realm of wonder ...
This is a short story that started on Kindle Vella, and now is shown on Inkspired. This story is about a small mercenary unit that is hired to do guard duty on a planet ruled by Christians, and they have Muslims as well on the planet. Through experie...