When his wife, Jo, is offered her dream job, Lincoln Menner leaves his thriving landscape business in Los Angeles and moves to Rochester, New York. This will be his chance to start over, spend a little time with their three-year-old daughter, and fin...
Welcome to the utterly eccentric world of Selby, Georgia, where the folks sprinkle three things liberally over their daily lives: sugar, religion, and the wicked fun of Southern living. Margaret Pinaldi is the quiet daughter of a hell-raising abor...
An often hilarious, always moving novel that explores love and fate and the ways we lie to ourselves to get by in a sometimes overwhelming world. When a mishap in the mail brings Geena into Ellis's life, neither realizes how much they need each ot...
For more than a decade, Linc Menner has raised the status of househusband to an art form. . . . While his wife, Jo, brings home the bacon, Linc Menner holds down the fort -- his gourmet cooking is sublime, his cleaning unrivaled, and his devotion...