Albert, Marvin |
The Dark Goddess |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Alcott, Louisa May |
Plots and Counterplots |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Aldiss, Brian W. |
Winter's Tales |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Alexander, Joan |
One Sunny Day |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Aliesan, Jody |
As if It Will Matter |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Allan, Mabel Esther |
The Rising Tide |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1978 |
Allen, Charlotte Vale |
Meet Me in Time |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Allen, Hervey |
The Other Bronze Boy |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Andersch, Alfred |
My disappearance in Providence, and other stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Andersch, Alfred |
Winterspelt |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Anderson, Poul |
The Night Face |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Andrews, Mark |
Blackout |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Anne, David |
Rabid |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Ardrey, Robert L. |
The Territorial Imperative |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Armstrong, Evelyn Stewart |
Valdoro's Mistress |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Ashton, Ann |
The Phantom Reflection |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1978 |
Ashton, Elizabeth |
The Questing Heart |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-13-1978 |
Banci, Lewis |
World in Morning |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Basile, Gloria Vitanza |
The House of Lions |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jan-01-1978 |
Basile, Gloria Vitanza |
Appassionato |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1978 |
baum, willi |
falling river ranch |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Beaudry, Antoinette |
Tropic of Desire |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-1978 |
Becker, Stephen |
Dog Tags |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Bensen, D.R. |
Mr. Horn |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Berger, Thomas |
Arthur Rex |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Bergstrom, Louise |
Love Is the Answer |
CR-228 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Berloni, William; Thomas, Allison |
Sandy Autobiography |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Bieler, Manfred |
The Three Daughters |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Bishop, Michael |
Universe 8 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Black, Campbell |
The Asterisk Destiny |
Suspense / S |
Jan-15-1978 |
Black, Laura |
Ravenburn |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Jan-15-1978 |
Boles, Paul D. |
Mississippi Run |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Boorstin, Sharon |
Keep on Rollin' |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Bowart, Walter |
Operation Mind Control |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Jan-1978 |
Bowen, Elizabeth |
The Little Girls |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Brady, Nicholas |
The Doom Platoon |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Brandenberg, Franz |
No School Today |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Bretnor, Reginald |
Killing in Swords |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Briggs, Victor |
The Sacred Ground |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Britt, Katrina |
The Enchanted Woods |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-13-1978 |
Brooke, Avery |
Hidden in Plain Sight |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Brooks, Joshua |
Just a Little Inconvenience |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Brosnan, John |
Future Tense |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Brosnan, Kat |
A Cry in the Night |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-1978 |
Brown, Dee Alexander |
Hear That Lonesome Whistle Blow |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Buber, Martin |
I and Thou |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Burnford, Sheila |
Bel Ria |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Butler, Rick |
Quebec-The People Speak |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Byrne, Peter |
The Search for Big Foot |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-03-1978 |
Capstick, Peter H. |
Death in the Long Grass |
Suspense / S |
Jan-01-1978 |
Carter, Diana |
Apprentice to Evil |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Carter, Forrest |
Cry Geronimo |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Carter, Forrest |
Watch For Me on the Mountain |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Cato, Nancy |
All the Rivers Run |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Caudill, Harry M. |
The Watches of the Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Chandler, A. Bertram |
The Inheritors // Gateway to Never |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Chappell, Wallace D. |
Clovis Chappell: Preacher of the Word |
Christian / CH |
Jan-15-1978 |
Chase, Glen |
The Man Who Was God |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1978 |
Clague, Maryhelen |
So Wondrous Free |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Clark, Gail |
Dulcie Bligh |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-15-1978 |
Clay, George |
Family Occasions |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Closs, Hannah Priebsch |
High are the mountains |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Coburn, Walt |
The Square Shooter |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Cohen, Matt |
Night flights |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Cole, John N. |
Striper: A Story of Fish and Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Cooper, Jilly |
Prudence |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Cooper, Jilly |
Imogen |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Coran, Arnold G. |
Surgery of the Neonate |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Cradock, Fanny |
War comes to Castle Rising |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Craven, Sara |
Past All Forgetting |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-13-1978 |
Crawford, Oliver |
The Execution |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Creasey, John |
The Wings of Peace |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Creech, James |
Tilt |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Cresswell, Helen |
Two Hoots and the big bad bird |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Cunningham, Chet |
Beloved Rebel |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Curry, Jane Louise |
The Bassumtyte Treasure |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Dale, Celia |
Winter's Crimes |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Damore, Leo |
The Crime of Dorothy Sheridan |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1978 |
Dan, Uri |
Carlos Must Die |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Daniels, Barbara |
Winter Rose |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Danziger, Paula |
The Pistachio Prescription |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Darcy, Clare |
Rolande |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-01-1978 |
de Lyonne, Susana |
Six Days, Five Nites |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
De Rico, Ul |
The Rainbow Goblins |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Deal, Borden |
Bluegrass |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Delany, Samuel R. |
The Jewels of Aptor |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
DeMarinis, Rick |
Cinder |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1978 |
Derrick, Lionel |
The Animal Game |
Action Adventure / AA |
Jan-15-1978 |
Dillon, Eilis |
Blood Relations |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Dimona, Joseph |
Seventy Sutton Place |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1978 |
Doder, Dusko |
The Yugoslavs |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Donald, Robyn |
Summer at Awakopu |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Donald, Robyn |
Dilemma in Paradise |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Donnelly, Jane |
Forest of the Night |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Dunne, Robert L. |
Egg Carton Critters |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1978 |
Edson, J.T. |
Renegade // Back to the Bloody Border |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1978 |
Edwards, David L. |
A Reason to Hope |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1978 |
eels, George |
Ginger, Loretta and Irene Who? |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Effinger, George Alec |
Felicia |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Eklund, Gordon |
The Starless World |
Space Opera / SO |
Jan-15-1978 |
Elfman, Blossom |
A House for Jonnie O. |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Elver, Rose |
Golden Apples |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-13-1978 |
Estleman, Loren D. |
Sherlock Holmes versus Dracula |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Jan-15-1978 |
Everett, Michael |
The Birds of Paradise |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Exley, Richard |
To Dad |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Exley, Richard |
To Mom |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Fairweather, Nancy |
Render unto Caesar |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Farr, Caroline |
Sinister House |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-01-1978 |
Fellows, Catherine |
Vanessa |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-15-1978 |
Ferguson, Dorothy |
Black Duck |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1978 |
Fielding, Henry |
Amelia |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Fields, Alan |
V-J day |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Fisher, Lou |
Sunstop 8 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Fitzgerald, Nancy |
Mayfair |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Jan-15-1978 |
Fleetwood, Frances |
Concordia Errant |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Flett, Alfred |
Never Shake a Skeleton |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1978 |
Floren, Lee |
Pinon Mesa |
Historical / H |
Jan-01-1978 |
Foote, Shelby |
September, September |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Free, Colin |
Vinegar Hill |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Freemantle, Brian |
The Man Who Wanted Tomorrow |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Freivalds, John |
The Famine Plot |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Freschet, Berniece |
Porcupine Baby Gb |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-17-1978 |
Freshman, Shelley |
The Gift of the Magi |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1978 |
Gallagher, Mary |
Spend It Foolishly |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Gedge, Pauline |
Eagle and the Raven |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
George, Jean Craighead |
The Wentletrap Trap |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Gessner, Lynne |
To See a Witch |
Literary / L |
Jan-01-1978 |
Gibson, Walter Brown |
Shadowed Millions |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Gilmour, H.B. |
Eyes of Laura Mars |
Space Opera / SO |
Jan-15-1978 |
Goldsen, Bernette |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Gordon, A.C. |
More Solve-a-Crime |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-1978 |
Gordon, Sol |
You Would if You Loved Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Gordon, Steve |
The One and Only |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Gorsline, Marie |
Cowboys |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Graham, Elizabeth (1) |
Heart of the Eagle |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Graham, John W. |
Sejanus: The Secret Ruler of Rome |
Science Fiction / SF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Grimes, Nikki |
Something on My Mind |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Hamilton, Virginia |
Justice and Her Brothers |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1978 |
Hamner, Robert |
Taste of Armageddon 4 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Harris, James |
High Ideals? |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Harris, Richard |
Freedom Spent |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Haskins, Jim |
Scott Joplin |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Hayes, E. Kent |
Broken Promise |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1978 |
Hayes, Sheila |
The Carousel Horse |
Literary / L |
Jan-01-1978 |
Helweg, Hans |
Farm Animals |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Hendryx, James B. |
Black John of Halfaday Creek |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Henissart, Paul |
Winter Spy |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Hildick, E.W. |
The Top-Flight Fully-Automated Junior High School Girl Detective |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Hill, Pamela |
Stranger's Forest |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-01-1978 |
Hinton, Nigel |
Getting Free |
Literary / L |
Jan-01-1978 |
Hobbs, Michael |
Golf to Remember |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Hogan, Ray |
Rimrocker and the Outlaw |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Holt, Michael |
More Math Puzzles and Games |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Hufford, Susan |
Skin Deep |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1978 |
Humphrey, William |
Home from Hill |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Hunter, John |
Let Us Go on to Maturity |
Christian / CH |
Jan-15-1978 |
Hynd, Noel |
Revenge |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Ignatow, David |
Tread the Dark |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Irving, Clifford |
Death Freak |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Jacobs, Karen F. |
Girlsports |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Jaffe, Miles |
Skiing the Best |
Literary / L |
Jan-15-1978 |
Jakes, John |
Time Gate |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Jakes, John |
Brak: When The Idols Walked |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1978 |
James, William M. |
Cruel Trail |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1978 |
Jeffries, Roderic |
Troubled Deaths |
Police Procedural / PP |
Jan-15-1978 |
Johnson, Walter Reed |
Oakhurst |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Jorgensen, James |
Quid |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kalisch, Philip A. |
The Advance of American Nursing |
Dark Fantasy / DF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kanfer, Stefan |
The Eighth Sin |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Kelley, Ray |
Blue Rock Range |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-1978 |
Kent, Jack |
Cindy Lou and the Witch's Dog |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kepes, Juliet |
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kilpi, Eeva |
Tamara |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kimbrough, Katheryn |
Louise, the Restless |
Gothic / GO |
Jan-15-1978 |
King, Diana |
Getting Even; Gripping Tales of Revenge |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
King, Stephen |
Night Shift |
Horror / HORR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kirk, Richard |
A Time of Ghosts |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kirk, Richard |
Swordsmistress of Chaos |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kirsch, Jonathan |
Bad Moon Rising |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-03-1978 |
Kittredge, William |
The Great American Detectives |
Mystery / M |
Jan-01-1978 |
Klein, Norma |
Love is One of the Choices |
Romance / R |
Jan-01-1978 |
Kohl, Herbert |
Growing with Your Children |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu |
Krishnamurti's Notebook |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1978 |
Kurzman, Dan |
Bravest Battle |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
L'Amour, Louis |
The Proving Trail |
Historical / H |
Jan-15-1978 |
Laker, Rosalind |
Warwyck's Woman // Warwyck's Wife |
Historical Romance / HR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
Master of Comus |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
The Devil's Arms |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
Call Back Yesterday |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
Desert Barbarian |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lane, Roumelia |
The Brightest Star |
HPR-20 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Jan-01-1978 |
Lasher, H.L. |
Cop Out |
Mystery / M |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lavrenev, Boris |
The forty first |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lawler, Pat |
My Brother's Place |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lawrence, Louise |
Star Lord |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Laycock, George |
Mysteries, Monsters and Untold Secrets |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Le-Tan, Pierre |
Timothy's dream book |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |
Lee, Stan |
Marvel Comics SP 2 |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-01-1978 |
Lee, Tanith |
Vazkor, Son of Vazkor // Shadowfire |
Fantasy / F |
Jan-01-1978 |
Lem, Stanislaw |
The Chain of Chance |
General Fiction / GF |
Jan-15-1978 |