Melanie is a mother and a lover, middle-aged, eccentric, courageous, and often hilariously unpredictable. She’s also deeply scarred by her internment as a child in Drancy, a Nazi detention camp. Through the humanity and friendship of an English boy...
Paul Stevens enters a world of anxious curiosity as he struggles to know more about his new love, Judith, after discovering that his gambling brother, Henry, knows her through a mutual connection in her secret life...
A touching and resonant story of a man who returns to the small town of West Gull, Ontario, to mend his family's legacy of alcohol and violence, to reconnect with his young daughter, and to reconcile himself with the spirit of his beautiful mother, k...
First published in 1972, Columbus and the Fat Lady introduced readers to Governor General’s Literary Awardâ€"winning author Matt Cohen’s skewed and hilarious worldview. By turns funny, surreal, wistful, savagely satirical, and brilliantly inventi...
Pioneering Vermont's first comfort dog team, Officer Matt and K9 Duke share their adventures. Come along as Duke meets new friends, learns new tricks and makes us smile with his silly and sweet antics....
Last Seen, Matt Cohen's second-to-last novel, was a finalist for the Governor General's Award for Fiction and the Trillium Award. This audiobook edition, narrated by R.H. Thompson, is a darkly comic story of two brothers and a woman who brings them b...
Matt Cohen's classic Canadian novel is a re-issue from Vintage Canada that coincides with the posthumous publication of Cohen's memoirs. More about us.
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