On the day of his grandmothers funeral, James Hahn falls victim to a life-threatening attack. As he learns of his recent inheritance, which holds much more than a mere dollar value, and the connection between this incident and a terrifying experience...
In the world of Palatovia, a demon lord seeks an ancient artifact, the Book of Stars, in the city of Centuria to gain power over the entire planet. Through his dark arts, he now commands all of the demons and other vulgar beasts, including several me...
The demons have the upper hand in their fight against the humans on Palatovia. LORD EMALF, the demon lord, has destroyed the city of Centuria, leaving no survivors save NYDRAIA, a leader of the nes kaliba, a water people. Through his dark arts, Emalf...
In mathematics, infinite is defined as lacking limits or endless. In Infinite Greatness, author Jivolae James Harris shows how the extent of one's greatness can be infinite. He discusses how success in life is predicated on how you act and think and ...
Pieces of She details the events in the lives of 3 women: Noa, Serenity, and Rhoree. As they deal with relationship and identity issues, each woman has her own unique story to tell. Noa is convinced she has been building a solid foundation for a ...