Abbey, Lynn |
Taking Time |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-30-2004 |
Aber, Linda Williams |
The Clue in the Castle Wall |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Adams, Kylie |
Ex-Girlfriends |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Akamatsu, Ken |
Negima! Volume 1 |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-27-2004 |
Allen, Charlotte Vale |
Sudden Moves |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Amato, Mary |
Snarf Attack, Underfoodle, and the Secret of Life |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Amernic, Jerry |
Gift of the Bambino |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Andrews, V.C. |
Gods of Green Mountain (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-05-2004 |
Anton, Shari |
Once a Bride |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Appelt, Kathi |
Kissing Tennessee: and Other Stories from the Stardust Dance |
Romance / R |
Apr-01-2004 |
Arena, Felice |
Specky Magee & the Season of Champions (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-05-2004 |
Ascher, Joani |
Vengeance Cuts Loose |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Austin, Dave |
Man on the Border |
Historical / H |
Apr-06-2004 |
Ballis, Stacey |
Inappropriate Men |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Barr, Emily |
Cuba |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-30-2004 |
Barth, John |
The Book of Ten Nights and a Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Barton, Janet Lee |
Flowers by Felicity |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bauer, Marion Dane |
The Double-Digit Club |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Beardshaw, Rosalind |
Grandpa's Surprise |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-02-2004 |
Bennett, Cherie; Gottesfeld, Jeff |
Sparks |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Berg, Elizabeth |
The Art of Mending |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Berg, Michelle |
My Happy Baby! |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Berg, Michelle |
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bergen, Lara |
The Eaglel Has Landed |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bergen, Lara |
Frog Legs |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Berlin, Adam |
Belmondo Style |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bernstein, Michael Andre |
Conspirators |
Suspense / S |
Apr-15-2004 |
Bird, Jessica |
An Irresistible Bachelor |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-30-2004 |
Black, Michael A. |
Windy City Knights |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bloor, Edward |
Story Time |
Horror / HORR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bogan, Paulette |
Momma's Magical Purse |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bourgeois, Paulette |
Franklin Forgives |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bowen, Michael |
Unforced Error |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bowen, Peter |
The Tumbler |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bowen, Rhys |
Evan's Gate |
Police Procedural / PP |
Apr-08-2004 |
Bowler, Tim |
Firmament |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-06-2004 |
Braunbeck, Gary A. |
In Silent Graves |
Horror / HORR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Brennan, Noel-Anne |
Blood of the Land |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-30-2004 |
Brian, Kate |
The V Club // The Virginity Club |
Romance / R |
Apr-06-2004 |
Brockmann, Suzanne |
Flashpoint |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-30-2004 |
Brodsky, Daniella |
Diary of a Working Girl |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-06-2004 |
Brooks, Regina |
Never Finished, Never Done! |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Brown, Amanda |
Family Trust |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-27-2004 |
Brown, Carolyn |
Gypsy |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Brown, Rita Mae |
Whisker of Evil |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-30-2004 |
Browning, Abigail |
Murder Is No Mitzvah |
Mystery / M |
Apr-16-2004 |
Brust, Steven |
Sethra Lavode |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bujor, Flavia |
The Prophecy of the Stones |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bunch, Chris |
Knighthood of the Dragon |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Bunting, Eve |
Can You Do This, Old Badger? |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Burke, Bobby |
Daddy's Little Girl |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Byers, Richard Lee |
The Rage |
Heroic Fantasy / Sword & Sorcery / HF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Byng, Georgia |
Molly Moon Stops the World |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Byrd, Adrianne |
Unforgettable |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cabot, Meg |
Princess in Pink |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cahill, Susan |
Women Write: A Mosaic of Women's Voices in Fiction, Poetry, Memoir and Essay |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-06-2004 |
Camp, Candace |
Beyond Compare |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cann, Kate |
Spanish Holiday // Fiesta |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cannon, Julie |
'mater Biscuit |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Carey, Lisa |
Love in the Asylum |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Carlson, Ron |
The Speed of Light |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Carr, Fiona |
The Kissing Gate |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cart, Michael |
Sin |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Caseley, Judith |
Sisters |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Ceely, Jonatha |
Mina |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-30-2004 |
Cerasini, Marc |
Meet Casey Jones |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-06-2004 |
Champlin, Tim |
Fire Bell in the Night |
Historical / H |
Apr-15-2004 |
Chance, Megan |
An Inconvenient Wife |
Suspense / S |
Apr-22-2004 |
Channer, Colin |
Passing Through |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-2004 |
Chavez, Denise |
The Last of the Menu Girls |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Cheng, Francois |
Green Mountain, White Cloud |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Chernenko, Dan |
The Chernagor Pirates |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-06-2004 |
Chiel, Deborah |
Connie and Carla |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Christopher, Matt |
Stealing Home |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Churchill, Jill |
It Had to Be You |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Apr-01-2004 |
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Volume 1 |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-27-2004 |
Claremont, Chris |
X-Treme X-Men, Volume 7: Storm: The Arena |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Clark, Mary Higgins |
Nighttime Is My Time |
Suspense / S |
Apr-06-2004 |
Clemens, Judy |
Till the Cows Come Home |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Clements, Andrew |
The Report Card |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-06-2004 |
Cline, Rachel |
What to Keep |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Coben, Harlan |
Just One Look |
Suspense / S |
Apr-26-2004 |
Collins, Barbara; Collins, Max Allan |
Bombshell |
Mystery / M |
Apr-15-2004 |
Collins, Billy |
Daddy's Little Boy |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Collins, Brandilyn |
Brink of Death |
Romance / R |
Apr-08-2004 |
Colvin, Mildred |
Eliza |
HSNG-591 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Conwell, Kent |
The Riddle of Mystery Inn |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Coonts, Stephen |
Victory |
Action Adventure / AA |
Apr-19-2004 |
Copeland, Lori |
A Case of Crooked Letters |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cosper, Darcy |
The Wedding Season |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cottam, Francis |
Hamer's War |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Coulson, Juanita |
Shadow over Scorpio |
Mystery / M |
Apr-15-2004 |
Cox, Carol |
Refining Fire |
HSNG-592 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cox, Maggie |
In Her Boss's Bed |
MMR-367 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Croci, Pascal |
Auschwitz |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Croston, Joan |
Of Immeasurable Worth |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cunxin, Li |
Mao's Last Dancer |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cutler, Ron |
Ice-Man |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Cutter, Leah |
The Caves of Buda |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-06-2004 |
Cuyler, Margery |
Please Say Please! |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
D'Ammassa, Don |
Scarab |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-15-2004 |
Dalmas, John |
The Second Coming |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-06-2004 |
Daniels, Angie |
Time Is of the Essence |
Romance / R |
Apr-01-2004 |
Daniels, Les |
Wonder Woman: The complete History |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-06-2004 |
Danko, Dan |
Attack of the Mole Master |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Darcy, Emma |
The Outback Marriage Ransom |
MMR-362 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Dean, Zoey |
Girls on Film |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-07-2004 |
Defalco, Tom |
Spider-Girl, Volume 1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
DeGroot, Patricia |
Honor's Reward |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
DePree, Traci |
Dandelions in a Jellly Jar |
Romance / R |
Apr-20-2004 |
Dietz, Denise |
Hallie's Comet |
Romance / R |
Apr-15-2004 |
DiTerlizzi, Tony; Black, Holly |
The Ironwood Tree |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-06-2004 |
Doherty, Robert |
Legend |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-30-2004 |
Doval, Teresa de la Caridad |
A Girl Like Che Guevara |
Literary / L |
Apr-01-2004 |
Drake, David |
Sworn Allies |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Dressler, Mylene |
The Floodmakers |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-30-2004 |
Dyer, Lois Faye |
Cattleman's Heart |
SSE-1605 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Edwards, Julie Andrews |
Dumpy to the Rescue! |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Edwards, Julie Andrews |
Dumpy's Apple Shop |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Eliasen, Lorena |
The Chameleon and the Dragonfly |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Erickson, John R. |
The Case of the Twisted Kitty |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Evanovich, Janet; Hughes, Charlotte |
Full Blast |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Apr-19-2004 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and the Talking Spirit |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-2004 |
Fallon, Jennifer |
Medalon |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Farah, Nuruddin |
Links |
Literary / L |
Apr-01-2004 |
Farley, Terri |
Untamed |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Farmer, Virginia |
A Blast to the Past |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Farr, Diane |
Under a Lucky Star |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-06-2004 |
Faulkner, Colleen |
Barefoot and Pregnant? |
SR-1717 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Faust, Ron |
Dead Men Rise Up Never |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-2004 |
Feist, Raymond E. |
King of Foxes |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Ferrell, Anderson |
Have You Heard |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Fletcher, Jessica; Bain, Donald |
Dying to Retire |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Apr-06-2004 |
Flint, Eric; Dennis, Andrew |
1634: The Galileo Affair |
Science Fiction / SF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Ford, Mina |
My Fake Wedding |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Fox, Mem |
Where Is the Green Sheep? |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Foxwell, Elizabeth |
The Sunken Sailor |
Mystery / M |
Apr-06-2004 |
Freud, Esther |
The Sea House |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Galloway, Shelley |
Finding Love in Payton |
Romance / R |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gandolfi, Silvana |
Aldabra, The Tortoise Who Loved Shakespeare |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gansky, Alton |
Beneath the Ice |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gardner, Craig Shaw |
Dark Mirror |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Geis, Alissa Imre |
Neil's Castle |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-12-2004 |
Gelsey, James |
Scooby-Doo! and the Gruesome Goblin |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gibbons, Kaye |
Divining Women |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gilbert, Sheri |
The Legacy of Gloria Russell |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Gilligan, ElizaBeth |
The Silken Shroud |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-06-2004 |
Glausiusz, Josie |
Buzz |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gobbell, John J. |
The Neptune Strategy |
Action Adventure / AA |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gold, Kristi |
Fit for a Sheikh |
SD-1576 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gordon, Victoria |
Finding Bess |
Romance / R |
Apr-01-2004 |
Grant, Susan |
The Legend of Banzai Maguire |
Science Fiction Romance / SFR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Graver, Elizabeth |
Awake |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gray, Ginna |
Pale Moon Rising |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Greeley, Andrew M. |
The Priestly Sins |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Green, Simon R. |
Nightingale's Lament |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Apr-27-2004 |
Greenberg, Martin H. |
Alternate Empires |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-30-2004 |
Greiman, Lois |
The Princess Masquerade |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Gresham, Stephen |
The Fraternity |
Horror / HORR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Griffiths, Andy |
Zombie Butts from Uranus |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Grimes, Nikki |
A Day With Daddy |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Guest, Elissa Haden |
Iris and Walter, Lost and Found |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Haas, Jessie |
Scamper and the Horse Show |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Hake, Cathy Marie |
Right from the Start |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hake, Kelly Eileen |
A Treasure Worth Keeping |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hale, Bruce |
Give My Regrets to Broadway |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hale, Deborah |
The Wizard's Ward |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hamilton, Denise |
Last Lullaby |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hamilton, Diana |
A Spanish Marriage |
MMR-363 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hamilton, Lyn |
The Magyar Venus |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hand, Elizabeth |
A New Threat |
Space Opera / SO |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hanson, Ginger |
Ransom's Bride |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hardy, Kate |
The Heart Consultant's Lover |
MMED-1196 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Harris, Joanne |
Jigs and Reels |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hartwick, Cynthia |
Ladies With Prospects |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hays, J. Daniel; Pate, C. Marvin |
Apocalypse |
Christian / CH |
Apr-06-2004 |
Heath, Lorraine |
Smooth Talkin' Stranger |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-30-2004 |
Hegland, Jean |
Windfalls |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-01-2004 |
Heitman, Lynne |
First Class Killing |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-2004 |
Heley, Veronica |
Eden Hall |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-2004 |
Heller, Jane |
Best Enemies |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-06-2004 |
Henke, Shirl |
Rebel Baron |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Henry, Sue |
The Serpents Trail |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Apr-01-2004 |
Herren, Greg |
Jackson Square Jazz |
Mystery / M |
Apr-01-2004 |
Herries, Anne |
Lady in Waiting |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hickman, Tracy; Hickman, Laura |
Mystic Warrior |
Fantasy / F |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hilz, Tammy |
Beyond My Dreams |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hines, Joanna |
Angels of the Flood |
Suspense / S |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hobbs, Will |
Leaving Protection |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-13-2004 |
Hogan, Ray |
Truth at Gunpoint |
Historical / H |
Apr-01-2004 |
Holden, Alice |
The Managing Mamas |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Apr-01-2004 |
Holland, Cecelia |
The Witches' Kitchen |
Historical Romance / HR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Hood-Stewart, Fiona |
The Society Bride |
HP-2388 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Horowitz, Anthony |
Eagle Strike |
Action Adventure / AA |
Apr-12-2004 |
Horsbrugh, Wilma |
The Train to Glasgow |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-19-2004 |
Housden, Frances |
Shadows of the Past |
SIM-1289 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Apr-01-2004 |
Howard, Tracie; Carter, Danita |
Success Is the Best Revenge |
Romance / R |
Apr-01-2004 |
Huff, Tanya |
Smoke and Shadows |
Urban Fantasy / UF |
Apr-06-2004 |
Hughes, Shirley |
Olly and Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Apr-12-2004 |