With his family in turmoil and his own life in a shambles, Harry Buelle agrees to join his parents, his sister, and her husband at their Southern beach house retreat, only to find that having the whole family together under one roof gives rise to old...
A stirring novel follows Tristan Martens, a retired entomologist and aging recluse, who stumbles upon a long-lost family heirloom in a New York antique shop and must deal with the painful memories it carries with it. By the author of
When she reaches the orderly house of her Dutch-Indonesian grandmothers, Marget learns quickly that if she only pays attention to them, then she can go unnoticed herself. And that is exactly what she needs just now. Marget is pregnant and alone. With...
In this novella by the acclaimed author of THE MEDUSA TREE and THE DEADWOOD BEETLE, an elderly Jewish woman tells an Arabic student who has come to interview her for a research project an incredible tale: that she is Anne Frank, the author of THE DIA...