The fictional memoirs of Civil War veteran, scout, and explorer record his adventures in the Old West, the massacre of the Plains Indians, his journey to Africa, and the elimination of the Zulu Nation as a power...
The raunchy, picaresque memoirs of Yellowstone Kelly--Indian fighter, adventurer, scout, and scoundrel--chronicles his frontier odyssey, secret missions for General Grant, and the colorful people he encounters along the way...
Luther "Yellowstone" Kelly becomes mixed up in new wild adventures with Teddy Roosevelt and a young Winston Churchill as he joins the Roughriders at San Juan Hill in Cuba, finds his true love in the Philippines, and participates in the Boer War....
He's a grandfather. He's not pretty. But the women won't leave him alone... And neither will the truth. Under a wide Montana sky he plays the fiddle and dreams of the Red River. He talks to his ancestors and sees his youngest girl go from punk ...
Barroom fiddler and Metis Indian Gabriel Du Pre+a7 is swept up in a mystery at the nation's capital after a run-in with an egomaniacal anthropologist leads him to discover a series of killings that target Native Americans. Reprint....
Du Pre remembers when you could send animal skins to Sears Roebuck and get merchandise in return. Now the wolves are gone from the mountains, and outsiders want them back. The trouble is, a tussle over wildlife is getting people killed. First, two...
When an earthquake stops a Japanese corporation's plan to develop Montana land, an ancient burial ground in revealed, and a snow-mobiler is found dead with a rare and valuable Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil, part-time sleuth Gabriel Du Pre+a7 begins to sus...
With their exceptional characterizations, evocative setting, and smartly plotted mysteries, Peter Bowen's Montana novels have always fascinated readers and critics alike. In The Stick Game, Bowen's lyrical, spare writing carries us once again to a pa...
In his eighth outing, Metis-Indian fiddler, tracker, and amateur sleuth Gabriel Du Pre is called upon by his daughter Maria and her fiance to act as historical advisor for a documentary film about the Lewis & Clark expedition. Du Pre is the descendan...
A tracker helps a paleontological research team cross the plains of Wyoming in search of a "three-toed horse," in a novel based on the real-life exploits of Luther "Yellowstone" Kelly, a nineteenth-century hunter, rancher, and scout in the American W...
Gabriel Du Pre, the old Metis fiddler at the center of Peter Bowen's atmospheric, engrossing series set in the dirty, dusty Montana that's rarely featured in travel brochures, has a knack for finding trouble. Or rather, trouble has a knack for findin...
In the latest installment of Peter Bowen’s acclaimed mystery series, Gabriel Du Pré investigates a century-old crime Lieutenant John Patchen has come to Montana to persuade Chappie Plaquemines, his former gunnery sergeant in Iraq and the son of...