This high-seas romp from Deverell's Newfoundland to Colombia to Miami features undercover plots, double-dealings, and triple betrayal. This quirky murder mystery features an assortment of colorful characters, including a band of Newfoundland smuggler...
Arthur Beauchamp, a heralded criminal lawyer, has moved to a quiet island off the British Columbia coast. While trying to recover from a marriage gone sour, his retirement is interrupted by his former law partners-they want Arthur to take charge of t...
Author William Deverell received an intriguing phone call. Would he be interested, he was asked, in defending a 59-year-old homosexual accused of bludgeoning his employer, a wealthy widow, with a liquor bottle while they were cruising in Canadian wat...
It's a long hot summer for the small law firm of Robinovitch, Barr, Barr, and Tchobanian. Leon Robinovitch is defending an anti-Semitic peddler of hate literature; Chuch Tchobanian is representing a pornography salesman; and Carrie Barr, fresh from h...
Eastern philosophy and legal thinking meet in this mystery novel in which Max Macarthur faces the greatest challenge of his young career when he must serve as defense counsel to cult leader Shiva Ram Acharya. In a grisly echo of Jonestown, 20 members...
THEFT OF A TUNE ... Oliver Gulliver is the small-town lawyer, mayor and widower bringing up his two teenage daughters single-handed. He can just about cope with the pressures of solo fatherhood until the night his eldest brings home something eve...
Arthur P Besterman, criminal lawyer and reformed alcoholic, was the first to go. Counsel to Vancouver's assorted shifters and grifters, Besterman almost always lost his cases. But a recent victory defending a low-life client might be a clue as to why...
William Deverell’s 11th novel is an adventure thriller layered with startling twists. All that Maggie Schneider, a romance writer from wintry Saskatoon, wants is a glorious holiday in the tropics and maybe a little real romance to reawaken her crea...
An irresistible story of justice heading off the rails. Arthur Beauchamp, the scholarly, self-doubting legend of the B.C. criminal bar (and one of Deverell’s most amiable -- and crafty -- protagonists), is enjoying his retirement as a hobbyist f...
Complex, fascinating, and fun … Kill All the Judges is a classic crime work, from an author heralded as one of Canada’s best, and with good reason.” -- Shelf Life Finalist for the Stephen Leacock Humour Prize Is someone systematically killin...
Finalist for the Arthur Ellis Award for Best Crime Novel. “Deverell touches on the evils of the Native residential school system as this literate mystery builds to a surprising solution. Readers will hope they haven’t seen the last of the endeari...
The sixth novel in the acclaimed Arthur Beauchamp series Everything is going well for Arthur Beauchamp in his early middle age. Life is so good for the top-notch defence lawyer that, in a moment of career restlessness, he decides to switch side...
Arthur Beauchamp takes a break from the courtroom to write a memoir so he can set the record straight about a headline murder case he fought as a young lawyer in 1966. The trial would either mark him as a pathetic loser or thrust him into the top ran...
Arthur Ellis award"winning William Deverell’s 2003 bestseller In Mind Games, William Deverell returns to the intriguing territory of the law and lawyers and of human psychology and motivation, and he does so in familiar Deverell surroundings: t...