Earning its author a third nomination for the Nobel Prize, this tale centers on a crane colony arriving at its breeding ground to play out a delicate drama, ending with the rarely observed ceremony of the ritual dance. All is observed by a transfixed...
A new edition of what is commonly seen as the legendary Norwegian writer's masterpiece, this story tells the tale of Siss and Unn, two friends who have only spent one evening in each other's company. But so profound is this evening between th...
First published in Norway in 1954, this lyrical novel is about an abrupt change from childish dreams and safety to grown-up responsibilities and happiness. On the surface it deals with what happens to two youngsters left for a night alone on their...
A spare, powerful, supremely graceful novel from a giant of Norwegian literature
As strange, unsettling, and memorable as The Ice Palace, this remarkable novel carries with it all the compassion, human insight, and lyrical power of all great Ves...
“There’s beauty to be found outdoors, but it’s not without its horrors. The conflicted role of humans in nature is a familiar theme, but few narratives hum with the surreal power of this one.” -- Kirkus ReviewsAn intensely graceful ...