One Way Home is a poignant, compassionate, and humorous tale of a feisty single mother struggling to raise her two sons - and escape the unwanted attentions of her ex. In this fast, funny and wonderfully original novel, Susan Pepper Robbins, an award...
Wake up in a storm. Row down a flooded alley of people looking for their way home. "Nothing but the Weather" wades through the water, both clean and dirty, digging up life without cleaning it off first. The collection introduces you to a grandmother ...
Some love falters, some fails, and some love finds a way to survive. A strange love triangle turns and twists and tangles as three people try to find their way with and through one another. Laura and Jeremy marry, and take their first hopeful -- an...
Crystal Ball, a 12 year old foster child, is saving her 16 year old epileptic sister from the predatory Keith Peller, and writing a novel whose working title is “Dead and Gone.” She is sure that Keith Peller caused her Uncle David’s drowning th...
The Tin Can House and Other Stories is a remarkable short story collection by renowned Virginia author Susan Pepper Robbins. Featuring some of her best short stories, the collection delivers powerful, gritty characters full of heart and spirit. Rangi...
Turn Key and Other Stories is a brilliant short story collection by renowned Virginia author Susan Pepper Robbins. Featuring some of her best short stories, the collection delivers powerful, gritty characters full of heart and spirit. Ranging f...