As the date of Angela Michaels' marriage to millionaire/philanthropist, Philip Evans fast approaches Angela becomes determined to find her real father before the wedding. Unable to secure assistance from her mother, Elaine, a successful self-made bus...
Angela Evans hasn't been in a relationship since the death or her late husband. As she is reluctantly developing a new relationship with billionaire Connor Shea, the news broadcasts fill with reports of a growing number of local murders. When Angela ...
Zane Wilder didn't believe demons and monsters were real... until he reluctantly found himself responsible for guarding humanity from them. Arriving in Sunnyville, a quaint town on the 33rd parallel and under the careful guidance of a centuries old m...
Bartholomew Prentice, a long time friend of Connor Shea is arrested for murder. Despite the fact that Bart has no recollection of the evening, Connor is convinced his friend is innocent. As Connor's investigation to find the real killer intensifies, ...