Fifteen-year-old Jeanetta Mayfield finds her life dramatically altered by the discovery that she was adopted, while a young man, Harry James, transforms his life by adopting a new family, Jeanetta's biological parents...
From the time she was seven, Jolene Temple has been a pawn between her feuding parents, each of whom has become practiced in kidnapping her from the other. She has been left emotionally suspended between two philosophies of life: that of her stolid, ...
Lutie Sayre, a 32-year-old Texas-raised sociology teacher, moves to New York, where she joins group therapy to discover what other people think of her. ``A charming comedy of manners and morals--funny, tender and wholly appealing,'' praised PW. (Aug....
With wit and feeling Shelby Hearon takes us into the life and world of Cile Tait, age thirty-nine, of Waco, Texas. A woman of charm and integrity, she summons up the courage to burn her bridges and defect from her marriage to the Grace Presbyterian C...
After a long, painful affair and a painful marriage, respectively, Nell Woodard and Nicholas Clark, both in their forties, move toward love via paths strewn with the exasperations of family and the confusions of the past...
In Her Most Searching and most accomplished novel to date, the author of Owning Jolene and Hug Dancing explores friendship and loss -- and what binds two women together and what separates them. Sarah and Harriet, now in their mid-fifties, have been f...
Shelby Hearon's 14th novel opens at a reception for the loved ones of deceased heart donors where, for the first time, Nan and Douglas Mayhall come face to face with the aging preacher who is the recipient of their twenty-two year old daughter's hear...
Shelby Hearon has been widely praised for the insight, wit, and subtlety with which her novels limn the complexities of marriage and family ("What Jane Austen is to courtship, Shelby Hearon is to marriage" --New York Newsday), and the ways in which p...
When her husband dumps her for an old girlfriend and sets all of Peachland, South Carolina, gossiping, Janey Daniels has to get away -- far away -- for a "sabbatical" year. She flees to Burlington, Vermont, home of Aunt May, her mother's only livi...
THE SECOND DUNE, Shelby Hearon’s second novel, was published in 1973 and won the Texas Institute of Letters Award as the best book of fiction of the year. Written when Hearon was forty-three and just before her divorce, the novel is seen from the p...