This heartfelt mystery offers readers an unforgettable journey through small-town Texas and everything that entails. When a beautiful young church worker disappears from the rural town of Enterprise, Texas, local newspaper reporter Kelsey Garrett la...
Deep in the intensive care unit at St. James Medical Center in Southern California lies a young policeman slowly dying after a routine medical test goes terribly awry. For Rhetta Day, his former lover and now head of public relations for the hospital...
Hat designer Missy DuBois opened her shop, Crowning Glory, along Louisiana's Great River Road to cater to the sophisticated Southern bride. But bless her heart, who knew creating stylish wedding veils would lead to murder? Hired to craft a veil fo...
Louisiana hat maker Miss DuBois is making a name for herself veiling Southern brides-to-be with her sophisticated designs. She's also gaining a reputation for unveiling murderers . . . Missy is shocked when she sees the asking price for the Sweetw...
Missy DuBois's Louisiana hat studio is the destination for Southern brides who want to make a fashion statement. But designing headpieces isn't her only talent, she's also got a head for solving murders... It's not uncommon for folks to live it u...
A run-in with a real estate developer gets a bridal designer hitched to a murder investigation in this Southern mystery by the national bestselling author. While driving to her bridal hat shop on Great River Road, Missy DuBois accidentally sid...
No Southern wedding is complete without a special veil designed by Louisiana hat maker Missy DuBois. But it’s hats off to Missy DuBois when she tries to save her town from a bayou killer … When Ruby Oubre asks Missy to advise her grandson on a...
When a groom gets murdered, Louisiana hat maker Missy DuBois must look behind a veil of secrets on a former sugar plantation . . . Bride-to-be Lorelei Honeycutt is brimming with excitement over the elaborate headpiece Missy has created for her we...
A tragic death, an old-time safecracker, and his young protege. By the time Gene Jacks gets called into a murder investigation by the Houston P.D., it's anyone's guess who's conning whom. When police summon Jacks to the scene of a crime one st...
When the United States military adopts a newfangled test from France called the intelligence quotient test during the first world war, no one expects the turmoil that follows. Thousands of immigrants fail it and are forced to return to homelands deva...