This first book begins the Shadow/ABN Saga. Comprised of five books which are already written in their entirety, they are centered around the lives of two characters Blair and Josef. One has been groomed to take over the Aryan Brotherhood Nation, a U...
Revenge Is Mine - Book 3, Left to Reich's, brings Josef and Blair back together in closer quarters than she anticipated! Ever heard the saying, 'You can run, but you can't hide'? Well, Blair and Shadow are looking for a way back in, and Josef deliver...
The Saga continues! I can't say anything else about what happens in this book, if you enjoyed the first 3 books in this series, this latest installment will not disappoint. Watch Blair and Josef show you there really is 'A Thin Line Between Love and ...
“Who Touched You?”" Book 3 continues the story of James and Abby, as James finds a trip to faraway India helps him down the road to recovery from his past. Book 3 weaves a tangled web of feelings and lusts, shredded by reality! Warning: this bo...
This story will have to hold you until Book 6 in the Josef and Blair Series is finished. I am writing and finishing up several series right now, and have a very full plate, but due to recent emails wondering what my characters were up to, I needed to...
Would you let your Ex live with you, if they fell into dire circumstances? Alpha Male Josef has had to make adjustments as Blair's former life and job comes hurtling into Neucastle with a vengeance. Juggling a rebellious Oval Office and family, Josef...
How far would you go to keep your secrets hidden? From the Oval Office to far off Montana, abuse and infidelity threaten new players in the Josef and Blair Saga. A blend of new technology in the lives of Josef and Blair's children and family secrets ...