A Rose for Ecclesiastes Up into the nountains now. Far. The sky was a bucket of ice in which no moons floated. The going became steeper, and the little donkey protested. I whipped him withthe throttle and went on. Up. Up. I spotted a green, unwinking...
Here is a collection of strange, beautiful stories covering the full spectrum of the late Roger Zelazny's remarkable talents. He had a rare ability to mix the dream-like, disturbing imagery of fantasy with the real-life hardware of science fiction. H...
Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he'd rather not talk about. He has also been given a job that he'd rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour around the shattered remains of Earth after a catastrophic nuclear war...
Hell Tanner isn't the sort of guy you'd mistake for a hero: he's a fast-driving car thief, a smuggler, and a stone-cold killer. He's also expendable - at least in the eyes of the Secretary of Traffic for the Nation of California. Tanner doesn't c...
Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and...
Amber, the one real world, of which all others--including our own Earth-- are but Shadows... Amber burns in Corwin's blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber-to make a mad and desperate rush upon the thro...
In a world half of light, half of darkness, where science and magic strive for dominance, there dwells a magical being who is friendly with neither side. Jack, of the realm of shadows, is a thief who is unjustly punished. So he embarks on a vendetta....
AMBER Here is the second novel in Roger Zelazny's classic Amber series. Amber, the one real world, of which all others--including our own Earth are but Shadows... Across the worlds of Shadow, Corwin, prince of the blood royal, heir to the throne ...
Amber, the one real world, of which all others--including our Earth--are but Shadows... A traitor has revealed the royal family's greatest secret--the ability to manipulate Shadow and travel among all possible worlds--to forces that plot Amber's d...
Because he has no name he can have any name. He’d been an important part of the team putting together the International Data Bank, which would track every single move made by every single human being. As the project neared completion he realized th...
Can You Hear Me Fred? Fred Cassidy leads an idyllic life. As long as he remains a full time college student without a degree, he is provided a very generous stipend from his uncle’s estate. But after thirteen years of happy undergrad existe...
HE DID NOT EXIST...OR DID HE? He had destroyed his punch cards and changed his face. There was no credit card, birth record, or passport for him in the International Data Bank. His names were many... any he chose. His occupation was taking mega...
AMBER Here is the fourth novel in Roger Zelazny's classic Amber series. Amber, the one real world, of which all others--including our own Earth--are but Shadows... Across the mysterious Black Road, demons swarm into Shadow...the ancient, long-sec...
Bridge of Ashes is a beautifully written novel by one of science fiction’s great stylists. Mankind has been manipulated over the millennia by an alien race that seeks to use it to taraform our planet into a world that they can live on. They’ve pa...
Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself - Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriach Oberon ha...
AMBER Here is the next breathtaking volume in Roger Zelazny's classic AMBER series. Amber, the one real world, of which all others, including our Earth, are but shadows... THE COURTS OF CHAOS For untold millennia, the cosmic Pattern sustained or...
In Changeling, the people had long suffered under Det Morson's power. When at last, the wizard Mor joined the fight, Det and his infamous Rondoval castle were destroyed. But the victory was not complete, for the conquerors found a baby amidst the rub...
His name is Charles Render, and he is a psychoanalyst, and a mechanic of dreams. A Shaper. In a warm womb of metal, his patients dream their neuroses, while Render, intricately connected to their brains, dreams with them, makes delicate adjustments, ...
William Blackhorse Singer, the last Navajo on a future Earth, is called upon to aid in protecting an alien diplomat from a powerful and hostile member of his own species. With the aid of a shape-shifting alien known as "Cat," he carries out the missi...
Collected here are twenty-one of Roger Zelazny’s brilliant short stories chosen from throughout his career. The two longest stories “Home is the Hangman” and Unicorn Variation” both won the coveted Hugo Award. Chess playing unicorns, Time tra...
RETURN TO AMBER Here is the first new adventure in the classic Amber series in over five years--the first book in a brand-new trilogy from multi-award-winning author Roger Zelazny. Amber, the one real world, of which all others--including our own Ea...
Here is the seventh and newest of Roger Zelazny's acclaimed AMBER novels. Amber, the one real world, of which all others--including our Earth--are but shadows.. . Pursued by a fiendish enemy (or two, or three, or four) Merle must battle through an...
“Nobody else made myths real and valuable in the way Roger Zelazny could.”—Neil Gaima...
The one real world, of which all others are but shadows... AMBER Now, the magic and adventure continue in this, the eighth book of Amber, third in the acclaimed new series. The epic story of the royal family of Amber enters an exciting new c...
Jim, a werewolf, his adopted sister Becky, who is a witch, and their foster brother Barry, a master of the martial arts, search for their father, Thomas Wiley, when he disappears while working in his lab...
Organized crime magnate, Angelo Di Negri, is a man out of time and place. He’d been gunned down more than a century ago. But through the wonders of cryogenic storage his body had been preserved until such a time as his “family” had need of him ...
The one real world, of which all others-including our Earth--are but shadows... AMBER The magnificent epic adventure of magical realms and royal intrigue continues, as Merlin, heir to miraculous powers, is forced to choose a definitive allegian...
Frost and Fire is a triumph of style and vision. The collection opens with “Permafrost” which won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards and the final story in the collection is “24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai” which won Zelazny the Hugo Award and...
They are the Party Set, the social elite whom everyone follows and envies. They stay in cryogenic stasis until the next grand party. For them the passing of years can be nothing more than the passing of a few days. Members of The Set watch as societ...
AMBER The one true world. All others are but shadows. Having survived blackest betrayal and attempted assassination, Merle Corer, aka Merlin discovers he is third in line to occupy the throne of Chaos--his ascension aided by a series of convenien...
During a term as Secretary-Treasurer of Science Fiction Writers of America, Roger Zelazny, winner of six Hugo awards and three Nebula awards, met Vaughn Bode. Admiring each other's work, they joined forces in the creation of Way Up High and Here Ther...
Jack the Ripper's faithful watchdog, Snuff, relates the shady tendencies of his master, as well as those of a vampire, witch, demented clergyman, and others who band together and are also accompanied by animal familiars. Reprint....
The Changing Land picks up shortly after the events chronicled in Dilvish, the Damned. Dilvish must gain entry to Castle Timeless if he is to destroy his nemeses Jelerak. Unbenounced to Dilvish, Jelerak is also seeking to gain entrance to his own cas...
Two acclaimed authors tell the incredible survival stories of trapper John Colter, who climbed 150 miles to escape pursuing Blackfoot warriors in 1808, and hunter Hugh Glass who crawled one hundred miles after a bear attack in 1823. Reprint....
A collection of stories includes Zen encounters with aliens, wrestlings with shapeshifters, magic and battles in twentieth-century China, trips from exercise rooms into other dimensions, encounters with mystical masters, and more. Original....
Here they come, and they're out for blood. For too long, they say, have hot blooded babes in brass bras and chain-link bikinis been held up to scorn as the embodiment of male fantasy wish-fulfillment and non-functionality. You think their swords won'...
The heroes of a millennium-long battle against the forces of evil prepare to enjoy life after winning the war, unaware that they have unearthed four mantic objects whose combined powers unleash chaos throughout the world. Original....
A collection of short tales includes works of alien gambles and fantastic wagers by such authors as Joe Haldeman, Gahan Wilson, and Nina Kirika Hoffman, and highlights such characters as a down-and-out gambler given a final chance by Lady Luck. Origi...
“A storyteller without peer. He created worlds as colorful and exotic and memorable as any our genre has ever seen.” -- George R.R. Martin
One of the most revered names in sf and fantasy, the incomparable Roger Zelazny was honored with...
Here are strange, beautiful stories covering the full spectrum of the late Roger Zelazny's remarkable talents. In Doors of His Face, The Lamp of His Mouth, Zelazny's rare ability to mix the dream-like, disturbing imagery of fantasy with the real-life...
After the fall of the Table Round, Launcelot DuLac fled England a broken man awaiting death. But death never came for him; instead, cursed, he has continued his search for the Holy Grail down through the ages, seeking a redemption that he fears he wi...
Francis Sandow holds the key to the identity of "Mr. H," a mysterious man with the power to heal or kill with a touch and who is desperately sought by countless people when the galaxy is plagued by an unidentifiable disease, in a novel accompanied by...
Manna From Heaven is finally available in an electronic edition. The collection includes an introduction by Stephen Brust, and six shorts set in the Amber Universe. In addition to the 16 stories that ran in the print edition, the electronic editions ...
Once an art smuggler, now a respectable art dealer, Ovid Wiley awoke to find his former partner stabbed to death on his gallery floor. That was strange enough--but when a CIA agent showed up to spring him from NYPD custody, things got a lot stranger....
The first in a six-volume series, Volume 1: Threshold contains all of Zelazny's short works from his early years through the mid 1960s--a period of experimentation and growth that flowered into gems such as "A Rose for Ecclesiastes," "The Graveyard H...
The fifth in a six-volume series, Volume 5: Nine Black Doves contains Zelazny's short works from the 1980s, when Zelazny's mature craft produced the Hugo-winning and Nebula-nominated stories, "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai" and "Permafrost," and o...
The last in a six-volume series Volume 6: The Road To Amber, the last in the series, covers the final five years of Zelazny's career in the early 1990s, when he reached for new ideas and continued familiar themes with stories such as "Godson" and "Go...
Isle of the Dead: Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own e...
Collected here in a massive, one thousand page volume are 42 stories and one novel dealing with Mars or Martians. The Anthology opens with Roger Zelazny’s incomparable, Hugo nominated “A Rose for Ecclesiastes” and closes with Allen Steele’s H...
Night Kings It began like any other night, but this one had a special feeling to it. The moon came up full and splendid above the skyline, and its light spread like spilled buttermilk among the canyons of the city. The remains of the day’s storm ex...
She Was a Specially Designed Death CarCollected together for the first time are Devil Car and Last of the Wild Ones. Set in a near future where smart cars have rebelled against their human owners and gone rogue. They rove the countryside in herds rai...
Amber is the one true world of which all others are but shadows. Collected here in one binding are seven tales of Amber. It was Zelazny’s intent to use these short stories to tie up unfinished threads from his amazing Chronicles of Amber. This edit...
Roger Zelazny is one of the most important writers the science fiction and fantasy field has ever had. He burst onto the scene like a supernova wowing fans and established writers alike. He quickly racked up an impressive number of Hugo and Nebula aw...
You are death and damnation in human form. You are the lightning of Nemesis attracted by mortal rods. You assassinated Lincoln. You killed Trotsky -split his skull like a melon. You pulled the trigger at Sarajevo and smashed the seals of the Apocalyp...
The fourth in a six-volume series, Volume 4: Last Exit to Babylon, contains Zelazny's short works from the late 1970s and early 1980s when Zelazny's popularity opened new markets. He continued to produce highly-crafted stories, such as the popular Th...
The second in a six-volume series, Volume 2: Power & Light covers the mid-1960s, Zelazny's most prolific period, where he continued to incorporate mainstream literary qualities and added a wealth of mythological elements into powerful stories such as...
The third in a six-volume series, Volume 3: This Mortal Mountain, contains Zelazny's short works from the late 1960s and early 1970s. Zelazny's breadth of interests developed into a variety of styles displayed in such rich stories as This Mortal Moun...
Since he was no one, he could be anyone. He'd been an important part of the team putting together the International Data Bank, which would track every single move made by every single human being. As the project neared completion he realized that no...
"For a Breath I Tarry" by Roger Zelazny is a captivating science fiction short story that explores the themes of artificial intelligence, humanity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans have become extinct, this H...
Godfrey Justin Holmes is a man out of time running from his past. Two trips to two worlds had broken the bond with his times. But a hundred years of travel do not bring a century of forgetfulness-not when you cheat time with the petite mort of the co...
Mari is on a pilgrimage to confront her husband Kit who killed his own physical body in order to download his essence into digital form. He would have Mari join him in digital immortality. But to do so Mari would have to give up her humanity. Even th...
In ancient times he was a powerful wizard known as the Phoenix. But much like oil and coal Mana, the fuel for magic, was a finite resource. Through the ages wizards have fought duels and nations have fallen protecting the limited supply of Mana. Only...
Mari is on a pilgrimage to confront her husband Kit who killed his own physical body in order to download his essence into digital form. He would have Mari join him in digital immortality. But to do so Mari would have to give up her humanity. Even th...