People feared, back in the Middle Ages, that the world would end with the millennium. Nor were they incorrect. It does this every millennium, only nobody notices -- except for the Forces of Good and Evil who vie for control of the universe every thou...
The last Millennial contest--between the forces of Good and Evil for control of the universe--didn't work out quite so well for Evil and its rooters. But it's time for the next round, and this time the demon Mephistopheles is carrying the ball for th...
On a devilish sabbatical in Europe, Azzie discovers that morality plays are all the rage. He decides to strike back by producing an "immorality play", in which seven nondescript human pilgrims will be allowed by magic to attain their hearts' desires....
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Roger Zelazny; Robert Sheckley has published 3 books.
Roger Zelazny; Robert Sheckley does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, A Farce to Be Reckoned With, was published in March 1995.
The first book by Roger Zelazny; Robert Sheckley, Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming, was published in November 1991.