A recreation of the Bluebeard story which follows a French Army captain, executed in Brittany in 1440. The list of his crimes include witchcraft, heresy, sacrilege, sorcery, the evocations of demons and the practice of unnatural crime against childre...
Our guide to the life of the Bard is an actor called Pickleherring, who asserts that as a boy he was an original member of Shakespeare's acting troupe. In an attic above a brothel in Restoration London -- a half century after Shakespeare has departed...
In a fictional memoir written seven years following her famed husband's death, Anne Hathaway recalls her life with William Shakespeare, especially a remarkable week spent in London, in April 1594, in his lodgings over a fishmonger's shop. By the auth...
Sir Walter Raleigh -- soldier, explorer, adventurer, lover of Queen Elizabeth -- emerges from the pages of history and myth, full-blooded, passionate, and profoundly human. After unjustly languishing for years in the Tower, Raleigh undertakes one fin...