Review for Richard Beeson's previous novel, Seduction of a Wanton Dreamer: "Captivating...readers will undoubtedly be drawn in by the appealing protagonist...and the author's descriptive writing, which makes vivid both physical scenery and the charac...
Think Kafka, Calvino, Rushdie, and Coehlo. Now add Richard Beeson and his debut novel, Seduction of a Wanton Dreamer, a mythic tale that blends tongue-in-cheek humor with a serious exploration of our history, psychology, sexuality, spirituality, and ...
This is Part I of a longer work, Seduction of a Wanton Dreamer. In this section, the main character (Tony Fellows) finds his life upended when his wife leaves him and his job goes belly up on the same day. He retreats from New York City to a winter s...
In Part II of Seduction of a Wanton Dreamer, Tony Fellows finds himself imprisoned on an island off the coast of Alaska. His jailer is the Celtic god Lugh of the Long Hand, and the island is a modern version of an island in Celtic mythology that was ...
Tony Fellows, the Shaman of the title, is near the end of his life, or so it seems. He is trapped in a nursing home in Anchorage, Alaska, having aged mysteriously. Near death, he must still wrestle with his nemesis, the Celtic God Lugh of the Long Ha...