After Swain Hammond, an aloof minister, hears God speak and attempts a miracle cure for Jakey Miles, a youngster accidentally blinded when Swain heard God, his congregation begins to worry about their minister's peculiar behavior...
The exotic and suspenseful New York Times Notable Book that tells the story of an eccentric guest-house keeper in Varanasi, India, and the passions evoked by her sacred city along the GangesThe Lonely Planet recommends the Saraswati Guest House,...
Burned out from work and a recent breakup, Andie Branson, a 38-year-old commercial artist in a conservative town in the American South, has a shocking and unexpected religious experience, kundalini rising, the physical manifestation of tantric enligh...
Sensing she's about to get bad news, Darcy, sixteen, feels herself—or her spirit, to be more exact—rise weightless, out of her body, lifting off the seat of the patio chair. How can this be happening? Her light-bodied airy self hovers hig...