Four families. One tunnel. And the survival of the country is at stake. Against the backdrop of serial terrorist attacks in New York City, psychic medium John Edward’s second novel follows the lives of four people and their diverse experiences wit...
Four families, one tunnel…and the survival of the country at stake: psychic medium John Edward sets his suspenseful second novel against a backdrop of serial terrorist attacks in New York City. Drawing from his expertise in psychic phenomena, ...
A warm and poignant story about one family and how it handles life, love, and death over the generations. In this reissue of his first novel, John Edward draws upon his vast experience with people throughout the world -- and their loved ones who ...
Combine the intensely personal quest for spiritual actualization of William P. Young's The Shack with the heart-pounding tension of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, and you get New York Times bestselling author John Edward's Fallen Masters. Fallen M...
Nika, is a happy young girl who lives with her mom and Buddy, their Labrador Retriever. She and Buddy are the very best of friends. Together, and apart, they experience many different adventures throughout the series, and in this particular book, Nik...
This book encompasses its structure, meaning and use across various contexts. This explores the principles that underlie language, covering aspects such as introduction to language, phonetics, phonology, morphology, semantics and pragmatics.The book ...
General studies is a multidisciplinary academic field encompassing a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to science, mathematics, social studies and humanities. It provides a comprehensive education by integrating knowledge from various...
This is a unique book which has been written to guide all English learners in their learning process particularly in grammar and tenses because English is controlled by grammar and therefore it is very important to learn and master grammar.The gramma...
Internationally acclaimed psychic medium and best-selling author John Edward has captivated audiences worldwide with his unique abilities to connect people with loved ones who have crossed over to the Other Side. Now in this groundbreaking book, John...
This book typically describes the structure and functioning of government, political processes, citizenship responsibilities, rights and duties of individuals within a society. It shows the explanation about democracy, the rule of law, civic particip...
This book involves knowledge of significant occurrences that have shaped human societies over time. This covers a broad range of events, including political developments, cultural changes, economic shifts and social movements. Historical events are s...
Literature in English is a rich and diverse field of study that encompasses the description of written works, including novels, poetry and drama produced by authors from various cultures and historical periods.This academic discipline delves into the...