Paula Bomer is a dangerous writer. The short stories in her debut collection are subversive portraits of the modern American family. From a husband who traces his internal crisis to witnessing his wife giving birth, to a mother who forces her young s...
A young Brooklyn mother, shaken at her unexpected (third) pregnancy, abandons her husband and kids and takes off on a cross-country odyssey. Sonia does everything a pregnant woman shouldn't do, engaging in casual sex and smoking weed while on a road ...
From the author of Nine Months and Baby comes a daring new collection that seethes with alienation, lust and rage. Bomer takes us from hospitals, halfway houses, and alleyways, to boarding schools and Park Avenue penthouses, exploring the complex rel...
An Untalented Mr. Ripley, a Dumb American Psycho: A young man combines boundless self-confidence with perpetual failure and ineptitude as he tries to manipulate his way into a better life, preying on women in New York City in the early ’90s.Robert ...