This historical novel, set in France at the time of D-day, deals with the fictional Major Helder, an officer on the staff of Rommel's headquarters. Working to defeat the Allied invasion, he witnesses the failure of the army to prevent its initial su...
Hap Lynch, a former Kansas City cop who now works on the parking lot of an amusement park in Branson, Missouri, has the misfortune to find a dead body on one of the park's rides. Detective Morgan, also formerly with the Kansas City Police Force, asks...
Stir birding, books and a murder into the pot and the tension boils as Hap Lynch and his trusty sidekick, Luke, help Detective Rachel Vasquez solve the mystery.Set in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, nature's beauty takes an ugly turn when a dead body is...
Seven heartwarming stories relating acts of kindness. Based on true events, each recipient is touched by the actions of another. Several stories take place during WWII or involve WWII veterans. Erasing the Past is a story related to the author by a K...
Do people know what dogs really think? In this book, Luke interviews twelve dogs who tell it like it is.From little to big, from puppy to senior, the dogs shared their feelings about their homes and their lives....
Murder and greed always have consequences. Michaela stood by her brother as he was gunned down on a street corner. She flees to South Padre Island, Texas, knowing the killer is looking for her. In a failed robbery attempt, Betty's newly found half-br...
Two murdered young women, drug runners from Mexico, an ambitious business man, a coast guard Sand Pounder, and stolen treasure from World War II converge in an investigation that pits Detective Rachael Vasquez, Hap Lynch, and his trusty dog Luke agai...
Two women each face the consequences of murder and greed. Michaela stood by her brother as he was gunned down on a street corner. She flees to South Padre Island, Texas, knowing the killer is looking for her. In a failed robbery attempt, Betty's n...
Pulaski County, Missouri, is a special place. Treasured by residents, cave divers, soldiers, historians, and writers, the area is a crossroads where people meet to share stories of good times and bad. In the fall of 2016, the Military Writers Society...
The Spirits of the Sodus Bay Shakers is a captivating telling of the Shaker culture and land from the 1830s. It is a work of fiction but its historical content is unmistakable. The book clearly describes the struggles believers face in maintaining...