Published in 49 monthly issues over the span of four years, the Legends and Lore of Illinois presented Illinois ghostlore in an exciting, informative, and occasionally controversial format. While providing important historical background on your favo...
“The modern State is the reality of the contemporary world. I say it is the reality because there are few things in the world that the State does not touch. There are few remaining frontiers (aside from perhaps the Internet) where liberty can be ex...
It is 2012. Chris Randall is an average American male. Growing up during the 1990s, he witnesses the turmoil of the world through the safety of a television set. His idols include popular musicians and sports figures. He can t point out the country o...
Recently featured in an episode of Ghost Adventures, Ashmore Estates has long fascinated visitors to east central Illinois. Born as the almshouse on the old Coles County poor farm, the building has since grown up to inspire the curious to travel from...
Since the 1950s, a story has been told to every generation of girls who reside in Eastern Illinois University’s legendary Pemberton Hall, the first all-female dormitory in the state of Illinois. This story involves an infamous dorm mother named Mar...
This new edition of Michael Kleen’s classic Tales of Coles County, Illinois combines both the original book and the Legends and Lore of Coles County for the first time in print. When four students from Eastern Illinois University are stranded d...
Archer Avenue in southwest suburban Chicago is one of the most notoriously haunted roads in the country. It is a place where visitors encounter cemeteries tucked inside the woods, lakes that seem to glow in the moonlight, and an old limestone church ...
The image of the abandoned insane asylum is one that haunts the imaginations of all who dare to risk fines or arrest to explore their forbidden interiors. Few who do so, however, are aware of the fascinating history of those institutions. Manteno Sta...
The year is 2015. Chris Randall is an average American male. Growing up during the 1990s, he witnesses the turmoil of the world through the safety of a television set. His idols include popular musicians and sports figures. He cannot point out the co...
Legends live just outside your door! The 10th Anniversary edition of Michael Kleen's classic Tales of Coles County, Illinois combines both the original book and the Legends and Lore of Coles County, with updated content and additional legends. First ...
On a dark and stormy night on a college campus near you, a young coed is about to make a grisly discovery . . . or so the legend goes. At colleges and universities across Illinois, students tell ghostly tales, from beloved librarians who refuse to go...