In the tenth installment of the reader-participation adventure series based on the popular video game, Princess Zelda welcomes a courageous stranger to Hyrule after he saves her life, but Link is suspicious of his intentions. Original....
Why are trolls are ogres from a video game are raiding the real world? It’s up to Batman and Blue Beetle to find out -- and they discover that someone’s not just playing around! ...
Batman knows one must study the past in order to solve the problems of the future, but he never expected to literally be part of history! Now, thanks to the Time Lord known as Rip Hunter, Batman and Aquaman might never return to the present! ...
A composite monster, controlled by the evil Lex Luthor, is on the rampage in England. Batman and Power Girl team up to stop it! ...
When the Ultra-Humanite wants to score big, he goes straight to the top -- he's after the President! But Batman and Green Arrow have a rescue plan so daring that we could only call this story "President Batman"! ...