Based on historical fact, this exciting tale is set on the Missouri frontier during the War of 1812. Millie's family and the other families living at Fort Cooper face certain defeat when they are besieged by a coalition of Indian nations allied to...
Based on actual events, José's Buffalo Hunt is the true story of an eleven-year-old boy and his first participation in the annual buffalo hunt on the Llano Estacado in 1866.
José Arrellanes lived with his parents and his older brother Pabl...
For ages 6-12. By the Anglos' calendar it was the last week of May 1831 and the Arapahos were camped beside the Cimarron River in what is today south-western Kansas. Young Warshinun strayed from the camp as he hunted for prairie dogs and became separ...
The rock-ribbed hills surrounding Cerrillos, New Mexico, are honeycombed with mineshafts and it is these mines that have shaped the history of the town and of the district over which it presides. The Pueblo Indians for untold ages took out turquoise;...
For ages 6-12. In 'Teddy's Cattle Drive, ' Marc Simmons tells the story of E C 'Teddy' Abbot, an eleven-year-old Nebraska boy whose first cattle drive takes place during the 1870s. Teddy's father purchases a herd of beef cattle in Texas and reluctant...
Billy Blackfeet in the Rockies is the story of a boy of mixed ancestry who, during a hunting trip to the Montana mountains, discovers something about himself and about his Indian heritage.
Hugh Monroe (Rising Wolf) and his Blackfeet wife, Fo...