Using the themes of sex, psychoanalysis, masks, and mirrors, Valenzuela explores the irrational violence and oppressive political reality of daily life in Argentina in a series of powerfully written stories...
A political satire edged with fantasy, this book traces the life and rise to political power in an unnamed South American country of a witch doctor--"The Master"--a character modelled on Lopez Rega, Isabel Peron's Interior Minister...
A professor of semiotics who doubles as a psychologist in Barcelona visits (always in disguise) a prostitute in the early morning hours on Mondays and Thursdays in order to analyze her without her knowing it. The story moves from Barcelona to Mexico ...
A psychological novel of murder and obsession enters the minds of Agustin, an Argentine writer living in New York who has murdered a woman he met only once, and Roberta, his lover, who struggles to understand the crime she may have inspired...
The Censors is the only bilingual collection of fiction by Luisa Valenzuela, one of Latin America's best known and most widely translated authors. This selection of stories from Clara, Strange Things Happen Here, and Open Door, which delves into the ...
Thrilling and dark, this is a novel of obsession and crime -- a commentary on the fine line between creativity and insanity. A stark and powerful story that is literary to its core, the novel follows two Argentine writers self-exiled in New York Ci...