Wild Women, a ForeWord magazine Book of the Year finalist, is the first in the award-winning Bailey Fish Adventure series. Eleven-year-old Bailey Fish, unexpectedly sent from Florida by a traveling mother to live with her grandmother in Virginia, mus...
This sequel to The Wild Women of Lake Anna; is part of an award-winning adventure series for ages 8-12. This book was a silver finalist in the Florida Publishers Association book contest. Bailey Fish, 11, is starting to enjoy her new life in Central ...
The Thief at Kewsick Inn, book three in the award-winning Bailey Fish Adventure Series, received the gold President's Pick Award from the Florida Publishers Association in 2007. Bailey Fish, 11, is happy when the Keswick family plans to move into a o...
Book 4 of the Bailey Fish Adventure series, has won a bronze medal in the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards, and was a finalist in ForeWord magazine's Book of the Year Contest. In it, Bailey Fish and her grandmother welcome the first guests at Keswick ...
Book 5 in the award-winning Bailey Fish Adventure series. During vacation, Bailey Fish and her friends convert an abandoned chicken coop into a theater and start to write their play. Their plans are thwarted when Li'l Bonbon checks into Keswick Inn a...
This humorous environmental book for kids features the well-meaning Mudd, who is on a mission to save the earth with his best friends, Art and Pie. He lives with his Auntie Pine, Uncle Foozle, and their renter, Marshmallow. Those aren't their real na...
Book 6 in the Bailey Fish Adventure series continues with all sorts of trouble in Contrary Woods near where Bailey Fish and her friends, Noah and Fred Keswick, and their foster sister, Sparrow live. The troubles include a destructive bear, mysterious...
Book 8 in the award-winning Bailey Fish Adventure series is full of surprises, starting when Bailey's grandmother, Sugar, decides to open a used-book store in a little barn at Keswick Inn. When Bailey, 11, and her friends, Noah and Fred Keswick (12) ...
Book 7 in the Bailey Fish Adventure Series begins when Bailey Fish, her grandmother, Sugar, and their neighbors are delighted when Captain Calliope shows up at Keswick Inn with his Great Goateenies. The captain hopes to put together a new circus act ...
On August 23, 2011, the East Coast of the United States trembles and shakes from a 5.8 magnitude earthquake. The earthquake's epicenter is near Mineral, Virginia, not far from where Bailey Fish and her friends live. Bailey's middle school is quickly ...
Book 10 in the award-winning Bailey Fish Adventure series begins as the holidays approach and a major snowstorm arrives at Lake Anna, Virginia. Bailey and her friends, Fred, Noah and Sparrow Keswick, and her half sister Norma Jean, have new problems ...
Book 11 in the Bailey Fish Adventure series takes place as Bailey and her grandmother, Sugar, travel from Lake Anna to Costa Rica for Bailey's mother's wedding to Bug Man. Bailey has mixed feelings about the marriage but everything seems perfect, so ...