Book 7 in the Bailey Fish Adventure Series begins when Bailey Fish, her grandmother, Sugar, and their neighbors are delighted when Captain Calliope shows up at Keswick Inn with his Great Goateenies. The captain hopes to put together a new circus act with an unlikely combination of animals to replace his original, famous Great Goateenies that performed amazing tricks. Shorty after his arrival, Captain Calliope mysteriously disappears, leaving behind the new Goateenies with instructions for their care. Bailey, Justin Rudd, Noah and Fred Keswick and their foster sister, Sparrow, try to train the animals in his absence and plan their own backyard circus. However, the Goateenies prove difficult to teach. Other problems arise when Bailey learns of her traveling mother's surprising news, and later confronts a bully at a party. The famous Ballet of the Elephants is part of the story.
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