The buttoned-up town of Havenhurst isn’t ready for the Mayberrys, especially when they roll in on a garbage truck piled high with their trash sculptures. Their daughter Sara who longs for conventional living, finds a friend in Fat Glenda, a larger-...
Can a twelve-year-old, five-foot-nine-inch girl who thinks she has "horsy" teeth find happiness for a summer? It's bad enough that Tina's mother and father get separated. And Tina can't understand what her dad sees in "Rosebud," his new girlfriend...
Olivia's sister Meredith was editor of the high school literary magazine, her brother Greg had just started at Yale on a scholarship, and her mother was enrolled at the local community college. But Olivia didn't even like school. “You're just going...
Working as a waitress at Thorn Ridge Inn, Glenda fights the battle of the bulge while she tries to avoid the tempting food around her, attract the attention of Justin, a teenage waiter, cope with Sara's sudden aloofness, and deal with her mother's re...
As the end of the summer approaches, Glenda despairs at her rapidly expanding size, but a sudden career break with the All-Girl Modeling Agency, which specializes in overweight girls, gives Glenda the self-esteem she needs...
In a stunning new novel completed just before her death in 2013, award-winning author Lila Perl introduces us to Isabel Brandt, a French-phrase-dropping twelve-year-old New Yorker who's more interested in boys and bobbing her nose than the distant wa...
Germany on the cusp of World War II. Hitler has risen to power, and the Jews are being taken away from their homes in the middle of the night, forced to wear yellow stars, their businesses smashed, their lives in ruins. In the middle of all this is L...