Dickensian fans will delight in this raucously fun and altogether original and comedic tribute to Jacob Marley of A Christmas Carol fame. Part historical fiction, part ghost story, one hundred percent English charm, Jacob Marley, A Ghost's Story by J...
John Thomas’s riveting debut collection features characters that are faced with existential crises and the challenges of everyday life. A clown steals a painting from the home of a business major at a children’s birthday party; a man is visited b...
This is a fable about a twenty-one year old man, Ebenezer Scrooge, who is frustrated with just about everything; his life, his job, his girl. Not unlike many his age, this particular individual displays little or no patience when dealing with anyone,...
The president of New York University offers a love letter to America’s most beloved sport and a tribute to its underlying spirituality. For more than a decade, John Sexton has taught a wildly popular New York University course about two seemingly ...
This book was a brain storm after spending 2 weeks of training at the National Fire Academy. This started with a few older investigators and newer investigators sitting around the table at the Command Post (if you have ever been to the NFA you know w...
James Sterling, Junior, has it all. He’s young, handsome, Ivy League educated, and best of all, he’s the only heir to a king-sized fortune. The only problem is James, Senior, disapproves of his son’s good-for-nothing lifestyle and leaves his en...
A truly innovative book for cat and kitten lovers — Oliver’s naughty and precocious perceptions of humans will delight, surprise and perhaps even shock you. Oliver Kitten was born in a firetruck and ends up living with a three-generation ...
Two young girls, one Ukrainian and one Russian, are dealing with harsh realities of war and with love in their hearts they both display courage as they try their best to share the atrocities of war with those who do not know the truth of what is happ...