John Burley’s The Absence of Mercy is a harrowing tale of suspense involving a brutal murder and dark secrets that lie beneath the surface of a placid, tight-knit Midwestern town. When a brutally murdered teenager is discovered in the woods surr...
Menaker State Hospital is a curse, a refuge, a prison, a necessity, a nightmare, a salvation When Dr. Lise Shields arrived at the correctional psychiatric facility five years ago, she was warned that many of its patients--committed by Maryland's j...
A gripping and darkly psychological novel about family, suspicion, and the price we are willing to pay to protect those we love the most. It’s the summer of 1954, and the residents of Cottonwood, California, are dying. At the center of it all i...
From the award-winning author of The Absence of Mercy comes a chilling psychological thriller about a family and community divided by tragedy, and the dark secrets that will set their town aflame. When Erin Reece left Wolf Point fifteen years ago ...