The real Harry and Lola are white colored Scottish Terriers who were rescued after being orphaned in Portland, Oregon. This is a delightful story about how they are adopted by a new family living in Central Oregon. Soon they met a new friend, a wise...
This is a collection of the adventures of Harry and Lola, a pair of rescued Scotties. This collection includes three books from the series of stories created by the dog’s adoptive “mommy”, Jean Nave. Each adventure is grounded in some actual fa...
For kids aged 5 to 9. Harry and Lola spend a day at the Sisters Rodeo. During their visit they meet a number of rodeo animals: including a calf roping horse, Bright Eyes, a roping calf, Dash and a Brahma bull, Saint Peter. In the process the Scottie...
Smoki gives Harry his magical powers and Harry and Lola use the magic to take a trip to Scotland where they visit Dunnottar Castle on the North Sea. At the castle, they meet a Spanish dragon, Sebastian, whose wing is broken. Harry uses his magic to...
Harry and Lola Meet Santa Paws tells the story of the furry Christmas legend with twenty-four original color illustrations. Two rescued Scottish Terriers, Harry and Lola, meet Santa Paws one Christmas Eve. Once one of Santa’s helpers, Santa Paws t...
This is a three chapter book with 40 full color illustrations. Smoki gives Harry his magical powers and Harry and Lola use the magic to take a trip to Scotland where they visit Dunnottar Castle on the North Sea. At the castle, they meet a Spanish dra...
The joyous spirit of Christmas, sharing and caring, is at the heart of this story and 20 original color illustrations. Children love to help and want to be loved. This story inspires these qualities in the reader. At the end of the book kids are ...
MacDuffer, a magical spirit, joins rescued Scotties, Harry and Lola, introducing children to a magical game of golf. Surprises await Harry and Lola when they go on vacation. Staying at a golfing resort brings the pair face to face with MacDuffer, the...
Harry and Lola Meet Starprancer is the perfect gift for any child who loves horses and action. Because of Harry’s magical powers (given to him by Smoki the magical cat) Harry and Lola are introduced to Starprancer, a winged horse who protects wild ...