A sweeping generational saga about an American Jewish family from Eastern Europe, who settle in the Susquehanna River valley of Northeastern Pennsylvania in the late 19th century. The main character is Dr. Arthur Hillman, a dedicated physician, who...
In Susqehanna, Harriet Segal created a mesmerizing tale of four generations of the Hillman family, portraying in rich detail the experience of immigration and assimilation, the loves and hopes of New World dreams and Old World traditions. Now,...
Spanning the years of the Great Depression and World War II, this saga of a Southern Jewish family moves from New York to Paris, from Monte Carlo to London, but always it returns to its main setting, the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.
A B...
SHARED SECRETS AND DREAMS OF LOVE Closer than sisters, beautiful cousins Lauren and Charlotte Lee grow up together in the breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. One cousin is wealthy and vivacious, the other talented and innocent, bu...
Crumbling marriages, torrid love affairs, and scandalous legal wranglings are interwoven with richly detailed flashbacks to World War II-era New York, in this tempestuous saga that is centered on a matriarch, the widow of a popular 1940's songwriter....