1896: The saga continues as young, headstrong Maria Smythe leaves her childhood home to pursue an education at a prestigious ladies' college. Little does she suspect how sheltered her life has been, the dark secrets her father has kept or the imminen...
In a departure from her young adult, gothic mystery series The von Strassenberg Saga, Wright dives into a cozy tale of murder in the small town of Holler's Grove. Newbie reporter Liza McPherson has been laid off from her blogging post with a big news...
The von Strassenberg Saga continues in this between-the-numbers novella. William Drexler III's day isn't off to a great start. Trapped and alone he begins searching for a way out. Instead of escape he finds answers to a family secret that has lasted ...
In 1905 Katie yearns for the attention of her husband who spends all his energy working for Doctor von Strassenberg. Nothing can break him from his obsessive allegiance for the doctor with exception of the doctor's young and handsome grandson who has...
Not all romances are fairytales. In 1877, Katherine Demure, brimming over with discontentment, is swept into the arms of the mysterious Viktor von Strassenberg who is newly arrived from Europe with dark rumors preceding him. Hoping to find love and a...
From a town where cell phone reception is sketchy if not all-together nonexistent, Twenty-two year old Dacie Mae MacIver is discontent with her small town life. Tucked away in the hills, she has big city dreams of being a journalist. With the encoura...
He's been in town for less than 24 hours and already Dacie Mae has had enough of recently returned hometown rocker, Henry Wallace. The young reporter tries to get his story out of him without getting entangled in his charming flirtations. Thankfully,...
The bodies keep dropping. Dacie Mae is worn to the bone dealing with death and the flirtations of rock star, Henry James, and the ambiguous gestures of US Marshal Hank McClain. Trying to keep focused on the future, she turns her attention to a handso...